Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-01-07 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post #889)

Bonjour mes amis! Welcome to this week's edition of #PinkTutuBlogParis, straight from the magical, glittering city of lights. The crisp Parisian air is already doing wonders for my skin, and I’m ready for another week of embracing the Parisian spirit with all its fashion, theatre and beauty!

As many of you know, this past week was all about EuroStar and that incredible journey to Paris, always such an exciting experience! And for this trip, my #PinkTutu adventure started at a very special venue… none other than The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. It was so incredible! I had a truly spectacular performance – the ballet, costumes, music, it was all simply heavenly. This performance was extra special, as it helped fund this amazing journey to the City of Lights! It feels wonderful knowing that passion and hard work has brought me here!

And so, to Paris! Imagine my delight when I arrived and my train ticket read "Bienvenue à Paris"! A pink tutu, in Paris! The perfect combination. A combination I truly believe could bring peace to the world, but let's keep that for a future blog post, shall we?

Right now, the real star of the show is my #PinkTutu, because yes, ladies and gents, I am #PinkTutu-ing it up right here, in the city of love and style! This delicate tulle creation with the touch of sparkle really fits the atmosphere in this romantic and vibrant city! It really does complement everything from the street performers, to the beautiful cafes and even the majestic Notre Dame!

My heart is so happy I could dance!

My Paris Weekend Schedule

And speaking of dance, this week, I’m packing my tutu bag with my pointe shoes and preparing for another exciting week in this city that always has something up its sleeve. This is a schedule packed with fun activities that combine the magic of dance with some exciting city adventures:


After arriving in Paris and dropping my luggage at my adorable apartment near the Seine, the first stop was the Shakespeare and Company bookstore. Yes, that bookstore! This little literary haven near Notre Dame feels straight out of a Parisian movie – I had to grab a couple of French novels, just for the vibe! The streets were alive with music from street musicians and the aroma of delicious boulangerie. After all that walking and sightseeing, it was time for a bit of relaxation with some Parisian street fashion and an afternoon coffee and pain au chocolat in a chic cafe.


My #PinkTutu had a starring role today as I took the afternoon for a walk through the Luxembourg Gardens! This Parisian green oasis was simply idyllic – surrounded by Parisian chic, fountains, elegant flowers, and little cafe tables for a much needed tea break! The park's perfect harmony makes it easy to escape the bustling city for an hour or two and I know I'll be back here many times. This day was also all about exploring, and that included venturing into Saint-Germain-des-Prés, with all its quirky independent shops. That's where I discovered a little vintage shop tucked away on a cobblestoned street… let's just say, a few more PinkTutu pieces have made their way into my suitcase.


Oh la la! Time for an afternoon déjeuner with a friend! The Parisian afternoon light cast an elegant glow as I made my way towards a cafe in the Marais, which I recommend to anyone travelling through Paris. The cafes, galleries, and art deco architecture are perfect for soaking up the vibe of this enchanting neighbourhood. And my #PinkTutu? You better believe it had the perfect Parisian glow.


Let’s go shopping, darling! I spent the entire afternoon diving into Paris fashion, the real reason why Paris has a place in my heart! From luxury boutiques like Dior and Chanel to the cute independent boutiques, my #PinkTutu and I had an amazing shopping spree! Of course, some special treats found their way to my closet - a lovely Chanel pink hat with a feather trim for this Paris adventure!


Tonight is a Parisian spectacle at the Opéra Garnier! And my #PinkTutu has a leading role in my dress choice… You can never be overdressed when attending a ballet! The whole evening will be about soaking up the grandeur of this beautiful landmark, the magic of a Parisian ballet, and, naturally, enjoying all the delicious treats at the interval.


Today was dedicated to a quintessential Parisian experience. After a long breakfast ( I'm trying my best with these long and lingering French experiences ) at my favourite little cafe (which features a vintage Parisian vibe and an exquisite array of coffee and pastries) I treated myself to a little Parisian art and wandered the grand rooms of the Musée d’Orsay. The paintings here always bring back memories from my time studying art in London! It felt almost spiritual!


Tonight is the night! The night of the #PinkTutu!* My friend's niece (and aspiring ballerina!) has her very first ballet recital at a charming theatre, tucked away in a peaceful corner of Paris, and you better believe I will be there, supporting this little dancer's debut! Of course, with a pink tutu in hand, for all the aspiring ballerinas out there!

And the rest of the week….

  • Well, there's only a few hours left, the excitement, the adventures, the incredible fashion of the Parisian streets… everything is so intoxicating. As you can tell, the magic of Paris has stolen my heart – or should I say my #PinkTutu-heart!*

    A Little Bit About Paris..

My first few days in Paris have left me utterly charmed. Even more than usual, this city reminds me of how little moments of beauty are everywhere, if you're paying attention. Like watching the sunset over the Seine, catching the melody of a busker's song on a bustling street, the perfect croissant – these things feel almost sacred in the Parisian spirit. It’s definitely the city for taking your time, exploring every little nook and cranny. The cafes and markets have a very laid back Parisian attitude, even with a touch of Parisian sophistication.

*Tips from #PinkTutu: *

This Paris journey was my fourth trip, so I do consider myself something of a #PinkTutuParis veteran! Here are a few top #PinkTutu tips:

  1. Embracing the Magic of the Seine.
    It’s hard to beat a leisurely stroll along the Seine. I’ve enjoyed many a coffee and croissant break on a Seine river cruise, just admiring the Eiffel Tower in the evening. There's a kind of romantic nostalgia in the air along the banks. So make sure to spend an hour or two by the river - take in the ambiance, try one of the many bateaux-mouches, grab a cup of coffee or enjoy a picnic, it doesn't matter. Just breathe in that unique Parisian energy.

  2. A Taste of Paris This city knows how to cater to a girl who loves to eat, like me. The Parisian way of enjoying the world through food is absolutely magical! Try a simple crêpe, or indulge in a macarons à la Ladurée – even something as simple as a cup of coffee feels very elegant here.

  3. Fashion is an Art Form It’s no secret: Paris is a fashion-forward city and you don't even need to shop in fancy boutiques! Don't be afraid to just sit and observe. Parisian women are stylish whether they're strolling down the street or on the metro, each looking beautifully elegant in their own individual style. They say to embrace Paris you must embrace French chic, I'd even add "Embrace your #PinkTutu".

  4. The Magic of a Parisian Ballet: From the world-renowned Opera Garnier to charming neighbourhood theatres, ballet performances are a staple of the Parisian scene, and there's an amazing performance atmosphere everywhere. My advice – check out local listings in the areas you’re visiting.

Paris – where a #PinkTutu is a perfect fit for any day! It's the place where my dream wardrobe lives and inspires, and a beautiful location for dancing, art, food, and simply taking in all the beauty of the City of Lights.

As for me? Well, my Pink Tutu and I will keep exploring, looking for more Parisian spectacles that spark the imagination. This is what the life of a ballerina in Paris is about, finding the beauty and grace that dances through the streets every single day!

Au revoir mes amis, and until next Saturday!



PinkTutuBlogParis #Paris #Eurostar #Ballet #Travel

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-01-07 Exploring Paris