Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-05-27 Exploring Paris

Paris, Je T’aime! - #PinkTutuBlogParis

Post 909 - Saturday, 2017-05-27

Bonjour, mes amis!

As the Eurostar pulled into Gare du Nord, the first whiff of Paris tickled my nostrils, a delicious blend of freshly baked bread, jasmine, and the subtle aroma of…is that perfume? I'm sure I don't know what, but it definitely makes my senses sing! It's almost impossible to be in this beautiful city without feeling completely joyous and alive.

This week, I'm sharing my Parisian adventure with you lovely lot! This time, my travel adventures are fuelled by the beautiful stage performances I've had in Derby, alongside the joy I find in creating these blogs! Each performance brings me closer to realising my dream – a world where everyone wears pink tutus! Now that's a world I'd happily twirl around in.

Speaking of twirling, it's not only the city's charm and magic that's got me twirling with joy, but the abundance of gorgeous shops filled to the brim with stunning Parisian fashion. From delicate lace tops to silk scarves and exquisite shoes, Paris truly is the fashion capital of the world, and my heart just flutters a bit faster knowing that I'm here. I am on a mission to find the perfect vintage silk scarf for my grandma – she deserves a beautiful memento of my trip!

A Morning at the Louvre

But before I dive into the enchanting world of Parisian fashion, I must tell you all about my adventure to the iconic Louvre! Oh my goodness, what a magnificent treasure trove! Honestly, you could spend weeks in this museum and still barely scratch the surface.

My absolute favourite was, of course, the "Mona Lisa." Can you believe she's actually rather small in real life? But she's utterly captivating – a masterclass in mystery and enigmatic beauty. You can feel her gazing right through you. As a ballerina, I feel drawn to her stillness, the perfect posture, the graceful poise of her hands…She truly is a masterpiece!

We also spent a good chunk of time marveling at the Egyptian antiquities – oh, those incredible sarcophagi! They have a presence unlike anything I've ever seen. And who knew ancient Egyptian sculptures were so full of such graceful, almost ballet-like poses? I even found myself mimicking a few of the poses in front of some ancient gods – definitely not the most graceful ballet move, but you do what you gotta do!

Bonjour, Ballet!

What trip to Paris would be complete without a dose of ballet magic, right? I just had to catch a performance at the stunning Palais Garnier Opera House! As the beautiful music flowed through the room, I was mesmerized. The incredible costumes, the breathtaking choreography, and the passion pouring out of each dancer was absolutely electrifying.

Seeing a real Parisian ballet performance was everything I hoped for and more! It's a beautiful art form, one that truly transcends language. I even felt a twinge of inspiration to practice my own pirouettes when I get back home, a touch more grace than I achieved in front of the sarcophagi, I hope.

Shopping Spree in Montmartre

This charming neighbourhood felt as if it were plucked from a fairytale! With its cobbled streets and artistic vibes, it's no wonder that it's one of the most beloved places in Paris. We even stumbled upon a small cafe on a quiet street tucked away from the bustle, and sat outside soaking up the sun and enjoying some delicious macarons – divine! They were just a tiny bit too sugary for me, even my sweet tooth was shocked by their sweetness!

Of course, a visit to Montmartre wouldn’t be complete without some shopping, right? I’m absolutely smitten with a delicate, lace shawl I found in a little boutique on a hidden street. The fabric feels so soft and luxurious against my skin. And I couldn't resist adding a few more Parisian treats to my suitcase, including a beautiful little painting and some delicately-scented soaps to bring a bit of Paris back to Derbyshire with me!

Sunday, 2017-05-28

Today is for wandering and soaking in the vibrant city! We've got a packed itinerary, and the best part is it’s completely unplanned – pure discovery! So grab a cuppa, sit back, and come along with me!

The Eiffel Tower

I knew it would be an iconic image of Paris, but I still found myself gaping in awe when I finally laid eyes on this impressive architectural marvel! It’s more impressive in real life, for sure. You can’t quite see how large it really is until you're standing underneath it.

We went to the top – well, most of the way. It seemed quite crowded, which took some of the magic out of it, so we descended before we’d been up for long. I did manage to take a selfie, naturally. Just a cute selfie in my pink tutu! We can’t have it looking like I’ve abandoned my quest for pink tutu world domination now, can we?

A Touch of Parisian Glamour

In the afternoon, we took a stroll along the Seine River and meandered past the charming bridges and quaint cafés, letting the enchanting Parisian atmosphere wash over us.

I discovered a gorgeous little vintage clothing shop just a short stroll from the Louvre – definitely going to make a stop tomorrow. Maybe I can snag a little number that’ll set my own fashion senses alight! I even managed to score a gorgeous pair of silk ballet slippers, a tiny bit too pretty to be worn, so they’ll be carefully tucked away in my tutu drawer!

A Final French Feast

The day finished with an unforgettable dinner experience! You all know my love for food, so of course we dined in style. We went to a small French restaurant tucked away in a quiet corner, where the food was exquisite. Everything tasted perfectly French.

We shared plates of cheese and delicious wines that the waiters told us about with pride – he seemed happy when we asked if it was from Burgundy, as I knew they were from France! My absolute favourite, though, was the roasted chicken with rosemary – just delightful. And let's not forget the fluffy, melt-in-your-mouth soufflé for dessert. I honestly couldn’t stop thinking about how perfect that dessert was until we were back at our hotel, it’s safe to say it truly satisfied the pink tutu princess in me.

Monday 2017-05-29

Good morning from the city of lights! Another glorious day has begun! The streets are humming with life – everyone seems to be buzzing with a playful energy, from the cute cafes we’ve seen and enjoyed coffee in, to the beautiful French folk all heading about their day.

A Touch of the Classic

Today's been all about iconic Paris! We've strolled the Champs-Élysées and taken in the glamour of this legendary avenue. It's filled with beautiful shops and boutiques, and seeing everyone so wonderfully dressed – all those exquisite French style staples!

I've snagged a pair of gorgeous silk gloves for my grandma. She’ll be overjoyed! They are such a stylish and classic piece that's guaranteed to add a touch of elegance to any outfit.

And who could forget the Arc de Triomphe? Such an impressive monument to the past! I couldn't help but snap a picture of myself posing with a couple of fellow tourists – I swear, I could be mistaken for an Parisian if I hadn’t been sporting my pink tutu!

The Pink Tutu’s Parisian Diary

Paris has exceeded all of my expectations, every corner bursting with joy, wonder, and charm. I am not just here for the gorgeous fashion and enchanting experiences. I'm here on a mission, my fellow tutu enthusiasts: To make Paris the city of pink tutus.

You’ll see what I mean – because yes, you guessed right! Of course, I’ve been adding a touch of pink to my Parisian look! A pink scarf, a bright pink tote bag, even pink shoes - you might be surprised to find a lot of people will stop and stare at a pink tutu. But that’s okay, I have to give my followers a little inspiration! After all, who can resist a splash of vibrant pink in the city of lights?

I’m ready to spread the pink tutu message and show everyone that a little twirl can brighten your day, and make every outfit ten times more exciting. I think I just might succeed.

The Pink Tutu Princess Signing Off!

PS. Make sure to join me next week for my latest adventures! Until then, keep those pink tutus spinning!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-05-27 Exploring Paris