Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-02-04 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu in Paris: Post #893 – Bonjour, Chérie!

Saturday 4th February 2017

Hello, darlings! It's Emma here, back with you from the most magical city on Earth – Paris! It’s a biggie, this trip – a whole week of "oohs" and "ahhs" exploring the City of Lights. Now, I don’t want to boast, but it really feels like the Parisian dream was practically designed for me. Everything’s just so glamorous, you know? From the chic cafés and quaint boulangeries to the bustling markets and, of course, the ballet – Paris just has a certain je ne sais quoi that sets it apart.

You wouldn't believe the sheer volume of pink I’ve encountered. The city’s bursting with pastel pink walls, adorable pink macarons, and oh, the fashion! Pink is definitely having its moment here in Paris and let me tell you, this tutu-wearing ballerina couldn't be happier. It's a love affair, truly!

I journeyed here on the Eurostar, a smooth, quick ride that gave me a good view of the countryside, though the best part of train journeys has to be the station café where you can grab a delicious pastry (and a pot of strong French coffee, naturally). I’m sure I don’t have to say how much I love a good train journey, it's a magical, immersive way to travel – just picture the stunning vistas, the soothing rhythm of the tracks and the ever-so-slightly vintage glamour! I wouldn’t trade it for anything, it really feeds my soul.

And, to be quite frank, my trip to Paris this time isn't about catching the latest street performances (though you know, I'll be scouring every little cobbled street just in case, just a teeny bit!) nor the ballet shows – which, let’s be real, are practically a religion to me. (Spoiler alert: this post is going to feature a trip to the Paris Opera, so hold your breath, my darlings!)

No, this trip’s about embracing the whole, wonderfully delicious Paris experience. And what's better than delicious than pink Parisian experiences, I say?! I've been soaking up the ambience, shopping like a woman possessed and just letting my inner Parisian ballerina run wild. I’m even going to the Palais Garnier, the actual Opera House featured in the brilliant, oh-so-spectacular Phantom of the Opera. I am excited, aren’t I just a teeny bit? Okay, maybe I’m super-excited! And I will be doing a ballet lesson with a professional! Honestly, you just have to come see Paris yourself!

But enough about me – let me give you a glimpse of the Pink Tutu Paris Adventure so far!

Day One – Shopping 'Til You Drop!

Oh, darling, have you ever experienced a real Parisian shopping spree? If you haven't, get yourself here, ASAP. I hit the cobbled streets, hitting every little boutique, each with its own special character. The vintage stores are a dream – think tulle galore, silk scarves in every hue imaginable, and vintage accessories fit for a ballerina queen. I’m basically in shopping heaven, and with my trusty ballet bag – the only true essential for a serious shopping trip! – I’m practically a fashion magician.

And, speaking of magical, just think, we’re talking Chanel, Dior, and Hermès here, and, oh darling, I couldn’t not have a little peak at Prada! Of course, I also indulged in some serious souvenir shopping: pink Eiffel Towers, Paris postcards (already sending out to the friends who really need a good dose of Paris!), vintage hats – because who can say no to a gorgeous French beret? – and loads more sparkly baubles I can’t even remember! I'm literally dripping in pink. I’m like a flamingo in the Louvre – that's not to say that I actually visited the Louvre – yet!– I'm still too busy soaking up the romance and allure. Paris just has you swooning!

Day Two – Parisian Dream (and Some Ballet)

Today, my dear loves, I experienced what I believe to be the epitome of Parisian life: a glorious, sun-drenched lunch at a cute, corner café with a delicious croque monsieur, a cup of café au lait and, of course, a delicious éclair! Then I did indulge in some ballet classes at a rather grand, old-world studio near the Eiffel Tower. You've got to picture it! Think grand arched windows, floors polished so smooth they make your shoes squeak – and a beautiful, graceful instructor in a chic white leotard! Now, my loves, I’m in my pink tutu, obviously! We worked on pirouettes, grand jetés and those incredibly elegant bourrées – all the moves you'd see on the stage at the Paris Opera. I'm so utterly addicted!

As for the rest of the day – we’re going for an afternoon delight, at a quaint little bakery to treat my toes – with delicious Parisian pastry, a must in every itinerary I have. Let me tell you, I think I might just fall in love with Paris!

Day Three – Parisian Rhapsody – (Or – Why Paris Loves Ballet)

Paris truly knows how to romance you, darling! I started my day with a stroll along the Seine– it was practically alive with romance – laughing couples strolling hand-in-hand, artists sketching their latest masterpiece, musicians making melodies on their accordions – it was truly the scene of a Parisian postcard.

Oh, darling, you haven’t lived till you've had breakfast at Cafe de Flore, it’s Parisian royalty at its best. I’m just saying, even Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre would have agreed with that – it is an experience of sheer delight!

After my divine croissant and espresso (served in a delicate cup that could double as a jewellery holder, darling! ) I finally set foot into the grand Palais Garnier. It was beyond spectacular – I actually gasped! This theatre has history dripping off it! From its dramatic chandeliers to its plush, crimson velvet seats, the Palais Garnier truly transports you into a world of romance and elegance.

It's worth every moment and the sheer architectural splendor – just take a second to really soak it all in. As I stood under the iconic, intricate chandeliers – and in the pink tutu of course! - it was like stepping into the very heart of La Bohème. It felt as though I was a starlet from a silent movie – I mean, just imagine me pirouetting, silently, amidst that unbelievable opulence! It really did feel magical. And oh my, don’t let me get started on the grand stagesighs dreamily… Just picture it.

