Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-11-16 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post #725)

Oh la la! It's Emma here, your Pink Tutu correspondent, writing to you from the utterly fabulous city of Paris! I finally arrived this morning, fresh off the EuroStar and practically bouncing with excitement. I always find that the journey from England to Paris is a truly magical one, and it's so much more civilised to travel by train – a million times more fun than any old plane.

The EuroStar is my absolute favourite way to get about – you just pop on, grab a latte and a pain au chocolat (they always have the BEST pastries on the Eurostar) and suddenly you’re whizzing through the countryside. I even managed to squeeze in a quick ballet practice session on the train thanks to a bit of extra space – those platform shoes aren't ideal for dancing on the crowded carriages though!

Speaking of the magical feeling of travelling, Paris always gets my heart racing with its vibrant atmosphere and stunning architecture. Everything feels a little more whimsical here, just like the most wonderful dream.

Anyway, back to Paris! The minute I arrived, the city seemed to envelope me in a fairytale aura. The air is a bit crisper here than in England, there's this gorgeous, gentle autumn breeze that tickles your face and whispers of long, elegant evenings and cosy cafes. I simply love the French aesthetic – they really have mastered the art of making everyday things feel elegant and luxurious. Even a trip to the boulangerie seems like a glamorous event in Paris.

Now, I know you're all dying to hear about my adventures in this stylish city, so let's jump straight in…

Saturday, November 16th - Fashion, Fun and More Fashion

After I dropped my bags at the gorgeous, quintessentially Parisian hotel (it has a pink door!), my first stop was to a hidden gem of a tea salon I found online. I mean, how could I come to Paris without indulging in some of those decadent cakes and exquisite teas? I enjoyed the most delightful almond cake with delicate, vanilla-infused tea. My tummy (and my soul) was happy.

Then, it was time to conquer the shopping! It's always exciting to see what the Parisian fashion scene is rocking, and this season, it's all about layering, bold colours, and the unexpected. I'm already plotting how I can add a Parisian flair to my own wardrobe, with an amazing blush pink coat from the latest Chanel collection being at the top of my list (one can dream, right?!). I just love that even my simple black ballet skirt looks different against the stunning Parisian backdrop.

Later in the afternoon, I found myself mesmerized by the dazzling Notre-Dame cathedral. It’s even more breathtaking in person – the intricate details and gothic architecture simply take your breath away. I took so many photos I almost got lost in my own photo stream! A quick wander through the enchanting Tuileries Gardens with a baguette and a croissant (it's all part of the experience!) finished off my afternoon with Parisian charm.

The evening was a complete whirlwind of cultural delights. After catching the tail end of a delightful, open-air opera performance on the steps of the Sacré-Cœur Basilica (you’re truly never too far from some beautiful music in Paris), I managed to sneak in a viewing of “Romeo & Juliet” at the beautiful Palais Garnier opera house. The staging and costumes were magnificent! It was just the perfect way to end the day. I am still dreaming of those incredible pink and emerald-green tutus!

My Pink Tutu Diaries

It goes without saying that Paris is my ultimate haven for all things pink and tutu-worthy. Everywhere I look there’s inspiration, whether it’s the elegant ladies in their perfectly tailored pink coats or the bright pink accents peeking out from behind vintage shops and boulangeries.

This time, my pink tutu is really enjoying the spotlight! It has become my unofficial tour guide – the best way to get everyone smiling and looking at me is to strut around the city in it. I love the way it looks in photos – it's almost like the tutu becomes a part of the Parisian scenery! People look at you with wonder and a touch of amusement – there’s no hiding it when you’re a pink tutu-clad tourist! I’m definitely encouraging everyone to break out their pink tutus!

There's even a pink tutu shop that I plan to explore later this week – I can't wait to see what treasures await me!

I've also been experimenting with a new pink makeup palette that gives me that perfect Parisian air of elegance and mischief – it’s a little bit dramatic and definitely chic.

I have to say, Paris is a total feast for the senses! The city is bursting with artistic energy and captivating beauty – it's an endless source of inspiration, especially for someone like me, who finds fashion and beauty woven into the very fabric of everyday life. I feel completely transported, as if I've stepped into a vintage ballet film or a beautiful fairy tale.

Pink Tutu Tip

Here’s a tip I’ve learned from my Paris excursions: never be afraid to embrace a touch of theatricality! Parisians love it when you stand out, even with a bright pink tutu. So don't hold back, wear that amazing hat, sport a fabulous pair of statement earrings and don't shy away from a bold pink lipstick! After all, there's something wonderfully Parisian about embracing the joy of personal expression.

The Paris Ballet Experience

Next week, I'll be heading to the Garnier Opera House to take a ballet class! This is a must-do for any ballet enthusiast. I am definitely going to get my photo taken in front of the stunning Garnier stage. It would look incredible against the majestic architecture, and I just have to be photographed doing a pirouette, with my tutu swirling around me.

Oh, and did I mention the food?! The pastry shops, the cafes, the boulangeries – I am having a foodgasm every moment! Paris knows how to create an edible feast. The fresh bread, the croissants that melt in your mouth, and the chocolate desserts – my heart is bursting with happy sigh every time I take a bite. I am practically eating my way through this magical city.

But don't worry, my Pink Tutu Adventures are far from over. There's so much more to share:

  • More Fashion finds: My Parisian Shopping Spree: Look out for the chicest stores and latest trends.
  • Culinary Delights: Exploring the Best Pâtisseries: A complete guide to Parisian treats.
  • Ballet Adventures: Behind the Scenes at the Garnier Opera House: An exclusive peek at the life of a Paris ballerina.
  • Travel Tips: How to be a Pink Tutu Tourist in Paris: I'll share all my Parisian tips, from where to buy the best pastries to finding those hidden cafes.
  • And much, much more…

So keep an eye out for my next Pink Tutu Paris post, which will be popping up right here next Saturday!

Until then, let your inner Parisian bloom! And remember, a pink tutu always adds a touch of magic!


Emma, Your Pink Tutu Blogger

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-11-16 Exploring Paris