Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-08-24 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu in Paris! (Post #713)

Bonjour mes amies! It's Emma here, and guess what? I'm in Paris! Yes, the city of lights, love and, of course, fashion! I arrived on the EuroStar yesterday, which, let me tell you, is like stepping into a fairytale. I love the smooth ride, the views flitting past the window and the exciting sense of journey. Plus, they let you take your shoes off on the train, which is a real treat when you've spent the day twirling in your pointe shoes.

This trip to Paris is something I've been dreaming of for ages. It’s been fuelled by ballet performances at my favourite Derbyshire theatre and a little side hustle – you know, my very own ballet class, ‘Pink Tutu Pirouettes’, for all the aspiring dancers in my area. Honestly, seeing those tiny ballerinas (and the mums with dreams of tutu’d glory!) all excited to pirouette is the absolute best.

So, what’s in store for this weekend of pink Parisian fun?

Let’s start with a sprinkle of Parisian magic. Today is a truly iconic day – Bastille Day! While it’s all a bit later than I normally blog on a Saturday (I’m still settling in), I can already tell that this Parisian Bastille Day is going to be spectacular! Think French flag bunting, the smell of crêpes sizzling away on street corners, and that distinct atmosphere of celebrating freedom in this stunning city.

Speaking of streets… you all know that street performance is my other favourite thing after ballet, and let me tell you, Paris is a mecca for street dancers! I'm ready to see every single dancer in every street and soak up the magic! My pink tutu is prepped, my dance shoes are packed, and I am ready to be inspired! I might even have to film a few steps to share with you all - but don't tell anyone about my secret Parisian ballerina moves! ;)

Now, about the shopping!

Paris, oh Paris… I feel like I could shop in this city for a whole year and still not see everything. Think boutiuqes galore, each more glamorous than the last! I have a strict schedule for today though - first stop is Les Halles for some delightful shoes that are absolutely destined to make my feet look even more beautiful.

Speaking of beautiful feet, who else can't get enough of gorgeous ballerina shoes? The Parisian designers always know how to put a unique twist on classic footwear, and I plan to find some stunning shoes and, maybe, a cute handbag or two.

And, oh, you can't talk about Parisian shopping without mentioning the irresistible French fashion. We're talking flowy dresses, fabulous coats, and those irresistible scarves that would be perfect with a pink tutu… Hmm, I've just had a fantastic idea! My next blog post will have to be dedicated to tutu styling for the Parisian streets, wouldn’t that be so fun? Maybe I'll get some Parisian ladies to help me model. Imagine, Parisian women rocking a pink tutu… oh, my dream of the pink tutu takeover is happening slowly!

Back to the schedule!

Later this evening, I'll be treating myself to a visit to the iconic Palais Garnier Opera House. It's not just an Opera house, my darlings! This place is steeped in history. Can you imagine a little tutu girl like me stepping into the heart of that magnificent space? There's a magic, an energy here that's truly inspirational. This evening I'm going to the see the Ballet Opéra. My tickets are already tucked safely in my bag. It’s my special treat after all that shopping!

I've already fallen in love with Paris, with its chic style and captivating charm. And guess what? I have a little secret for you all… There's another treat I have in store: I'm going to be taking a dance class while I'm here! Oh, the romance! Paris, ballet, pink tutu… My dreams are coming true! I’m a little scared, you see, it's one thing to dance on the Derbyshire stage and another thing altogether to face a classroom of Parisian ballerinas. It's a good kind of scared, though, you know… the kind that keeps me energized and excited!

Of course, I’ll tell you all about it in next week's blog - more Paris, more tutus and…well…you’ll just have to wait and see!

But wait, what am I saying? I’m only on the first day! I've still got a whole week of Parisian wonders left, from exploring charming cafes to enjoying the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower (don’t forget your pink tutu… it's a fabulous look!) There are more street dancers to be found, more ballet shops to browse and, let's be honest, plenty of cake shops and chocolatiers that I just have to visit, because I believe in finding beauty and indulgence wherever you go.

I can already tell you this – it’s going to be a magical week. A pink tutu week! I'll be sharing all my Parisian adventures with you, from the delicious smells to the breathtaking sights and sounds. So, stick around and enjoy this Parisian journey with me.

Au revoir, mes amies, and see you next Saturday with a whole new story about my Pink Tutu journey in the city of love!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-08-24 Exploring Paris