Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2016-10-01 Exploring Paris

Bonjour from Paris! 🇫🇷✨ (Post #875)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, reporting live from the City of Lights! 🗼 I just arrived this morning, whizzing through the countryside on the Eurostar, my heart aflutter with excitement. The journey is always such a magical experience - there’s something utterly romantic about chugging through rolling fields, a steaming cup of tea in hand, on your way to Paris. This trip feels extra special though, as this time I'm not only here to soak up the Parisian vibes and shop till I drop (and let's face it, who wouldn't want to do that in Paris?!) but also for a huge event – the International Ballet Festival. 🩰🎉

The timing couldn’t be more perfect as Paris truly is my happy place. I mean, seriously, how can you not be in love with this city? The cobbled streets, the charming cafes, the gorgeous architecture, and the oh-so-chic boutiques… every corner whispers with history and romance! And let's not forget the endless supply of macarons! 🥐🤤 (Did I mention I have a slight weakness for these little beauties?).

It’s so easy to be inspired here, the fashion scene is off the charts. I just had to snap a few pictures of the most incredible outfits - so chic! The women in Paris really know how to wear colour, and I couldn’t resist whipping out my own trusty pink tutu, pairing it with a black velvet blazer for an evening stroll through the Tuileries Gardens. 🌆

It wouldn’t be a Parisian adventure without indulging in some world-class shopping! I managed to squeeze in a visit to the flagship Chanel boutique on Rue Cambon - talk about a fairytale! It was pure Parisian luxury, glittering and gleaming with couture dreams! My bank account might be weeping, but my heart was singing. 😉

However, before I delve into the depths of my shopping haul (fear not, I’ll be showcasing all the lovely goodies on the blog next week!), let's get to the main event! Tonight, I'm off to see the National Ballet of Paris perform “Giselle”. 🎭 I've been dreaming of seeing this masterpiece live for ages and, let’s be honest, who doesn't love a good ballet performance?! It's a feast for the senses and a joy for the soul. The intricate choreography, the graceful dancers, and the magical storytelling - it just takes my breath away every time.

To get in the mood, I indulged in a delectable brunch of croissants, pain au chocolat and a cafe au lait, followed by a quick outfit change and a whirl through the Marais. It was simply too tempting to resist a visit to "The Pink Tutu" – a gorgeous little boutique bursting with exquisite tutu designs. Imagine my delight when I found a shimmering tulle number, a perfect shade of pastel pink – it’s practically begging to be danced in! 💖 Just picture it: a pastel pink tulle tutu, worn with a delicate white blouse and some strappy sandals, twirling gracefully through the streets of Paris... sigh Absolutely dreamy. (More on this delightful find in a later post!)

Before I head off for the show, let's get to know a bit about today, 1st October. Did you know that this date marks World Vegetarian Day?! That makes it the perfect day to celebrate the joys of healthy eating and discover the diverse range of delicious veggie cuisine Paris has to offer! There are so many fantastic veggie restaurants and cafes here in the capital, and I've already discovered a few hidden gems. This week's menu features a delicious quiche, lentil soup and a big plate of colourful salad – all guilt-free and oh-so-yummy! 😉 (Stay tuned for my favourite veggie hotspots in Paris, coming soon!)

It’s already evening and the streets are twinkling with lights. As the sun sets over the Seine, the city seems to shimmer, creating a romantic ambiance like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Tonight, I'll be making the most of this magical atmosphere, enjoying a glass of wine at a quaint cafe while watching the world go by. And later, of course, the show must go on!

I can't wait to share my Parisian ballet experience with you all next week, complete with pictures and stories from the show. I’ve already heard the performance is phenomenal and I can’t wait to immerse myself in the magic!

Don't forget to subscribe to my blog,, for a new post every Saturday, where I’ll be sharing all my Parisian adventures. And remember darlings, never be afraid to wear a pink tutu!

Until next time,

Emma 💕✨

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2016-10-01 Exploring Paris