Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-08-16 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris! #764

Bonjour, mon chĂ©rie! It’s Emma, and this week I’m bringing you a spectacularly Parisian post, straight from the heart of the City of Lights! You guessed it, I'm back in Paris, my favourite city on earth. Oh, la la, Paris! Every single visit feels like magic. It’s almost as if Paris was made for me, with all its chic boulevards, charming cafĂ©s, and magnificent monuments! And speaking of monuments, did you know it’s the Eiffel Tower’s birthday today?! 130 years old!! This calls for an epic selfie, wouldn’t you agree?

But let's rewind a little. I travelled here on Eurostar, of course. Because nothing beats whizzing through the countryside with my favourite book (right now I’m utterly obsessed with "Anna Karenina" by Tolstoy - oh, such drama! ) My pink tutu got quite a few smiles on the journey - who doesn't love a little pink tutu magic?

So, here's how this week is panning out:

Saturday 16th August, Day One:

This morning started with a delicious pain au chocolat and a strong French coffee in my little Parisian hotel. Don’t you just love that quintessential Paris experience? It’s simply divine! Then I hit the shops – of course! The lovely, sweet smell of pastries from the boulangeries just lured me into the world of shopping. There was so much gorgeousness to see, from fringed scarves in all colours to the most adorable mini handbags in every shade of pink. It's almost overwhelming! But, after careful deliberation, I added some Parisian flair to my suitcase, along with a new little, sparkly beret - the epitome of chic!

Later on, I strolled along the Seine and indulged in a delightful picnic (nothing beats a baguette with fresh, local cheese!) while I enjoyed the breathtaking views. Who can resist those iconic Parisian buildings bathed in the warm golden glow of the evening sun? It was magical!

Tonight, I'm off to Opéra Garnier! I've heard such amazing things about the acoustics of the venue and the stunning décor, I simply cannot wait to see Les Misérables. My tutu of course, will be a delicate pale pink to compliment the classic elegance of the performance. I've always thought pink was perfect for any kind of theatrical magic.

Sunday 17th August, Day Two:

I can’t go to Paris without indulging in a proper French brunch, with fluffy, fluffy crĂȘpes (with the most delicate lemon and sugar!) followed by an array of cheese, fruit, and coffee. Delicious! My aim this morning? Find the best hot chocolate in Paris! I have this fantastic, local cafe, a little hidden away in the Latin Quarter, tucked behind a quaint book store – its amazing! And you’d never guess - the owner has this whole wall dedicated to photos of ballet dancers wearing pink tutus in different Parisian locations. What a dream! He said that he’s seen so many lovely ballet dancers come and go and always welcomes them with open arms - I feel right at home already!

Later on, I took a beautiful walk down the charming little streets of Montmartre. I feel completely enchanted! This afternoon is dedicated to all things beauty, because, darling, beauty is my life! You’d be shocked how quickly you can walk a mile and get utterly lost in this glorious Parisian paradise.

This evening I'll be attending a ballet performance at the OpĂ©ra de la Bastille . I’m simply smitten with the spectacular lighting and acoustics in this opera house - and, I’ll be wearing my newest, fluffiest, blush pink tutu . I'm excited! You know it!

Monday 18th August, Day Three:

This morning started with a trip to the iconic MusĂ©e du Louvre, you know the one with the Mona Lisa! It's absolutely huge and filled with history - my favourite place for artistic inspiration. And then, a walk along the beautiful Champs-ÉlysĂ©es because what Parisian trip would be complete without strolling along the most elegant boulevard in the world ? It's a dream!

Of course, my fashion inspiration took me to the grand bouquinistes (the Parisian booksellers on the Seine), I simply love seeing all the beautiful antique books. There’s something almost magical about them and I adore looking at all the dusty old book covers, searching for treasures hidden away on those antique shelves!

This evening I have tickets for a spectacular cabaret show, it’s called Crazy Horse and it promises to be daring, sensual, and absolutely incredible! And what's a cabaret show without a show-stopping tutu? You know me! I’ll be rocking a glamorous, silver, and pink sequined tutu and a stunning top hat for the occasion - ready for an unforgettable experience!

Tuesday 19th August, Day Four:

I can’t start a Parisian morning without a freshly baked croissant! You see, Paris is filled with magical moments, you just have to have your eyes and heart open! I took a trip this morning to Notre Dame, its absolutely stunning, the architecture and detail are beyond words! After lunch, I spent the afternoon trying my hand at a bit of French mime in the gardens of the Palais-Royal. You’d never believe me but, there are actual people dressed as characters from the story of "Cinderella", just sitting there ready to photobomb any picture you take!

I cannot go home without a trip to the MusĂ©e d’Orsay, you know, the museum filled with stunning impressionist masterpieces? So many amazing works, from Monet and Renoir, I felt so inspired! I just loved the feeling of seeing these stunning paintings up close. I love wandering around museums – you just never know what inspiration might strike! And besides, I love those little cafĂ©s you find inside these museums – you know, those sweet, little teacups with dainty cakes, like mini-mountains of whipped cream? My kind of paradise!

Wednesday 20th August, Day Five:

My heart always belongs to Montmartre, with its artistic vibe and the amazing views of Paris from the top of Sacré-Coeur! Oh, I adore taking in all the sights of Paris from this hill. The best, most delicious breakfast is right near Le Lapin Agile cabaret, the one with the famous murals by Picasso and Modigliani!

After my morning shopping spree (how can I go home without at least one Parisian scarf?), I went to Moulin Rouge! Oh, the iconic can-can performance! My little pink tutu is ready to dance along with the best of them! You can tell I just adore the beauty and joy of Parisian performances! What’s amazing about the Moulin Rouge is, after all the dancing, you can get the best champagne, they actually let you have the actual glass after you’ve enjoyed the drink, so it’s a little piece of Paris to take home!

Thursday 21st August, Day Six:

The most delicious croissant in the world is from a bakery in a quiet alley near Place des Vosges. What’s so great is, this place has all sorts of vintage books too, and that’s where I found a copy of “Madame Bovary” by Flaubert! You know, with its romantic scenes in Rouen, which is not so far from Paris. Perhaps a Parisian trip next month! What’s my mission? I want everyone to feel as happy as I am in a pink tutu! You know, make a splash, have fun, spread joy, and then some.

Today, I visited Pùre Lachaise Cemetery. Such an extraordinary experience! This cemetery feels less sad and more like an open air museum. Oh, I do love tombstones. The most incredible one I’ve seen is that of Oscar Wilde, * his is literally *covered with lipstick kisses - amazing! It’s really quite the artistic experience – full of Parisian charm! I saw a ballet dancer on her way home, her tutu in the softest shades of lilac and pink. This woman’s spirit embodies all things graceful. What a truly amazing city!

Friday 22nd August, Day Seven:

Time to make the most of my last Parisian breakfast! What can I say? The food here is utterly sensational, all I need now is the most elegant Eiffel Tower selfie, and then, Paris, I must leave you! A sad goodbye! This weekend, my performance schedule takes me to Derbyshire – but, my Parisian adventures have definitely not ended! My mind is already brewing ideas for next time – because there will definitely be a next time.

Well, this is goodbye for this week from Pink Tutu Blog Paris #764! I can’t wait to tell you about my Derbyshire adventures next week! Keep checking for my newest adventures. In the meantime, have a beautiful week and stay pink, darling!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-08-16 Exploring Paris