Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-06-07 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Travels: Paris, Part I - Bonjour, Mon Chéri! (Post #754)

Oh, mon chéri! The romance is already blooming in the City of Lights! My EuroStar journey whisked me away from Derbyshire's rolling green hills and into a Parisian whirlwind of elegance, excitement, and of course... PINK!

I must say, my pink tulle tutu, hand-stitched with delicate pearls, truly set the scene for a fabulous Parisian adventure. The French seemed smitten, flashing wide smiles as I waltzed through Gare du Nord, my pink petticoats swishing like a mischievous Parisian wind.

Paris is calling, darling, and I'm ready to answer! This week, I'm dedicating myself to exploring its chic boulevards, captivating museums, and of course, soaking in the ballet brilliance!

First Stop: The Palais Garnier

How fitting, that on my first day in Paris, I should be witnessing an iconic spectacle! It wouldn't be a Parisian ballet pilgrimage without a visit to the Palais Garnier! I'm a bit of a theatre and ballet nerd, so this is the pinnacle of excitement.

Today's performance was Giselle - the tragic, romantic masterpiece set to a soundtrack that evokes everything beautiful about the art form. The stage design, the costumes, the passionate storytelling of the ballerinas, it all felt like stepping into a fairy tale! I confess I might have teared up just a tad during the final act, it was just SO evocative.

The Palais Garnier itself, however, is truly a sight to behold. It's an opulent architectural gem, all grand staircases, gold accents, and the most captivating crystal chandelier that you can imagine. Just looking up at that chandelier left me breathless, it's the most beautiful, dramatic ceiling I've ever seen in a theatre, it was as if the world’s most talented sculptor carved each individual petal and bloom into existence.

But wait, there's more! After the ballet, I treated myself to a champagne toast on the grand terrace of the Opera House. The views overlooking the bustling Parisian streets? Heavenly. The pink champagne? Divine.

Second Stop: Discovering Fashion and Food on Rue Saint-Honoré

This charming street is like a pink tutu dream! Every boutique, from the vintage wonders to the high-end designers, oozes chic Parisian charm.

It took every ounce of my self-control to only walk away with one pair of divine lace-up heeled ballet shoes, and a stunning, fluffy pink beret - the kind you dream of owning after watching countless old French films. It’s almost as if I could picture a Parisian gentleman whispering “bonjour, mademoiselle” as I sauntered past

Speaking of indulgence, no visit to Rue Saint-HonorĂ© is complete without savouring Parisian delicacies! This evening, I'm dining at a quaint little bistro that I stumbled upon. Their crĂȘpes are legendary and my pink tutu wouldn't mind an extra helping of their signature vanilla crĂšme brĂ»lĂ©e.

But the day's not over yet! Let's Talk About Pink Tutus...

It seems, darling, that Paris is not afraid of a splash of pink! Everywhere I look, I'm finding hints of the colour, inspiring me to wear my pink tutu proudly.

You might think that wearing a tutu in a sophisticated city like Paris might be frowned upon. Well, think again, mon chĂ©ri. My little tutu journey around the city, and even at the ballet performance, brought nothing but smiles and waves! Maybe it’s time we spread some more pink-tutu cheer around the world?

You see, darling, the best things in life are pink!

See you next Saturday!


P.S.: To all my readers: Don’t forget to leave me your comments and thoughts! Where do you think my Paris adventure will take me next week? Is it time for me to try on a Parisian beret, or shall I stick with my tried and trusted tutus?

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-06-07 Exploring Paris