Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-08-05 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Travels: Paris Calling! 🩰🗼 (Post #919)

Bonjour from Paris, mes amies! It's Saturday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Blog post, this time from the City of Lights!

As you all know, I’m a firm believer that a bit of pink can brighten anyone’s day and a twirl in a tutu can make any moment magical, and that belief held true as I boarded the EuroStar in Derbyshire this morning, heading for a whirlwind weekend in the French capital.

It’s been a long time since I was last in Paris - way back in 2015! So you can imagine my excitement as I looked out the window of the sleek, silver train and saw the rolling countryside give way to the iconic Eiffel Tower peeking out amongst the Parisian skyline. My heart truly skipped a beat.

I've been planning this trip for months, meticulously studying the schedules of all the Parisian ballet companies and performances, and mapping out the most adorable shops to browse for that perfect pink tutu to wear on stage. It feels like every shop here in Paris is just begging to be explored, from vintage boutiques filled with quirky treasures to grand department stores showcasing the latest fashion.

Now, let’s get back to my trusty travel companion: my beloved pink tutu! Yes, even in Paris, it’s a statement piece. I chose a vibrant fuchsia, flowing, feather-light number, perfect for strolling the cobbled streets of Montmartre, and just begging to be photographed against the iconic backdrop of the Sacré-Coeur basilica. The Parisian crowds seem to love it too. I even got a few enthusiastic “Bravo!” and “Magnifique!” shouted after me. I’m hoping to spark a tutu revolution and get more people dancing with joy - perhaps we’ll see a wave of pink tutus sweeping the city soon!

Speaking of dance, the real reason for my trip: ballet! This evening, I'm off to the prestigious Palais Garnier for a performance by the Paris Opera Ballet. The programme includes one of my favourite ballets, Giselle, which I’m ridiculously excited to see again! My tutu's going to be shimmering under the elegant chandelier of the Opera House! And trust me, there will be photos!

So, my friends, follow me on my Paris adventure this weekend! Expect to see:

  • Shopping for exquisite vintage Parisian accessories: My suitcase is bursting at the seams already! I’ve already found some incredible vintage scarves at Les Puces de Saint-Ouen, perfect for tying around the waist of my favourite tutu!

  • A delicious macaron adventure: From Ladurée’s iconic pink boxes to smaller, artisanal bakeries, Paris is a macaron paradise. Let’s be honest, no trip is complete without at least one pink macaron!

  • Enchanting moments exploring Parisian street performers: My love for all forms of performing arts leads me to the cobbled corners of the city where talented street dancers and musicians entertain the crowds. It’s so inspiring and invigorating, not to mention great practice for learning new moves!

  • Enchanting sights from a traditional Parisian café: I have a special Parisian café I go to, called Cafe de la Paix. It's on the grand Boulevard Haussmann and is perfect for people-watching and sipping a delicious cappuccino. My hot drink? A 'cappuccino rose' - perfectly pink and fluffy, and just as pretty as the French flower markets nearby.

And, of course, many, many tutu-fied adventures in the City of Love! Keep checking back this week for more of my Paris updates!

But first, tell me, have you ever been to Paris? What is your favourite Parisian memory? Do you wear a pink tutu (or would you ever)? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Follow along on Instagram and Facebook @PinkTutuBlog for even more Parisian photos! And stay tuned for next week’s post – I've got some truly delightful things planned.

Au revoir for now, and don’t forget to twirl!

Love, Emma 💕🩰

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-08-05 Exploring Paris