Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-03-29 Exploring Paris

Paris, Je T'aime! - Post #744

Bonjour, mes chéries!

This Saturday finds me in the City of Lights, a magical city that's practically bursting with pink tutu potential! Paris is already practically made for my brand of feminine whimsy, and after a thrilling journey on the Eurostar - with not one but two charming French gentlemen asking me to teach them the "Pink Tutu Waltz" - I feel like a fairytale princess finally stepping into her storybook kingdom.

This trip is a little different for me, my loves. This isn't a usual, let's-do-a-tour-and-hit-all-the-hot-spots kind of jaunt. No, this is a "Pink Tutu on a Mission" adventure!

You see, my ballet performances have been paying off more generously than usual this month, which means I'm finally able to splurge on a long weekend dedicated to one very important pursuit: discovering the Parisian ballet scene.

I've always dreamed of taking classes at the legendary École de Danse de l'Opéra de Paris. But, of course, nothing quite captures the romance of this city like a classic performance at the Palais Garnier. With the help of my wonderful Paris-based tutu-loving friend, Henri, who was born and raised just a stone's throw from the Eiffel Tower, I snagged a prime seat at tonight's performance. Can you even imagine, my darlings? The legendary Swan Lake, performed under the dazzling chandelier of the Palais Garnier. A true pink tutu dream come true!

But before I start fangirling about swan feathers and majestic ballet poses (I'll have plenty to share in next week's post, promise!), let's take a quick detour to this Saturday's outfit!

Imagine this: a flowing silk blush pink dress with a tiny, embroidered swan on the bodice. Over that, a cloud of a tutu, perfect in its delicate, ballerina pink tones. And, because a little whimsy never hurt anyone, a small sparkly pink headband perched atop my perfect pink bob. I finished the look with some strappy, blush-pink sandals and a cute pink floral bag I found tucked away in a little shop on Rue de Rivoli. Divine!

Honestly, the whole of Paris seemed to be shimmering pink just to match my outfit.

Now, let's talk about the Eurostar! It truly felt like the most glamorous way to travel. The staff, with their impeccable Parisian style, treated me like royalty. They were so excited when they saw my pink tutu!

And the scenery… it was simply breathtaking. The rolling countryside, the wind whipping through my hair, and the glimpse of the Eiffel Tower rising from the distance as we neared Paris - c'était magique!

Of course, the highlight of this adventure had to be meeting Henri, a charming young artist and my guide for all things Parisian! He met me at the station, his Parisian chic practically radiating pinkness. We embraced in a Parisian hug (that’s a thing!), both of us excited to be exploring the city together.

He promised to show me hidden Parisian gems - art galleries tucked away in tiny courtyards, the most delicious patisseries, and the best places to buy Parisian fashion, naturally. I’m all for anything that makes my pink tutu dreams come true!

Today’s itinerary involved exploring the Marais, one of the trendiest districts in Paris. The little, cobblestone streets, brimming with cafés and charming boutiques, reminded me of something straight out of a movie!

We strolled hand-in-hand (not literally, of course! It’s 2014, darling) down Rue des Francs Bourgeois, its old Parisian buildings whispering tales of bygone eras.

And where there are old buildings, you're bound to find a lovely old bookshop! We found one called 'Shakespeare & Company,' tucked away in a courtyard and smelling like vintage parchment and dreams. Henri suggested it might be a perfect place to write a play inspired by The Nutcracker. He even proposed a Pink Tutu-themed production!

Then it was off to an art gallery called Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac that felt like a portal into a world of artistic dreams. There was this beautiful abstract piece, swirly and swirling, all pinks and grays, that really called to me. It's the kind of thing that would look just lovely next to a strategically-placed, sparkly pink tutu don’t you think?

To wrap up the afternoon, Henri led me through the bustling market at the Place des Vosges, which I learned was the heart of the Marais. I couldn't help myself; I snagged a fresh baguette, some strawberries, and some cheese - after all, even a pink tutu needs a healthy breakfast!

Now, before you ask, dear reader, the cheese I got was pink. (Okay, so it was white but with pink edges, which is practically the same thing, right?).

Tonight’s Parisian adventures, my loves, include a special tour of the Palais Garnier – just for me! Henri and his aunt are both ballet enthusiasts (his aunt is a former dancer), and together we’ll explore the grand halls and marvel at the craftsmanship of this iconic theatre. Then we'll head back to their flat, where, if I'm lucky, we might enjoy a lovely evening filled with classic French music, stories of past ballets, and of course, a delicious (and likely pink!) dessert.

The rest of the weekend promises an exciting lineup of activities! From visiting the stunning Musée d'Orsay to savouring exquisite macarons and decadent pastries, this Parisian trip is about more than just enjoying delicious treats. It's about embracing my inner artist, letting my tutu spirit fly free, and discovering the magical power of pinkness.

Stay tuned for next week's post, darlings! I'm going to have a lot to share about my time at the Palais Garnier, exploring the Musée d'Orsay, and maybe even a tutu-inspired Parisian photoshoot!

Au revoir, mes chéries, and until next Saturday, keep shining in your own pink tutu magic!




#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-03-29 Exploring Paris