Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-11-15 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Post 777 - Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Oh la la! Paris, you are everything I dreamed of and more! This is my 777th blog post, and it feels oh-so-fitting to be penning it from the very heart of Parisian chic. If you've been following #PinkTutuBlog, you'll know that I'm a girl who lives for travel, for adventure, for a life brimming with colour – and where better to soak it all up than in the City of Lights?

Now, I know what you're thinking: Emma, a ballet blogger in Paris? What a fairytale! And I'm not going to lie, there's a certain magical quality about it all. But before I start gushing about all the ballet-tastic goodness I've encountered, let me take you on a journey.

It all started last weekend, when I said goodbye to the rolling hills of Derbyshire, boarded the gleaming EuroStar, and whisked off to France. That glorious, high-speed journey is just part of the magic, let me tell you. The smooth ride, the feeling of being swept away, the little Parisian touches like the croissants for breakfast – pure bliss.

As I write this, sitting in a cafe with my hot chocolate and croissant, I'm wearing my lucky pink tutu – of course! It seems like the perfect accessory for exploring Paris. Every corner bursts with so much beauty and excitement; I feel like I've stepped into a whimsical storybook.

The cobblestone streets, the charming cafes, the ancient buildings... it all just whispers Parisian poetry. It's a sensory overload in the best way possible. But enough about me and my rambling, let's get down to the details.

#PinkTutuAdventures in Paris: Day One

As the sun was still getting ready for its big Parisian debut, I hopped off the train and found myself in the heart of this magnificent city. My first day, true to my #PinkTutuBlog ethos, was all about ballet and that Parisian sparkle.

I waltzed (pun intended!) straight to the Opéra Garnier, an architectural masterpiece in its own right. Stepping into the theatre was a real wow moment. The opulence, the history, the anticipation in the air, it all felt electric. It was like I was a princess entering a ball. I just had to have my picture taken outside.

And, my dear readers, let me tell you, the show itself was pure magic. "Giselle," performed by the Ballet de l'Opéra national de Paris. Talk about elegance, grace, and artistry at its best. The way the ballerinas flowed across the stage, the way their costumes shimmered under the stage lights – I was mesmerised! There were a few "ooohs" and "ahhhs" from my fellow tutu-loving companions. I don't think it was just the music...

My heart felt full of inspiration after the show. You know those moments when you feel utterly and completely transported? That was Paris. That was "Giselle". That was exactly what I needed.

The day wasn't over though. Paris was calling for more! So, I took a lovely long stroll through the Jardin du Luxembourg. Oh, the beauty! All those sculptures, manicured lawns, flowers – and it was completely FREE. It just shows you don't need to spend a fortune to have a great time in Paris.

A stroll through the heart of Parisian chic was just the thing to prepare for dinner at Le Bouillon Chartier. The place was buzzing. So, you know, the only sensible thing to do was put on my most fabulous pink tutu, of course! French people LOVE pink! Just sayin'.

#PinkTutuFashion: Shopping Spree!

I could not have come to Paris without embarking on a little fashion frenzy, and boy, did I do it! From vintage boutiques on Rue des Martyrs to designer emporiums in the Marais, I was a whirlwind of a fashionista. My goal was to find that perfect Parisian piece, something with a touch of Parisian flair that could make even a simple outfit feel oh-so-sophisticated.

After a whirlwind day, I returned to my hotel, utterly exhausted but exhilarated, and slipped into a wonderfully cozy bubble bath.

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Day Two

Okay, here we go. This is where things get really, truly amazing! I was excited for this. So you know I was up early. And boy did I make the most of the morning!

Paris is truly a dream for a ballet aficionado. Today, I took a ballet class at Studio Harmonic, tucked away on a side street. Stepping into that space was like entering another world. My tutu (naturally!) seemed to just glide effortlessly as I followed the instructor's gentle guidance. My class was a mixture of beginners and experienced dancers - a fabulous combination! And to top it off, I bought myself a new pair of ballerina shoes - I had to.

The afternoon was spent on the most glorious walking tour of the Latin Quarter. A stroll past Shakespeare and Company, those incredible bookshops that are a literary haven for lovers of the written word, stopping to gaze at the ancient Roman ruins and fountains - truly a journey through time. And guess what, my ballet shoes were perfect! So chic.

