Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2016-03-05 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Travels: Paris, Part Deux! (#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #845)

Bonjour mes amies!

It's Emma here, back from a whirlwind trip to Paris. Oh, my darlings, it was pure Parisian magic! Let me tell you, the City of Lights truly lives up to its name - everything just sparkles. Even the cobblestones seemed to glitter.

Now, let me tell you about this trip. After months of planning, endless "ooh la las" and scouring for the most glamorous ballet shoes (a girl's gotta be prepared, right?), I finally boarded the Eurostar, my trusty steed for this Parisian adventure.

Remember how last week, I promised you I was coming back with some serious Parisian fashion inspiration? Well, let me tell you, I delivered! The French have an unmatched flair for style, and I felt like I was in a real-life fairytale. They've got a real 'je ne sais quoi,' that special something that just makes them look effortless.

Now, Paris isn't all about shopping, though that was definitely a highlight (more on that later). There's culture galore, from iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower to the most breathtaking museums filled with art that takes your breath away. The Louvre, darling, was truly magnificent, with that cheeky Mona Lisa peeking at everyone!

But, here's the thing about Paris that truly stole my heart: the ballets! Ah, les ballets!

It was like stepping into a dream, seeing world-renowned dancers move with such grace and artistry. The Paris Opera Ballet has been around for centuries, and they know their craft. Every single movement was pure elegance. My heart nearly burst with delight at their stunning choreography.

I had the chance to see an absolutely unforgettable rendition of "Swan Lake," a truly timeless ballet. It was the perfect blend of romance, drama, and breathtakingly beautiful artistry. I'm still daydreaming about the sheer magic of that performance!

But Paris isn't all about grand performances. I stumbled upon a delightful ballet class tucked away in a tiny, charming studio just off the Champs-Élysées. The atmosphere was so lively and energetic, everyone there just exuded pure joie de vivre! The teacher was fantastic, a true professional, and I found myself tapping into my inner dancer in no time.

Of course, a ballet class wouldn't be complete without my favourite pink tutu, wouldn't it? Even though it wasn't the 'norm' (a few stares, I confess, darling), it didn't stop me from having a fantastic time!

Speaking of pink, let's talk fashion. Oh my, you won't believe the stores I explored! I just had to find those special pieces to complete my Parisian wardrobe - those Parisian touches that would have me looking like a real Parisian girl, you know?

And find them I did! Think classic Breton stripes, delicate floral dresses, chic berets, oh-so-cute shoes, and those quintessential French scarves! Honestly, I went a little bit mad. (Don't worry, I’ll show you everything soon, my darling readers!)

Now, let's talk food. Ah, the food. Let's just say it was heavenly. Every corner offered a delicious taste of France - fresh pastries, delicate croissants, exquisite macarons, the most divine cheese plates, and all sorts of other culinary delights.

The food was absolutely delicious! My heart particularly swooned over the buttery, flaky croissants and the beautiful pastries in every bakeries window. They were so light and delicious! It's just a shame that my dear friends couldn't be there to join me on my culinary adventure!

Of course, I'm not one to turn down a good slice of baguette, either. Oh my, they have an air of charm about them! And the baguettes! Always fresh, always crusty, always perfect!

Paris is an absolutely breathtaking city! There's so much history, so much romance, and so much sheer delight. You really have to visit to feel it!

If you're planning a trip to Paris, dear reader, remember this: always pack a tutu, indulge in the culinary wonders of French pastries, and let the Parisian style inspire your fashion choices! And most importantly, soak it all in!

Until next time, stay pink and delightful!



P.S. Don't forget to follow me on my pink tutu adventure on Instagram @EmmaPinkTutu!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2016-03-05 Exploring Paris