Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-02-15 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris: #PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #738

Bonjour mes amis! It's Saturday, 15th February 2014, and Paris is calling! After a whirlwind journey on the Eurostar, which, by the way, is absolutely delightful for any tutu-loving traveller (who can resist a train with views like those?), I've landed in the City of Lights and I am officially smitten.

This is post #738 from, your weekly dose of pink, sparkles, and all things ballet from your favourite Derbyshire ballerina. And, darling, I've got news - this trip to Paris has got to be one of my most exciting yet.

So, picture this: me, in my trademark pink tutu (this one is a blush silk, perfect for a Parisian promenade) with a suitcase overflowing with the most divine vintage finds, strolling along the cobbled streets, stopping at quaint patisseries for macarons (which, of course, I wore with a delicate pink ribbon in my hair - gotta stay on theme, right?!). It's like a fairytale come true.

I've always dreamed of spending time in Paris. The magic of ballet here is simply divine. Last night I went to see a performance at the Opera Garnier, the costumes were stunning, and the dancing just blew me away. Every move felt so effortless, so graceful. I had to take a minute afterwards to reflect on the sheer beauty and emotion of it all, clutching my little notebook to record my thoughts. It really was truly spectacular!

And you know what else? The Parisians are simply charming! So friendly and stylish, they know how to work those shades of pink! In fact, my quest to encourage the world to wear tutus is taking a real leap forward here in Paris. It seems everyone has their own individual style, but I think they all agree: a little pink and twirling goes a long way. I even spotted a street performer doing a graceful ballet routine in a shocking pink tutu - how could I resist snapping a photo? You’ll see it on Instagram, dear friends!

Of course, no Parisian trip is complete without indulging in a bit of shopping, and let me tell you, my dear fashionistas, this city is a wonderland of exquisite finds! From vintage lace and floral patterns to the chicest designer pieces, every corner whispers of sophistication. This week, my purchases include a stunning pink wool coat (with a touch of delicate black trim - the perfect blend of sweet and elegant), a vintage hat adorned with feathers and beads, and a pair of classic ballet pumps – the perfect addition to my wardrobe for a day of elegant Parisienne strolling. I also spotted a stunning shop, hidden away down a tiny alley, full of ballet-themed jewelry. Imagine my delight when I found the most beautiful pearl earrings shaped like a dancer in a graceful pose.

My evenings have been filled with enchanting experiences. On Monday, I visited the charming Moulin Rouge – can you imagine, seeing the can-can right in front of your very eyes? The vibrant atmosphere, the colourful costumes, and the joyful energy made for a truly unforgettable experience! And last night, I caught a cabaret show at the Lido. Glittering lights, extravagant costumes and graceful dancers made me feel as if I was living a dream! It was so much fun to soak up the lively energy of the city's entertainment scene and capture some stunning images with my camera.

And speaking of capturing moments, I have to tell you about this incredible view. The Eiffel Tower at night! The twinkling lights illuminate the Parisian sky like a million tiny stars. And my heart is simply full.

To fund this trip, you know I've been performing in ballet shows back in Derbyshire, as always. You can’t do this kind of travelling on tutu fluff alone! It takes passion, dedication, and a bit of financial savvy - you’ll be seeing another post soon on my top money-making tips for aspiring ballerinas.

Oh, darling, my time in Paris is truly flying by! Tomorrow I have a special Parisian tea party planned with a charming gentleman I met in the ballet class I’m taking in the Marais. Oh, what will we wear?!

Until next Saturday, au revoir mes amis. Remember to follow my journey on my other social media accounts, darling! My Instagram @PinkTutuGirl is bursting with Paris pictures. Don't forget to check in next week for my next blog, where I'll be sharing all my favourite Parisian finds and experiences. Until then, keep dancing, and most importantly, embrace the pink!



P.S. I am completely in love with my new tutu!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-02-15 Exploring Paris