Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-01-14 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post 890: A Whirlwind of Parisian Delights!

Bonjour mes amis! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad ballerina, Emma, back with another Parisian adventure from my fabulous travels!

I am so excited to be back in Paris! It feels like I was just here a few weeks ago, but truth be told it's been several months since my last jaunt to this most magical of cities. And you know what? It feels like coming home.

The Eurostar is my friend

As usual, my trusty Eurostar was waiting to whisk me off to Paris. Honestly, travelling on the Eurostar is the best thing ever. It's like a giant moving pink box of Parisian dreams (it really feels pink you know, just a lovely calming shade)! All that Parisian luxury zipping me away to another continent within a few hours. Just me and my pink tutu - perfect.

It's amazing how the landscapes shift from the rolling Derbyshire hills and cosy English towns right to those incredible, towering, romantic structures - Parisian architecture at its finest.

The City of Lights - Ballet in My Heart

I was so eager to explore the City of Lights. And this weekend is a little extra special because it's 14th January, 2017, and there is an extra magic to be had.

For those of you who know me, you know that Paris isn't just a place where the fashion is top-notch. It's also a place where ballet lives and breathes, where dreams dance, and where twirling with tutus takes on an entirely new meaning.

Oh, the Parisian Ballet! They have something incredible on this very night! The Paris Opera Ballet will be showcasing Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, and oh my goodness, the reviews are astounding! Talk about tutus, talk about grand jetés, talk about Swan Lake - the iconic beauty and breathtakingly expressive ballerina!

There’s nothing quite like being transported by a magical performance that speaks a language of emotion, grace, and sheer elegance, isn't there? To be honest, seeing these performances funds my adventures around Europe, you see, as I spend the weeks practicing and performing at local events, giving ballet classes to budding ballerina stars and generally doing what I do best! So it’s a little win-win for this pink tutu lover.

Pink Tutu in Paris: Adventures Begin!

But enough about the theatre - there's a whole Parisian world out there just waiting for me to twirl my way through! So let’s get down to the fun stuff.

As a girl who's been known to wear her pink tutu on every adventure, let's be honest, shopping for new additions to my collection was top of the agenda. I just had to head to my favourite pink emporium - the most wonderful shop called Pink Paradise, on Rue de la Paix. It’s one of the oldest and most famous streets in Paris. My Tutu is very stylish, it knows all the best places!

A Dance Through Paris: Ballet in the City

After all that fabulous shopping, it was time for a ballet-themed adventure - ballet-street, if you will! Imagine twirling down the most glamorous boulevards, the beautiful Eiffel Tower gleaming in the distance, all while envisioning that most stunning pas de deux.

Paris is bursting with its own ballet magic - the most fabulous ballet studios, cobblestone streets echoing with pirouette steps, the aroma of pastry shops filling the air, tempting me to pause my steps. But then there is also the Eiffel Tower. This was no ordinary Eiffel Tower visit. I twirled up those steps, not just for the view, but for the memory, for the fairytale, for the Parisian ballet in my heart.

From Pink Tutus to Paris Perfection: A Fashionable Affair

Honestly, how lucky I am to be able to blend my love of dance with my absolute obsession for fashion. As you all know, I just can't resist a gorgeous outfit, and Paris just sets my style radar alight!

There's no shortage of fabulous fashion in Paris. And you'll find my pink tutu taking center stage in it all!

My first stop - The Tuileries Gardens - a haven of elegance, strolling past elegant Parisian women dressed in their most sophisticated designs. And of course, it’s all very Parisian, with an air of chic elegance. Oh my, if you haven't yet taken a stroll around this magnificent garden, add it to your to-do list - you'll thank me later!

After that delightful jaunt, my toes needed a little break (dancing is tiring, you know!), so my dear friend Simone took me to a really fabulous salon - just a little treat before an even more dazzling night. Paris really does have everything - if you want some beautiful Parisian nails - try 'French Chic Nail Boutique'. Trust me, their nail art skills are perfection!

A Feast for the Senses: Food and Fun!

The thing about Paris is that there's so much beauty, so much energy, so many wonderful smells. Every turn in Paris brings another amazing cafe, an amazing boulangerie (I had the best croissants, you guys!), or another Parisian masterpiece to explore. And the cafes? I simply love them, especially in the Montmartre area. There are quaint bistros just waiting to be discovered - every sip of my Parisian coffee seemed to fill me with magic!

The Magical Night! - A Dream Come True

Later that evening, I had the incredible opportunity to see The Swan Lake at the Paris Opera Ballet - oh my! From the first notes of Tchaikovsky, the opening ballet scene, the graceful swans and their delicate movements, my breath was stolen away. Seeing the performance was pure perfection, a true treat for any ballet lover.

Afterwards, a little detour through the charming cobbled streets was essential. The whole city seemed to be radiating a little bit of magic in the air. As I skipped my way back to my hotel, my feet slightly tired but my heart absolutely overflowing with Parisian dreams, I knew this wouldn't be my last trip to this extraordinary city!

A Final Thought: From Tutu to Inspiration!

Paris is a place that ignites my imagination, sparks my creativity, and reminds me why I love dancing and exploring so much. Each Parisian adventure fills me with new inspiration for my blog and for my passion - reminding everyone that wearing a pink tutu is more than just a fashion statement.

And, let’s face it, we can all use a little bit of Parisian magic, a bit of sparkle and a lot of tutu-love in our lives!

Remember, darlings - don't forget to visit every Saturday for a new Parisian adventure! I promise there'll be more tutus, more twirls, and even more Parisian wonders!

Bisous, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-01-14 Exploring Paris