I finished off the evening with a lovely walk – in my fabulous pink tutu - through the Tuileries Gardens. What an absolute dream! I really don’t think I’ve ever been in such an incredibly inspiring place! It's the quintessential spot for watching the sun set over the Eiffel Tower and as the lights slowly turn on across the city – just imagine it – it feels like a million Parisian romances are happening right in front of your eyes!

Day Four – Bonjour, Fashion (And I mean it!)

This day was all about soaking in the latest trends - after all, every ballerina has to keep up with her Parisian fashion – but the first order of the day, darling, was Le Marais – it was so fabulous! Now, you have to just imagine this! It’s one of the oldest neighborhoods in Paris – with its stunning little courtyards and centuries-old houses. The architecture just has this special charm! Then there were the little boutiques… a Parisian dream literally… with beautiful handcrafted jewels, unique scarves and handbags – everything was just calling out to me – Oh, the fashion is a must for every ballerina!

Let’s talk about Galeries Lafayette – it’s like an architectural masterpiece and an elaborate stage production all rolled into one, my darling – you just have to see it! You can feel its rich history and you just can’t take your eyes off the fabulous Parisian window displays – oh, it’s a shopper’s paradise!

This morning, however, I must have stumbled upon a very special ballet boutique! It’s like heaven in a tiny shop! They have the most luxurious, graceful ballet gear imaginable – so I obviously had to make a purchase for the very special tutu I want to wear to see the performance tonight at Opera Garnier! Let me just tell you – a proper Parisian ballerina needs the perfect outfit to compliment that splendor – so, a little treat for me, is absolutely warranted! So excited! I feel like a princess! I must have made such a stylish impression!

Oh, and darling, it must be said, I’m going to take advantage of the Parisian evening magic by booking dinner with a view of the Eiffel Tower. Imagine, dining in such an iconic, oh-so glamorous city, watching the lights sparkle all around!

Day Five – Pink Paris – Eiffel Tower Glamour

Today is all about the Parisian Eiffel Tower, darling! And oh, what a beauty it is! We just have to get to know the Eiffel Tower, and after seeing it so much in films, postcards, it was wonderful to get close and soak it all in! A glorious view of the cityscape that was, and of course, plenty of opportunities for Pink Tutu moments – imagine the photo ops! Pink Eiffel Tower in the backdrop – I’ve just got to capture those! I’ve actually started using the hashtag #PinkTutuParis – because every ballerina needs a hashtag right? You know I do, darling! I really think this could catch on – if it isn’t already used, then why not? Do share your adventures using it!

The highlight of today? The absolutely amazing views and the delicious afternoon tea with the perfect little scones with clotted cream! I simply have to eat scones when I can – there is simply nothing quite like a really delicious, crumbly scone! We’re all in the spirit, darlings!

Now, tonight we’re off for a little more of the Parisian night! It is all happening. It’s a trip to the famous Moulin Rouge - imagine – where dreams are made! I can already see the glamorous dancers performing en pointe under the sparkling red windmill! And I think we might even find some more Pink – oh, it just gets better every day here, don't you think?

Day Six – Oh My – Paris Opera Ballet

And so the evening finally arrives! Opera Garnier! Darling, let’s just take a moment for that dramatic gasp! The iconic chandeliers glittering like diamonds, the red velvet seats that just sigh under you when you sit and – oh, my darling – I’m finally here at the Paris Opera to see The Nutcracker – a beautiful ballet. I’m actually watching it in a pink tutu (of course!). I did pick out the very most Parisian one I could – it was made especially for this night, you see!

The moment the first chord played – it was actually an oboe! – I’m transported to a world of fantasy. As the dancers gracefully floated across the stage and then leaped into the air, my heart beat a bit faster. It was as though they weren’t even touching the stage and, oh, that magical scenery just took my breath away!

The ballet is one thing but, * darling, this *Opera House is an absolute sight! Just take it all in – the spectacular architecture and those famous painted ceilings – all part of that gorgeous spectacle that is Paris Opera. As the final note played – oh, that *sound was absolutely divine!– I didn’t even want it to end. A standing ovation is truly deserved in this theatre, and darling, I think the entire audience felt exactly the same way – they were completely lost in the world that ballet and Opera Garnier had woven around us all.

Day Seven – The Parisian Goodbye

Today is departure day. But I must admit to a heavy heart (and a touch of ballerina tears)! Oh, Paris! I am smitten with you!

I took a few last walks to see those glorious, cobblestone streets, enjoyed my last cup of café au lait (while admiring some stunning pink Parisian art). This final day also involved lots of last minute shopping – how can one say ‘no’ to Parisian delights, right?

Paris will remain in my heart forever. And, it's all just getting started for me as a Pink Tutu ballerina on a mission to embrace a new experience – with my ballerina style, of course!

Now I am just waiting at the Eurostar, enjoying the view from my window as the landscape whizzes past, as we journey back to the UK – it was a special, magical journey – a ballet adventure in Paris – until next time, my dear readers, take a ballet step for your dreams and live your life in a pink tutu. The very best!

I’m Emma! *Don’t forget to check out * *

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-02-04 Exploring Paris