Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-08-23 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris: #PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 765 - 23rd August 2014 - Oh La La, Paris!

Bonjour from Paris, my lovelies! I'm so excited to be sharing my Parisian adventures with you this week. It’s been a whirlwind of beautiful sights, exquisite food, and, of course, a sprinkle of pink tulle magic! As always, it was the train journey to Paris that kicked things off, this time the Eurostar hurtling through the Channel Tunnel - so fast, it felt like we were soaring! It's an absolute joy to sit by the window watching the scenery whip past, my tutu swishing with excitement at every turn.

After a little peck on the cheek from a Parisian cab driver (that's a classic Paris hello, don't you know!), I checked into my adorable little hotel room in the Latin Quarter. Oh, how I love the cobbled streets and charming balconies of this area! It's straight out of a fairytale.

My first day in the City of Lights, as they call it, was an explosion of Parisian delights. First stop: the Eiffel Tower, naturally. A little cheeky selfie at the top with my tutu, of course! Let's be honest, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Blog post without a bit of tulle at iconic locations. After that, a delicious picnic lunch at the Tuileries Gardens, people-watching all the stylish Parisians and imagining what their tutus would be like. I'm convinced even the most chic Parisian can't resist a good dose of pink tulle!

Later that afternoon, I found myself at the beautiful Palais Garnier opera house, the stunning location of Gaston Leroux's ‘The Phantom of the Opera’. I practically pirouetted with excitement! This beautiful theatre, with its stunning chandeliers and gilded detail, was like a fairytale. I just wanted to twirl all over the grand staircase. Alas, I restrained myself - but I did imagine myself gracing the stage in a dreamy ballet, bathed in spotlights, my pink tutu swirling… Oh the dream!

I found a charming little bistro on Rue des Archives where I enjoyed a wonderful croque monsieur and a glass of Pinot Noir. The French certainly know how to do romantic dinners, and of course, I did try on my tutu in the cafe - who doesn't?

Parisian Fashion Find

You know I couldn't resist a little shopping spree. The streets were crammed with divine boutiques and fashion houses. I found the most perfect vintage pink scarf to match my pink tutu at a little stall tucked away in the Marais district. Perfect for adding a pop of colour to a Parisian day outfit!

And just because you lovely readers are so dear, I’ve included a few more tips for a perfect Pink Tutu-infused trip to Paris! I find the best places for a spot of tea and cake are on charming Rue Cler in the 7th arrondissement. I am so addicted to a good cuppa and can't go anywhere without it.

Friday Night Flamenco Fun!

Speaking of performances, I couldn't leave Paris without catching a show. Last night was all about flamenco. The passionate, graceful movement, the vibrant costumes, the captivating music - it was mesmerising! It’s fascinating to me to see how other styles of dance translate the energy and passion that we ballerinas find in our tutus. You bet I twirled all the way back to the hotel!

Let’s Keep the Parisian Fun Rolling

This week has been pure pink-tutu-licious magic, and it’s only Saturday! There’s so much more to explore, from the majestic Notre Dame to the romantic Seine River cruises. I’ll be sure to share more of my Parisian adventures with you next week. For now, I'll leave you with a final thought - don't forget: every day is a chance to let your inner ballerina shine. A little pink tulle never hurt anyone, you know!

Stay tuned for more Paris fun!

Au revoir, my lovelies!

Emma xoxo

PS. I would love to hear about your Parisian adventures too! What's your favourite Parisian spot? Tell me in the comments below!

Don't forget to follow my adventures on Instagram @pinktutublog for even more pink tutu fun!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-08-23 Exploring Paris