Dinner that night was something straight out of a Parisian dream: A quaint little bistro nestled in a cobblestone alleyway, candlelight casting long shadows, a glass of French wine, and the most delicious, authentic French cuisine. Honestly, could it be more Parisian?

#PinkTutuFashion: Chic as Chic Can Be

Shopping, my fellow tutudivas, was on the agenda. And as we know, every Parisian adventure must include a pilgrimage to one of the most legendary fashion houses, Chanel! I was ready to be transported to a world of timeless elegance and couture chic, where each piece whispers of a rich history. I wanted to bring a bit of Chanel into my life, and this time I wanted to get bold!

There are just certain things you just have to buy, like a beautiful bag. Chanel or Burberry is a classic and totally necessary. Plus, you'll find gorgeous fashion from Parisian boutiques around the Marais area, as well as on rue de Rivoli, or on Avenue Montaigne, where some of the most iconic fashion houses reside.

Paris is a treasure trove for fashion-lovers, so you just need to be prepared for your sartorial journey. It's impossible not to feel a sense of Parisian magic when you're surrounded by so much beauty, creativity, and a sense of timeless elegance. You can even try to incorporate a few elements of French style in your everyday life, to get your inner French girl going.

And of course, what Parisian journey would be complete without indulging in some fabulous sweet treats? The French are experts in pastries, and I had to taste it all: delicate macarons in every shade imaginable, crusty croissants that crumbled perfectly, decadent chocolate eclairs… My inner gourmand was in pure bliss!

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Exploring Paris By Day

Paris by day, is, oh my word, such a magical place. The architecture! Every building is a masterpiece, a symphony of styles that whispers stories of times gone by. One moment I was wandering through the opulent courtyard of the Palais Garnier, another I was marvelling at the iconic Arc de Triomphe, a grand testament to French history and ambition.

From charming cafes nestled on quaint side streets to chic boutiques boasting the latest designs, it was a whirlwind of Parisian chic and creativity. And naturally, I had to wear my signature pink tutu. Paris is an absolute haven for all things pink. Pink flowers, pink houses, pink pastries... it truly was a dream come true!

Oh, and remember to capture every Parisian moment with your phone. Paris, oh darling, is so incredibly photogenic. The cobbled streets, the twinkling lights, the quaint cafe tables tucked away in narrow alleys. Paris offers endless inspiration, from a perfect cup of French coffee to an evening gazing at the twinkling lights from the Eiffel Tower.

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Day Three - Enchanting Parisian Evening

Of course, a Parisian journey wouldn't be complete without a Parisian evening experience. The city is a sight to behold, with its iconic landmarks and cobbled streets lit by streetlamps casting a golden glow.

And you can’t have an Parisian evening without an elegant meal in an equally elegant Parisian restaurant. The cuisine is phenomenal. There is such a wealth of restaurants, whether Michelin starred and world renowned, or a local bistro full of ambiance and delicious food. It is a pleasure to simply walk down the street and choose a spot based on nothing other than its Parisian chic.

We're talking exquisite French wines, gourmet cheeses, decadent desserts that melt in your mouth, all served in settings that evoke Parisian charm. I enjoyed every bite, soaking up the ambiance. I’m absolutely addicted to their Parisian coffee too - its rich, dark, and utterly delicious. So chic!

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Day Four: A Parisian Farewell

This was my last day, so I wanted to enjoy all that Paris had to offer in style. So, a long morning spent at The Musée d’Orsay, one of the world's leading art museums! It was just like being transported back in time with beautiful art from the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist movements, as well as sculpture from the same period, it's like walking through an exquisite art book. The building itself was incredible too.

But even the most stylish journeys eventually have to end, and it was time to bid adieu to Paris. My train home felt rather strange, as if I was still a little caught up in the Parisian magic! I have to say, if there's anything better than that first EuroStar journey to Paris, it's the journey back home, knowing that you'll return someday.

Paris, I can’t wait for our next adventure! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to plan for my next trip to Paris... and find my perfect pink tutu for my next Parisian adventure! See you all next Saturday for #PinkTutuBlog. Adieu, Paris, until we meet again!

And remember, don't forget to live in your pink tutu. Life is for loving it and sharing that joy with others. XOXO

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-11-15 Exploring Paris