Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-12-14 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Travels: Paris, Je T'aime! (Post #729)

Bonjour, mes chéries! It’s Emma here, reporting live from the City of Lights, and my, oh my, is it ever shining! As I write this, the sun is dipping behind the Eiffel Tower, casting its golden glow across the Seine. Paris has that je ne sais quoi, you know? It's a feeling, a vibe, a little touch of magic that seeps into your soul and leaves you utterly enchanted.

This week, I decided to ditch the Derbyshire chill for a touch of Parisian glamour, thanks to my little dance performance last Saturday. (Did you know I raised £125 with my 'Nutcracker' routine? Talk about a sweet treat!) It wasn’t hard to persuade my friends that a weekend away was well deserved. Especially with the allure of a Eurostar ride, one of my favourite ways to travel. There’s something so luxurious about hurtling through the countryside, gazing at the landscape whizz by. And the hot chocolate on board? Heaven.

Anyway, let’s skip the travel talk, shall we? You know I’m all about the fashion, darling! The moment I set foot in Paris, I felt the excitement bubble over. It’s like walking into a giant couture catwalk, only it’s real! You’ve got to see the stunning shop windows, the stylish ladies in their elegant coats and berets, even the dogs wearing scarves! Oh, the Parisians, so chic!

Speaking of chic... You'll never believe this, but I saw a man wearing a pink tutu yesterday! Right outside the Centre Pompidou. He was doing a little jig, holding a bouquet of flowers, and he totally stole the show! Honestly, I thought it was a dream, but I checked my phone - nope, he was as real as can be! I tried to convince him to take a selfie with me, but he just shrugged, gave me a little bow, and vanished into the crowds. Très mysterious!

But, back to my adventures. Yesterday was all about art and culture. First, we visited the Louvre! Did you know that the Mona Lisa actually has a bodyguard? How grand! I found myself completely mesmerised by the intricate details in the paintings, and the sculptures are absolutely breathtaking. The whole place is a sensory overload of beauty!

After all that art appreciation, we went for a delicious picnic at the Jardin des Tuileries. Picture it: soft green grass, elegant topiary, laughter, chatter, and of course, a cheeky macaroon. You know I had to bring a pink picnic blanket! It just wouldn't do to have my Parisian photos lacking that vibrant touch. The perfect pink!

As the evening settled, we made our way to the Place de la Concorde for the Christmas markets. This place truly has magic in the air! They had a huge carousel, beautifully decorated stalls selling artisanal gifts and treats, and, drum roll please, a giant pink gingerbread house! It was my inner child’s dream come true, complete with sparkling lights, candy cane ornaments, and a real, live gingerbread man waving to me from the window! I felt like I was transported into a winter wonderland straight out of a fairytale.

Today's schedule involves shopping, of course. I've already got my eye on a fuschia pink beret that would be just perfect for those cool Parisian days, and a lace dress, which I envision with a sprinkle of Parisian glitter! The French style just begs for pink tutus! Imagine the possibilities: a pink tutu and a red beret, maybe even a little joie de vivre for good measure. We’ll see how much glitter can fit into my suitcase!

Don't you just love this city? It’s full of charm and energy, but it also knows how to appreciate the small things - the elegant walks along the banks of the Seine, the beautiful flowers on the stalls, the leisurely afternoon coffees at the cafes.

Tonight, we have tickets to see the Nutcracker ballet. I can't wait to see how Paris does it. I bet they have exquisite sets, dazzling costumes, and those French ballerinas always have that captivating elegance, n'est-ce pas?

That’s all for now, mes amies! But I promise to be back next Saturday with another pink-tastic Parisian update. In the meantime, remember, every day is an opportunity to add a touch of pink tutu magic to your life! And maybe even take a leap of faith and try a joie de vivre adventure yourself.



Don’t forget to visit for more pink tutu magic! And follow me on social media for daily doses of pink-tastic inspiration!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-12-14 Exploring Paris