Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-08-01 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Bonjour from the City of Lights! - #814

Bonjour mes chéries! It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind week in the most magical city in the world, Paris! I'm back in my Derbyshire studio after a wonderful train journey from Gare du Nord, (that Eurostar was just so comfy, did you know they have Wi-Fi now? I felt like I was on a first-class aeroplane, just with better scenery!) I'm sitting here writing, and I'm bursting to tell you all about it!

This is Paris Blog post number 814, for those of you who follow me, you'll know I try to update my blog every Saturday! It's hard to do sometimes, when I'm gallivanting across the globe (you all know I live for travelling on trains - you can spot me on the Eurostar often - a Pink Tutu, in fact, a signature now, I believe! 😂)

This trip was a dream come true - I was lucky enough to be invited to perform with the Paris Opera Ballet Company for their "A Midsummer Night's Dream" ballet performance. They gave me such a beautiful pink tutu and matching shoes! Honestly, it was so gorgeous, I haven't stopped smiling about it! (I may or may not have tried to take the tutu home... shhhh don't tell anyone.)

After the show, we went out for a celebratory dinner in Montmartre. It was so chic - all twinkly lights and delicious French cuisine! I felt like I was living in a Parisian fairytale.

Of course, no trip to Paris would be complete without some serious shopping. I had to visit all the chic boutiques on the Champs-Élysées. They were bursting with so many stunning things, from feather boas to designer dresses! I fell in love with a pair of sky-high heels with feathers and diamantés - they'll be making an appearance on my blog soon! 😉

The day after the show was for exploring. I was absolutely charmed by the beautiful architecture, from the Eiffel Tower to Notre Dame (although sadly still under renovation). I just love the feeling of the city; it feels so romantic and alive, and everyone looks so effortlessly stylish! We wandered around the charming streets of Saint Germain des Prés, a place brimming with artistic and literary history, popped into the adorable cafes, and I found a gorgeous pink tutu boutique! Imagine my delight!

For my final night, we went to see a ballet performance at the Palais Garnier (oh my, have you ever seen anything so decadent? Honestly, my heart is still beating just thinking about it!) I had to wear my new pink tutu for the occasion, naturally! And I bought myself some of the prettiest flowers from a street vendor to match my pink ensemble - it was the perfect final touch!

Overall, Paris has a real special place in my heart. There's just something magical about this city. If you're looking for a weekend escape, I would recommend it in a heartbeat. I may have had to swap the pink tutus I took with me for Paris ones (it would have been rude not to, wouldn't it?! 😉), but that didn't stop me spreading the love! Pink tutus and the French countryside make a pretty amazing duo, don't you think?

Catch you all next week with more updates on my upcoming travels and some amazing Pink Tutu finds!

Until then, wear pink, wear tutus, and keep shining,

Emma xxx

PinkTutu #Paris #Travel #Fashion #Ballet #EuroStar #FrenchCountryside #PinkTutuParis #A MidsummerNightsDream #ParisOperaBallet

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-08-01 Exploring Paris