Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-05-24 Exploring Paris

Paris Calling: A Tutu-ful Adventure! #PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 752

Bonjour from the City of Lights! This week's #PinkTutuBlogParis is a little different than usual, as I've traded in my beloved Derbyshire countryside for the cobbled streets and chic boutiques of Paris! It’s always such a thrill to be here, a feeling that I liken to the first notes of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, magical and intoxicating.

I whisked myself here by Eurostar, the sleek silver train hurtling me through the tunnel and into a world of croissants and artistic inspiration. Did I tell you I always pack a pink tutu for travelling? It’s just such a fun conversation starter and brightens up even the dullest of carriages (and I’ve definitely met some wonderful characters on the Eurostar thanks to it)!

Paris, you see, is my muse. A city brimming with beauty, art, and, of course, fashion! This city whispers its secrets to me through every elegant storefront window, every intricate detail of the Louvre, and even the way the light bounces off the Seine. And don't even get me started on the pastries! The French certainly know how to live well, don't they?

And let’s not forget ballet! My Parisian escapade is centred around seeing two very special performances – “La Bayadère” and “Le Corsaire”, both absolutely legendary ballets. The mere thought of seeing those iconic pas de deux in the hallowed halls of the Palais Garnier sends shivers down my spine (not just from the Parisian chill!).

This week, my love of pink tutus, ballet, and travel is reaching fever pitch. Just yesterday, I strolled through the Marais district, my tulle skirt twirling around me like a ballet dream, before popping into a darling little cafe for a divine café au lait. Then I popped over to the Seine, and watched a young girl gracefully perform on the bank with her trusty ballerina bag, showcasing her beautiful talent in her own tutu – I felt like I'd stepped into a Parisian fairytale! It reminded me that wherever you are in the world, beauty and ballet are everywhere!

Of course, no Parisian adventure is complete without a shopping spree! Yesterday, I explored the incredible Galleries Lafayette and Printemps Haussmann, admiring the exquisite window displays and fantasising over all the gorgeous haute couture. And guess what I found? A beautiful pastel pink tutu for the theatre tonight! The perfect accessory to my favourite powder pink silk dress – I am channeling ballerina chic!

This week's #PinkTutuBlogParis is just a snippet of my Parisian escapades. Stay tuned next Saturday, as I share all about "La Bayadère", my glamorous night at the Palais Garnier and the endless discoveries this incredible city holds.

Remember, my dear readers, my mission is simple: to get everyone to embrace their inner ballerina and to wear a pink tutu at least once in their lives! Paris has definitely inspired me, and I hope it's inspiring you, too. Because no matter what we do, let's always do it with a twinkle in our eye and a pink tutu swirling around our feet!

Au revoir for now!

Parisian Musings


Ballet Adventures * "La Bayadère" – A spectacular performance at the Palais Garnier, the iconic opera house, that left me utterly mesmerized. The grandeur of the venue, coupled with the graceful choreography, was simply breathtaking.
* “Le Corsaire" – Another masterpiece at the Opera Garnier, full of vibrant storytelling and thrilling action. It was captivating!

The Fashion Fix * A shopping spree at the legendary Galleries Lafayette and Printemps Haussmann - a true Parisian experience! And yes, I found a perfect tutu!

City Walks * A delightful afternoon stroll through the Marais district, where history whispers through the cobbled streets and cafes. * A picturesque walk by the Seine River – the magic of Paris in its most romantic form!

Tips for a Pink Tutu Parisian Escape * The Louvre: Absolutely essential for any art enthusiast, and it's a true marvel! Remember to leave time to soak in Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa,” but don't forget to admire the stunning collections throughout the Louvre! * The Palais Garnier: The iconic home of the Paris Opera and ballet – a beautiful and truly inspiring building to explore. Remember to get tickets in advance for the ballet performances as they tend to sell out! * Shopping and Cafes: If you want the ultimate Parisian shopping experience, head to Avenue des Champs-Élysées, Avenue Montaigne and the Marais District – your feet will love the shopping (even if your wallet might not!). * River Cruise:* Experience Paris from a different perspective by taking a romantic river cruise down the Seine River.
* * Montmartre:* A quintessential Parisian neighborhood filled with history, art, and charming cafes. It is worth venturing to Sacré-Coeur Basilica – breathtaking views and a moment of calm. * Travel in Style: Embrace the Parisian vibe! Choose chic outfits and pair them with a fun, colorful, and unique tutu (a touch of pink, of course!), or even go for an old school Parisian look, it's all up to you! * Remember your Passport! * It’s important when travelling to a new country, always double check your documents are up-to-date and keep them safe in a money belt or bag for extra safety. * *Book in Advance:* Many shows and excursions require advance bookings, so do it ahead of time to secure your tickets. * Prepare for Walks:* Comfortable shoes are a must in a city where there’s so much to discover! I like to take a couple of comfy shoes, just in case – one for ballet practice, and another for walking!

And, most importantly, embrace the magic of the City of Lights!

P.S. Let me know in the comments below what you would love to see in a Paris edition of #PinkTutuBlogParis!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-05-24 Exploring Paris