Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-03-21 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Bonjour from the City of Lights! 🇫🇷

Post Number: 795

Bonjour, mes chères amies! It's your favourite pink-loving ballerina, Emma, writing to you from the most magical city on Earth - Paris! It's a sunny Saturday morning and I'm already bouncing with excitement, ready to share my Parisian adventures with you.

As you know, this week’s post is all about Paris. And oh my goodness, you won’t believe what I’ve been up to!

Whizzing Through Europe on the Eurostar 🚄

I arrived in Paris yesterday afternoon after a magical journey on the Eurostar. For those of you who don’t know, the Eurostar is a high-speed train that takes you from London to Paris in just a couple of hours. The trip was incredibly comfortable and scenic. You feel the excitement building as you approach the French countryside - and it really is like something out of a movie! I even took a little nap (in my pink tutu of course!), all while watching the green hills of England become vibrant, sun-drenched French fields.

Speaking of the pink tutu… yes, of course, I was rocking my favourite shade of pink as I travelled. Let’s face it, no journey to Paris is complete without a little bit of pink tutu magic! The colour is just so chic and elegant, and the flow of the fabric made it even more perfect for all that rocking on the train. Plus, let’s be honest, I need to show everyone the beauty of wearing pink tutus in public, even if it’s just a train ride to the city of love. 🥰

Paris: A City of Enchantment 💫

As the train pulled into Gare du Nord, the Parisian skyline rose up before me in all its majestic glory. I was immediately captivated by the Parisian architecture and the unique Parisian flair – it’s truly a city that never sleeps, always bustling with energy, art, and excitement.

And of course, the first thing I did when I arrived was jump out onto the Parisian streets in my tutu, twirl around, and embrace the atmosphere. I felt like I was stepping into a fairytale - every building, every street corner seemed to hold some sort of enchantment. It’s the kind of place where even a simple stroll feels magical.

Discovering the Dance Scene 🩰

Naturally, a trip to Paris wouldn't be complete without visiting the ballet. Tonight, I'm going to see a show at the world-renowned Palais Garnier! The Opéra Garnier is one of the most beautiful theaters in the world - with its stunning golden interior and stunning grand staircase, you’re transported into another world when you walk through its doors. I’ve already found a perfect pink tutu to wear – it will make my entrance truly unforgettable!

And to prepare for this glorious night, I have, of course, attended a ballet class. The ballet school was right in the heart of Paris, in a beautiful studio overlooking a quaint, quiet square. I spent the class honing my moves, learning new pirouettes and practicing my arabesque. You just can’t compare the thrill of a Parisian ballet class!

Parisian Fashion Fun 👗

Now, let's talk about shopping. Oh, la la, the clothes! The chic boutiques, the incredible designer wear, and all the wonderful opportunities to indulge my love for all things fashion!

I’ve already found some treasures that will perfectly complete my pink tutu wardrobe – I managed to find the most beautiful pair of delicate, pink feather boas, some shimmery sparkly headbands, and a lovely blush pink feather boa with pink satin ribbons. Of course, you can imagine what happened – I bought them all! They will perfectly accessorize any tutu in my collection and add that extra touch of magic.

I love how Paris makes you feel chic, no matter what you're wearing. You can literally throw on a vintage beret and an old cashmere sweater, and feel like you’re walking down a catwalk! It's so much fun just strolling around the Parisian streets and soaking in the atmosphere – it's so different to back in Derbyshire! The city definitely inspires me to step up my fashion game – but that goes without saying! 😉

Paris: Where Pink Tutues Rule the Streets 💕

Paris is a city where everyone is expressing themselves – and that's one of the things that makes it so special. Whether it’s artists sketching by the Seine, dancers waltzing in the parks, or singers filling the streets with their voices, there’s so much passion and joy to be found.

For me, it's the perfect city to wear my pink tutu and be a bit bolder. Even though it is Paris, I don’t expect the average person to wear tutus! But the French appreciate elegance, art and beauty - they seem to embrace creativity! And what could be more creative and elegant than a pink tutu?! The only thing missing is the occasional little ballet show at the park or metro station, which would truly make it a Parisian tutu paradise!

And I’ve even seen people wear their tutus on the metro, which made my day. Paris is such a special city where anything is possible - maybe one day we will see tutu wearing becoming more popular here. Or, you never know, I might just start a tutu revolution! ✊

Paris is for Everyone ❤️

Paris is so much more than just a place for romantic dates and picturesque moments – although those are pretty magical, too! There's a reason it’s one of the most loved and popular tourist destinations. From its history and culture to its art, food, and fashion, Paris is full of wonder for everyone!

That said, Paris is especially magical for someone who is absolutely in love with ballet, fashion and everything pink, as you can tell! It's the perfect mix of beautiful architecture, delicious cuisine, and artistic inspiration. So whether you're looking for a romantic getaway or just a place to indulge your artistic spirit, Paris is the perfect place to experience life in a pink tutu, and embrace the city's endless possibilities.

Don’t forget to check out for more Parisian updates and stories! As usual, you can find my adventures there – every week, on a Saturday! I’ll see you next week for more stories from Paris! 💋

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-03-21 Exploring Paris