Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-11-02 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris – Post 723: Bonjour, Paris!

Oh la la, darlings! Bonjour from Paris! It’s Emma here, your pink tutu-wearing ballerina, ready to share my Parisian adventures with you all! This week’s post is extra special because I've just arrived in the City of Lights and I’m already feeling utterly inspired.

The Eurostar journey was as magical as always, with a touch of chic, French elegance. I felt like a little ballerina doll nestled in my carriage, watching the countryside flit by in a blur of green and brown. It felt almost cinematic – I wouldn't be surprised if a romance started on board, like in those classic, silver-screen films. (But luckily, the man opposite me wasn’t half as charming as the dreamy Parisian types you see in films... He was busy on his laptop, and judging by the volume of emails he was sending, he wasn't quite feeling the French je ne sais quoi. Poor darling.)

Speaking of "darlings" - can we talk about the French people? There’s just something about their charm, isn't there? They're all about effortless style, with a touch of romantic flair. I'm convinced everyone in Paris owns a little black dress and has at least one pair of sleek black ballet pumps in their closet.

This week, my adventures in Paris are all about taking in the art and beauty of this magnificent city. My first stop is the world-renowned Palais Garnier, the haunt of my balletic idols. It’s a haven for those who appreciate the delicate artistry and exquisite costumes of a classic ballet production. I’ll be attending a performance by the Paris Opera Ballet, which I'm utterly ecstatic about.

Imagine a grand stage, illuminated with a dazzling chandelier, a hushed theatre buzzing with excitement, and the magic of ballet under the Parisian lights… I can't even!

Ballet, shopping, and croissants, oh my!

Of course, I can’t ignore the city’s irresistible shopping temptations. This is the Parisian dream, my darlings! Today, I'm on a quest to find the most fabulous pink tutus, so I’m off to explore the chic boutiques in Saint Germain-des-Pres. Just imagine me, gliding through the cobbled streets in my own pastel pink tulle dream, a vision in pink amongst the Parisian elegance!

Of course, a visit to Paris isn’t complete without a perfect French pastry experience, and what better place to have one than in the charmingly-named Rue de la Patisserie? This is my favourite time of year in Paris – the season of decadent cakes, crispy pastries, and hot chocolate! I’ve got my eye on the chocolate croissant; you just have to try one if you're in Paris.

Tonight, I'm taking in a charming little theatre performance by Ballet Paris. This theatre is known for its experimental and modern ballet pieces – the perfect place for my little ballerina soul to soak up some exciting new movements. And if all goes well, perhaps I'll be spotted wearing a sparkly pink tutu amongst the Parisian crowd!

My adventures in the City of Lights have only just begun, my darlings. Join me next week, as we explore the chic cafes, charming bookstores, and perhaps a cheeky little art gallery. But before I leave you all to ponder your Parisian dreams, remember: if you feel a little adventurous, why not try wearing a pink tutu? Maybe a little dash of pink sparkle can liven up your week too!


Emma xxx

P.S. Don’t forget to check out next Saturday for my latest Paris post, packed with pictures, and insider tips for all the pink-loving ballerina enthusiasts out there!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-11-02 Exploring Paris