Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-11-25 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - #935: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Saturday, 25th November, 2017

Bonjour, my darling pink tutu lovers! It's Emma, your favourite tutu-wearing traveller, here from the heart of Paris! I just had to get my pink tutu over here for a little Parisian escapade - it wouldn't be right to be in the city of romance without a touch of whimsical, tulle-filled magic, wouldn't you agree?

Now, before we dive headfirst into all the Parisian delights, a quick hello from Derbyshire! The past week has been absolutely whirlwind! You know me, my dear readers, I live for that vibrant, energetic buzz! After my final ballet performance of the week - a delightful, classical rendition of Swan Lake that had the entire audience in awe, I'd wager - I practically leaped into my trusty travel case. I have a soft spot for the Eurostar, you know? Something about its speed and grace... it reminds me of those magnificent leaps in a well-executed pirouette!

But darling, Paris has welcomed me with open arms. The moment I stepped out of Gare du Nord, I felt a little surge of inspiration. Those cobblestone streets, the chic Parisian cafes, even the air smelled of… well, perhaps just croissants and love, haha!

As always, my mission this trip? To get everyone to wear a pink tutu, of course! Just a small dream to bring a little joy and whimsical flair to the world. And with Paris’ love for the beautiful and unexpected, I think it’s the perfect place to start!

Speaking of joy and beauty, I had the absolute pleasure of attending the ballet performance of "La Bayadère" at the Opéra Garnier on Friday. My, oh my! Such breathtaking costumes and choreography, each step an intricate dance of artistry. You can't truly grasp the beauty and magic of ballet until you witness it live! It was simply breathtaking, my darlings. The grace, the passion, the sheer physical prowess of these talented artists – it filled my heart with pure delight.

Today's itinerary is jam-packed, just as you’d expect from a Pink Tutu adventure! We’re taking a delightful walk down the Champs-Élysées - with its dazzling lights and shop windows bursting with couture, oh how I wish I could scoop them all up! A good cuppa with a pain au chocolat is a must, and then we're hopping on the Metro for a bit of sightseeing, before stopping by the famous Tuileries Garden. If the weather is on our side, I just might sneak in a quick tutu twirl – don't worry, darling, I promise I'll share the photographic proof on my Instagram later!

And to wrap up the day? We'll be catching a spectacular show at the Moulin Rouge. Now, let's just say a Parisian spectacle complete with dazzling costumes and the quintessential "French Can-Can" is sure to make this trip utterly unforgettable. I just know I’m going to have so much fun, darlings!

Speaking of fun, did I tell you about the Parisian shopping? Oh, my, my, my! My Parisian wardrobe will need some major upgrades with all these fashion delights! I just found the most exquisite pink dress in the prettiest shade of pastel - perfect for those upcoming soirées! It would be positively scandalous if I didn’t find at least one pair of fabulous heels while here. I'm absolutely drowning in a sea of tulle, silk and sparkle, darlings!

So, come join me for this adventure as we navigate the vibrant streets, soak in the culture and of course, experience the magic of this charming, romantic city. Remember to follow me on social media for a little glimpse into my life here, my darlings! We’re posting behind-the-scenes shots and fun videos throughout the week.

See you all next week for more Pink Tutu Parisian delights. Until then, stay sparkling, stay fabulous and be sure to…

  • Wear pink.
  • Twirl with your hearts.
  • Share your love for everything pink and beautiful.

Sending you all the love,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-11-25 Exploring Paris