Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-03-28 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #796 - Saturday 2015-03-28: Bonjour Paris! 🩰🇫🇷

Bonjour mes amies! It’s Saturday, and you know what that means! Another Parisian adventure to share with you, this time straight from the heart of the City of Lights! 🗼✨

I’m so thrilled to be back in Paris, my second home! As I whizzed through the French countryside on the Eurostar, my mind buzzed with excitement – I can't tell you how much I adore that journey! There's just something magical about seeing those rolling fields flash past my window as the train carries me into the very soul of France. 🚄

The past week has been a whirl of excitement – another fabulous ballet performance at the lovely Derby Theatre, this time it was Swan Lake and let me tell you, I've never been so inspired! Of course, I was twirling in my signature pink tutu, and the audience seemed to adore it! It’s been such a treat to see how many people are starting to embrace a touch of pink tutu in their lives, even at ballet performances. It fills me with so much joy! It’s like, the whole world is slowly, subtly starting to twirl. 💕

Speaking of twirling, it was just what I needed to get me ready for this week’s Parisian escapades! It felt a bit like Alice falling down the rabbit hole when I emerged onto the bustling Gare du Nord, but in a wonderfully exciting way, of course! 🐰

Today’s adventures? Well, where to even begin? Paris is just bursting with charm and creativity – there’s so much to experience, it's a bit overwhelming!

First on the agenda – and no, I’m not talking about croissants (although they do feature prominently later in the day!), was a visit to the stunning Musée Rodin, nestled in the tranquil heart of Paris. The iconic 'The Thinker' by Rodin truly made my mind soar with ideas for new outfits and pose possibilities. And the entire sculpture garden just breathed art and inspiration! It felt as if every detail was designed to create a beautiful and captivating space where art could bloom. 🌺

And then, because a little indulgence never hurts (and let's be honest, who doesn't adore a touch of haute couture!), I found myself lost in the captivating world of the Galeries Lafayette. Fashion and I, as you know, are firm friends and let me tell you – this place is a wonderland for the sartorially inclined! The beautiful clothes, the shimmering accessories and oh my goodness, the SHOES! It’s enough to make any pink-tutu-loving ballerina weak at the knees! 🩰✨

I have to say, I'm falling head over heels for the current spring trends! Bold, colourful patterns, delicate lace and whimsical floral designs, they are so refreshing and invigorating. And of course, a touch of pink here and there never goes amiss! 💖 There are just so many sparkly outfits waiting for their very own dance performance, I don’t know how I'll resist bringing home half the store! 👠

Next, it’s off to La Cigale, the iconic music hall in Montmartre, to enjoy a wonderful performance. I have a feeling this evening will be overflowing with glitz, glamour, and pure Parisian charm! The thought of those dazzling costumes and theatrical makeup sends my imagination spinning, I can already imagine all the fabulous twirls and graceful leaps I’ll be trying out later tonight. ✨

So there you have it, a sneak peek into my first day of Parisian exploration. It’s only been a few short hours but I already feel like I’ve discovered a lifetime’s worth of beauty, creativity and, of course, divine shopping opportunities! 🛍️

Stay tuned, dear friends, as I document every Parisian adventure, from delicious pastry discoveries and romantic strolls along the Seine to heart-stopping ballet performances. You’re in for a truly fabulous treat, so be sure to visit for your weekly dose of pink tutu magic! 💖

And don't forget to share your own pink tutu stories in the comments below, because spreading joy and pink tutu magic is what this whole adventure is all about! 🩰💖

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-03-28 Exploring Paris