Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-06-14 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 755: Bonjour from Paris!

Saturday, 14th June 2014

Oh là là, my darlings! I’m in Paris! The City of Lights! I've landed, and I am absolutely bursting with excitement. Just saying the name "Paris" makes my heart skip a beat - and I am not even exaggerating! The dream of a lifetime to be honest, I've been picturing this day since I was a little girl with a big, fluffy pink tutu. And guess what? The city doesn't disappoint! The moment we chugged through the Gare du Nord, I felt like I was stepping into a movie, like I'd been magically whisked away to the most charming, beautiful place on earth. And it’s even better than I could ever have imagined!

Eurostar Dreams

Before I get into the Parisian delights, let's rewind a little…

First, let me just say, I’ve always dreamed of getting to Paris by Eurostar. I’ve been so mesmerised by the sleek, modern trains since I was a kid. There’s a magic to them. The excitement of watching the countryside fly by, of seeing how different the world outside becomes - so effortlessly… Just… whizz… I love that feeling of going from my home in Derbyshire to a completely new landscape.

This time, the Eurostar ride was the ultimate pre-show. We were packed onto the train like sardines in a can, everyone chattering away and exchanging nervous giggles - the excitement was palpable, and it was just delicious to share the feeling. I couldn’t stop giggling - even though the tutu felt a bit too grand for the confined space of the carriage (although it did make it onto the platform in full glory, I am pleased to report! haha). The train's a bit of a chameleon, blending into the background on the British side then morphing into this streamlined machine of glamour and efficiency as you enter France - perfect! The ride was pure joy. And it just got better as the journey went on - the excitement of heading to Paris in my most beloved shade of pink - well, let's just say, there wasn’t a moment I wasn't smiling.

Pink and Perfect

This trip is extra special for me – it’s part of a special ballet project, funded by my fundraising shows in Derbyshire! That’s right, ladies – I’m performing here at one of the most celebrated theaters in the world… can you even believe it?!

Right now, my heart is overflowing with anticipation. There are two days until I get to dance on the stage where giants like Nijinsky and Diaghilev once performed. That thought alone gives me butterflies! My ballet uniform is gleaming – I even wore a touch of my special pink nail polish (don't worry - my mum always helps me get it just right so that it stays pretty while I’m dancing - nothing more glamorous than perfect pink toes!) The tutu's been carefully packed - ready to take on the magical lights of the Paris stage! It's going to be utterly magnificent! I feel ready to burst with excitement…

Daytime Delights and Haute Couture

My first impression of Paris? Exquisite. Every corner is bursting with beautiful details - every shop window, every café table - the perfect Parisian ambiance! I have already explored the chic Parisian boutiques – let me tell you – it's fashion heaven! You'll never guess where I was spotted today? Yep! The one and only Chanel, no less, I must get a photo here with my pink tutu!

And it wasn’t just the Chanel windows, darling – we wandered past Givenchy, Louis Vuitton – even Hermès! It was absolutely inspiring. You really get the feeling here that every corner is full of chic surprises. They say that fashion is an art form and I completely agree – seeing it presented so beautifully, like miniature artworks in a gallery window… Well, it just takes my breath away. And who knows, maybe one day I’ll see my designs in one of these shops - my tutus hanging between the beautiful, sophisticated designs of some of the most respected names in fashion - that is truly my dream!

We even popped into an elegant shop brimming with pink ballet shoes! (There were a few for myself and even some lovely baby-sized ones!) Imagine tiny Parisian ballet shoes in blush pink - that was my heart completely stolen in an instant, let me tell you! And they even had a ballet outfit with a sparkly pink tutu - how I wished it would have fitted me! Maybe I can convince them to make a line for older dancers... it seems like it's a perfect match for Paris.

But the day wasn’t all shopping, because oh my goodness, my darlings, we saw the Eiffel Tower today – that’s right, the Eiffel Tower! Breathtaking! A gigantic iron tower – simply stunning and even more magical at dusk when it sparkles against the fading light. This, really is what dreams are made of. And I'm going back tonight - it's so beautiful that I think we need to see it again under the magic of a Paris night sky! It's the kind of feeling that sends shivers down my spine! Just waiting for those sparkles against the twilight sky… And of course, I will be posting photos on my instagram #PinkTutuParis!

Street Theatre & French Flair

Our evening ended with a very unexpected surprise: we stumbled upon a street theatre performance! It was incredible, this street show – filled with swirling ballerinas in white tutus, the most dramatic costumes - some of the dancers even wearing sparkling top hats, like something out of a vintage musical! My goodness - we all applauded and then clapped and cheered as they finished their final dance! We all had the most gorgeous time.

But that wasn't the best part. The icing on the cake was definitely the French lady selling the most beautiful vintage tutus! This woman has a stall overflowing with colourful tutus, I managed to snag a blush pink beauty with the tiniest sparkle detailing you ever did see.

It’s a perfect Parisian memento for my Paris Pink Tutu collection. (Don't worry - it is also, very definitely going to be the feature piece for my first post on our Paris travels on Instagram). Just you wait.

And now, I need to sign off for today.

I'll write to you all again next Saturday about my experiences in this beautiful city.

I am sending my love, as always!

Remember, life is like a ballet – enjoy every movement!

Lots of love, Emma


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-06-14 Exploring Paris