Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-02-22 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - #739 - Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Bonjour mes chéri(e)s!

It’s Saturday again, which means a fresh post on the Pink Tutu Blog! I am beyond thrilled to share my adventures with you from the City of Lights – Paris! I've just arrived after a super-smooth EuroStar journey from Derby. It's always a joy to travel by train, and the views of the countryside speeding past never fail to captivate me.

Speaking of captivate, Paris is just oozing with glamour and charm. The cobblestone streets, the Eiffel Tower twinkling in the distance, the quaint cafes spilling out onto the pavements… I feel like I've stepped right into a fairytale!

This trip is a little different for me. It's a whirlwind of ballet, theatre, and fashion, but not in the usual Pink Tutu way! You see, I’m here for the next two weeks to attend the prestigious Paris Opera Ballet competition. My best friend from ballet school, Amelia, and I have been training together for months, perfecting our routines, dreaming of this very moment.

Of course, the thrill of the competition itself isn't the only thing on my agenda! I have to make time for a little Pink Tutu fun in this, the fashion capital of the world. We all know Paris is legendary for its stylish boutiques, so my first stop was obviously a trip to the Chanel flagship store on Rue Cambon. Now, even for me, a little bit of Pink Tutu magic in the Chanel store is simply over the top, it's something out of my dreams! A real princess experience, no exaggeration!

I found myself absolutely mesmerised by the beautiful garments and intricate details. My heart just skipped a beat when I saw the tweed jackets. So classic, so chic, but with a playful touch that’s just utterly Chanel. I managed to resist the urge to swipe my card for the whole shop… but only just! It would have taken one, tiny pink tweed jacket to tempt me, but I’m sticking to my ballet budget for now.

Thankfully, after my Chanel shopping trip, I was ready to have a little rest at a traditional French cafe. It's funny, you would think I'd be all for high-fashion cafes and champagne, but sometimes you just crave a little simple charm. That, and my favourite pastry: an éclair! My absolute weakness!

And of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a trip to see a performance. I’m utterly in awe of the grand Paris Opera House, with its ornate architecture and breathtaking auditorium. And just the thought of a ballet performance there is enough to make any dancer's heart soar. This weekend, Amelia and I saw the most wonderful production of La Bayadère - an absolute triumph. The dancers were incredibly talented and the choreography was just mind-blowing! I practically leapt from my seat during the "Kingdom of the Shades" sequence! Such raw beauty!

The show left me feeling inspired and full of awe, ready to return to the studio and push my limits. After all, it’s important to be inspired by other dancers and always aim for excellence! But it was also a wonderful reminder that ballet isn’t just about the technical side - it’s about capturing an emotion, a story, and sharing it with the audience.

Speaking of emotions, I have to share one little piece of Paris magic! While I was leaving the opera house, I stumbled upon the most incredible street performance – an artist who was painting incredible portraits of the city’s iconic landmarks using just chalk on the pavement! Such vibrant colour, capturing Paris’s beauty perfectly. As a bonus, he was wearing a glorious pink bow tie. My little Pink Tutu heart just melted, even without a tutu, this was real Pink Tutu magic.

So that’s my Parisian adventure for the day! As always, there's plenty more to see, experience, and of course, wear in Paris! I’ll keep you posted on my journey in my next blog post, including my competition progress (wish me luck!) and the cutest pink tutu I’ve spotted so far!

Au revoir, my sweethearts, until next week!

Lots of love and tutus,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-02-22 Exploring Paris