Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-05-02 Exploring Paris

Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post #801)

Saturday 2015-05-02

My darlings! It's time for another Parisian adventure, and this week, it's all about a magical journey that began with a dash of French chic and a whole lot of pink, naturally!

So, grab your favourite cuppa, put on a record you adore, and let's travel together to the City of Lights… all from the comfort of your armchair!

From Derbyshire to the EuroStar

Well, my lovelies, you know I just had to share with you how I began my Parisian escapade. Remember my last blog post where I spoke about the enchanting performance at the Royal Opera House? Well, I was so energised by that fabulous show, I practically hopped on to the EuroStar the next day! It felt like I was taking flight! (Oh, the magic of trains and tutus… sigh!) Of course, my suitcase was filled with a symphony of pink and glitter – what else would you expect from a Pink Tutu gal? It was as if Paris itself was calling me, whispering a promise of romance, glamour, and most importantly, a beautiful new pair of dance shoes (which you’ll see later in this post!).

My French Rendezvous with Fashion

The second I arrived in Paris, I felt that undeniable Parisian magic. I headed straight for my favourite department store on Avenue des Champs-Élysées and, let’s just say, the Parisian chic was overflowing! Oh, the shoes! I spent what felt like an eternity amongst those beautiful creations, and trust me, they were so sparkly! I swear I could hear the faint sound of a waltz in the air as I glided from aisle to aisle. I walked out of that shop feeling positively transformed.

I just have to confess something, darling readers: the Parisian style is absolutely breathtaking! The colours, the cut of the clothes – it’s just like an elegant, fashion-filled ballet, each garment swirling around like a ballerina, every step perfectly coordinated. Now, I know that not all of you might be mad for tutus, but you simply have to visit Paris, my dears. The fashion here will tempt even the most conservative soul, trust me!

The Paris Opera House: A Glittering Night Out

One of the absolute highlights of my Parisian stay, however, was an absolutely divine evening spent at the Palais Garnier Opera House, oh my! The grand theatre, with its opulent chandeliers, plush velvet seats, and beautifully adorned boxes, reminded me of one of those fairytale ballrooms you read about. Imagine, darling, a sea of tutus and shimmering gowns all moving together to the magical sound of music – just exquisite!

A Pink Tutu Paradise: My Ballet Inspiration

There are so many breathtaking ballet performances in Paris that I simply had to include a little tour around the city’s iconic theatres and ballet schools! You might be surprised, my lovely readers, but you don’t actually have to go to a formal show to experience the magic of ballet. Just walking by one of the famous ballet schools in the Latin Quarter, I saw dancers gracefully rehearsing at the windows. There’s a magical air that surrounds every single street corner in Paris that just begs you to twirl and dance!

I even snuck in a private lesson at a small studio. It felt like pure joy! Now, I don’t have a studio in Derbyshire (my space is pretty small), but I am already dreaming up ways to bring the spirit of Paris back to my little dance corner!

And Now… For Some Parisienne Shopping Spree Inspiration!

Speaking of inspiration, my lovely readers, have I got a treat for you! I just know you're all going to be inspired by this Paris-tastic shopping spree! It started, naturally, with a visit to a delightful boutique near the Louvre. Oh my! They had the most delicate ballerina shoes with the most beautiful pink satin, perfect for my next show! It's impossible not to be tempted to purchase these little treasures – you'd be surprised at the amount of room they take up in my suitcase.

I even bought myself the most luxurious blush-pink silk scarf that whispered romance with every flutter. And my most decadent purchase of all… oh, the scent! I couldn’t resist the most delicious pink-infused French perfume that just made me feel so glamorous and beautiful. (Don’t tell my purse!) Every time I spritz a little on, it transports me right back to the heart of Paris, that enchanting city of lights and style.

Farewell for Now, from the Pink Tutu Queen

And there you have it, my lovelies, a taste of Paris, my Paris, where pink reigns supreme! Of course, the city is far more than just an excuse for shopping sprees and dancing (though let's be honest, those are very good reasons!). But there's just something about the energy, the joie de vivre, that fills your heart and makes you want to wear the world’s most vibrant pink tutu!

Now, off to explore more hidden gems! Stay tuned for more Paris posts next Saturday… because the journey is just beginning, and, oh darling, we have so much more to discover. Adieu, from your Parisian Pink Tutu Queen!

P.S. Do you have any Parisian dreams you'd love to share? Tell me all about them in the comments below, darling!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-05-02 Exploring Paris