Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2018-05-05 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post Number 958 - Saturday, 2018-05-05 - Exploring the City of Lights!

Bonjour, my darlings! Emma here, writing to you live from the City of Lights itself – Paris! It's been a whirlwind of a week, and this Saturday I'm finally taking a moment to catch my breath and tell you all about it. If you're looking for the perfect escape to sprinkle a little magic into your life, I say pack your pink tutus and jump on the EuroStar - Paris is calling!

As a seasoned tutu-clad traveller, I've found there's no better way to explore a new city than by train. The EuroStar whisked me through the Channel Tunnel and straight into the heart of Paris. The journey itself is an adventure! I'm so obsessed with the sheer romance of hopping aboard a train with the wind whipping through my hair and a new city calling my name. This time, the view of the French countryside was absolutely stunning – green rolling hills dotted with charming villages, reminding me of a classic French fairytale.

And then, there it was - the Eiffel Tower peeking above the horizon as the train arrived at Gare du Nord. My heart skipped a beat. The energy in Paris is just intoxicating, a delicious blend of chic and bohemian charm. As soon as I stepped onto the platform, the sweet smell of freshly baked pastries and blooming springtime flowers wafted through the air, transporting me to another world.

My Tutu-tastic Parisian Debut

Now, I’m not going to lie, my first evening in Paris involved a touch of trepidation. You see, I had the audacious idea of strutting my tutu in the heart of the Latin Quarter! Yes, you heard right – the very heart of this chic and intellectual neighbourhood! I felt a little bit nervous – but the feeling was quickly overcome by the sheer joy of sharing the beauty of tutu-clad life. I felt like I was stepping right into a charming, old French film as I twirled my way down cobblestone streets. I caught curious stares, knowing glances and smiles - it was the most liberating feeling. People were captivated, they stopped to admire my dance and the graceful, ethereal flow of my tutu. Some even called out “C'est magnifique!" with thumbs up, a sign of approval in Parisian lingo. I knew right then - I was already on my mission to spread tutu love!

Bonjour, Moulin Rouge!

Speaking of Parisian magic, a trip to Paris simply wouldn’t be complete without a night at the legendary Moulin Rouge! The air thrummed with anticipation, a blend of excitement and history, as I walked through the iconic windmill-topped theatre doors. The famous cabaret, with its shimmering lights and plush red interior, set the stage for an unforgettable evening. The costumes were truly stunning - sparkling sequins, plumes, and feathers - they really had me yearning for the days of the flapper girl and that wonderful freedom and frivolity. And let's not forget the Can-Can – it was a wild whirlwind of high kicks and leg-splitting poses, the most vibrant and energetic dance I’ve seen! But even the dazzling performances couldn’t compare to the awe I felt gazing at the historical ceiling and grand theatre, it’s an icon for a reason!

Parisian Fashion Fix

Paris is a paradise for any fashion lover like me! Imagine wandering through chic boutiques with beautiful window displays, browsing the shelves at independent shops, and just absorbing the artistic spirit in every street corner. One of my absolute favourite places is the Marais. With its cobbled streets and gorgeous vintage stores, I spent hours on end searching for treasures. And wouldn't you know it, I discovered a darling little boutique with an entire wall of vintage tutus! I couldn’t resist. I grabbed a lovely light pink one that just whispered of delicate sweetness – it was the perfect way to end my afternoon stroll. I couldn’t leave Paris without a touch of vintage!

Ballet Bliss

No visit to the City of Lights would be complete without seeing a world-renowned ballet performance, would it? This time I was captivated by the ethereal movements of the dancers at the iconic Opéra Garnier, it truly took my breath away! The classical elegance of their every gesture and the sheer power in each arabesque left me utterly speechless. The costumes were truly stunning - shimmering silks, intricate details and just breathtaking artistry! It’s incredible how each graceful move can transport you into another realm. Afterwards, I felt inspired and utterly revitalised! My love of ballet is the driving force behind everything I do – it’s what fuels my desire to dance and inspire others.

The Art of the French Aperitivo

Now, let's talk about a little French indulgence – aperitivo time! This Parisian tradition involves winding down at the end of the day with a chilled glass of wine or a refreshing cocktail, usually paired with a light, delectable platter of French delicacies. As a ballerina on a budget, I usually opt for a simple bottle of chilled rose or sparkling cider! You just have to enjoy the ambiance - the sun setting over the rooftops, the air buzzing with the sound of happy laughter and friendly chatter. That's what makes a Parisian evening so truly enchanting!

Discovering Montmartre

Paris wouldn't be Paris without the famous hill of Montmartre, the artistic haven where artists, writers, and dreamers have sought inspiration for centuries. Walking through the streets, surrounded by the vibrant colours of artists’ canvases, street performers, and captivating views, it was just a magical experience. Every corner seems to reveal another charming secret, whether it’s a quaint cafe hidden away from the world or a vibrant street market showcasing the best of local artisans. And let me tell you, Montmartre holds a very special place in my heart – it's the perfect place to unleash your creativity and let your inner artist truly shine!

Fashion Forward

As I explore Paris, I never forget that this is a city of style and grace, a city that lives and breathes fashion. It inspires me in ways you wouldn't even imagine. There's a constant ballet of vibrant colours, stylish patterns, and effortless elegance around every corner. So naturally, my own tutu takes on a whole new life in this Parisian setting. It's like an impromptu performance every time I walk through a café or am caught in a busy street! There's just something about a pink tutu in Paris, it cuts through the noise and truly adds a dash of personality to the cityscape. And trust me, every day feels like an opportunity to unleash a bit of my inner ballerina, which I just know will leave a touch of magic on anyone who sees it.

My Tutu Journey Continues

Every day is a whirlwind of inspiring beauty in this captivating city. But my trip to Paris wasn't just about sightseeing and enjoying a fabulous getaway! I took every opportunity I could find to meet other tutu-clad adventurers like myself.

On one of my mornings, I visited the Jardin du Luxembourg – a beautiful oasis of calm right in the heart of Paris! I sat by the fountain, a perfect Parisian postcard moment, and let my inner ballerina wander, watching the world around me in a soft ballet of colours and movement. While I was relaxing, a group of French ladies in colourful tutus came along. Their tutus were long and sweeping, in bold shades of royal blue and vibrant green. It turns out they are a local group who meet every Sunday for a morning tutu walk in the park – and naturally I joined them for a spontaneous ballet moment! There's truly no better way to find like-minded souls, embrace joy, and spread that magical pink tutu energy!

As I bid farewell to the City of Lights, I am brimming with inspiration and already counting down the days till I can return. Paris, with your cobblestone streets, historic landmarks, breathtaking ballet performances, and vibrant fashion scene, you’ve stolen a little piece of my heart. But most of all, you reminded me that anything is possible if you follow your dreams and, of course, wear a tutu! Don't forget to stay tuned, as I continue my pink tutu journey to new and exciting destinations – and spread my mission to bring joy and magic through tutu-clad adventures!

Stay chic and keep your head held high,

Don't forget to check out for all my Parisian adventures and to stay updated on my tutu journey! And remember, ladies, the world is waiting for you – embrace the magical, be yourself, and never be afraid to twirl in a pink tutu!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2018-05-05 Exploring Paris