Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2018-06-16 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - #964: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Saturday, 16th June 2018

Darling readers, bonjour from the City of Lights! I've arrived in Paris, my suitcase bursting with my favourite pink tulle and my heart overflowing with excitement. As I write this, I'm sitting on the terrace of a charming little café in Montmartre, soaking in the Parisian atmosphere. The scent of fresh bread and the melodic sounds of a street musician blend with the chirping of birds, creating the most enchanting symphony.

Getting to Paris was half the fun, of course! The Eurostar is always such a lovely experience. It's like stepping onto a stage set, complete with its own miniature theatre where I spent my journey lost in a ballet book. The smooth glide through the French countryside is mesmerizing, like watching a beautiful, calming film. I wouldn't swap that train journey for anything!

Paris is a city of romance and enchantment, a city that truly understands the joy of a perfectly styled tutu! (There's just something about a swirling, tulle cloud against the backdrop of a cobbled Parisian street, isn't there?) I’m on a mission to share this enchanting city with you through my pink-tinted eyes, and of course, with my signature touch of tutu-inspired glamour!

Day One: A Whirlwind of Inspiration

Landing in Paris was like entering a dream! Everything is just so...chic! My hotel room overlooks the Eiffel Tower, which is lit up at night in a dazzling array of shimmering lights. It's a breathtaking sight and reminds me of my childhood dreams of becoming a Parisian ballerina!

My first order of business was a visit to the Louvre. You can't be in Paris and not see the Mona Lisa! Seeing it in person felt truly special - like getting to see the queen of the art world. The museum is absolutely enormous, with masterpieces at every turn. I lost myself in the endless corridors, sketching ideas in my little notebook (tutu-inspired, of course!). I already have so many exciting fashion ideas bubbling up from this inspiration!

After my artistic exploration, I indulged in the perfect Parisian afternoon – a stroll through the Tuileries Gardens. Imagine me, a vision in a bubblegum pink tutu, amidst the perfectly manicured lawns, cascading fountains, and flowerbeds bursting with colour. I truly believe in spreading the joy of tutus everywhere, and Paris, with its romantic flair, seems like the ideal canvas for my pink dreams.

For my Parisian debut, I decided to dine at a quaint little restaurant near my hotel. The waiter was absolutely charmed by my pink tulle, (Who wouldn’t be?) and treated me like royalty! They even brought me a small glass of Champagne to celebrate my arrival. A delightful way to end my first day in this magical city!

Saturday Shopping - A Fashion Fairyland!

No visit to Paris would be complete without a touch of luxury shopping. Today, my friends, I took a little journey into a fashion fairyland. The streets around Rue de Rivoli and Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré were alive with Parisian style, filled with boutiques and galleries showcasing exquisite fashion. I practically had to pinch myself – all the gorgeous dresses and shoes! The shop windows were adorned with the most breathtaking window displays, and it seemed that every other person I saw was perfectly styled and exuded that effortless Parisian chic!

I’m obsessed with the intricate designs, the fine fabrics, and the timeless elegance that every garment radiates. While I might be tempted by a decadent evening gown, I've always believed that true style isn't about being trendy; it's about being true to yourself. So my shopping spree was an adventure of finding treasures that spoke to my playful and colourful personality, sprinkled with just a hint of Parisian romance. I’ve even discovered a lovely little fabric shop near my hotel, where I found a shimmering pink lace, the perfect material for a new tutu design, inspired by my Parisian escapades!

An Evening of Elegance and Enchantment

Later tonight, I'm indulging in a real Parisian treat: a performance at the Opéra Garnier. Can you believe my luck? The program is a dazzling mix of classic ballets and modern choreographies. I just know it’s going to be truly unforgettable. Every step, every pirouette, every leap will be imbued with that timeless Parisian elegance and theatrical flair. I’ve already found the perfect pink tutu to wear for the occasion – it's shimmering with intricate sequin detailing, a perfect match for the opulent atmosphere of the Opéra!

More than just Shopping and Fashion!

My love for fashion is a huge part of who I am, but it's not just about clothes for me, it’s about capturing a moment, a feeling, a memory. Paris has a way of making you feel incredibly alive and creative, and I feel like every Parisian window display and art gallery, every cafe terrace and cobblestone street whispers a new idea for my tutus. It's like this city is inspiring me to expand the world of pink tulle and give it even more meaning.

I’ll be back next Saturday with more adventures and stories from this vibrant city, sharing with you everything I’ve experienced, from the art museums to the charming street corners, and of course, my favourite tutu-related discoveries!

In the meantime, I urge you to embrace your own style and never stop dreaming of a world filled with colour and happiness. After all, wouldn’t it be amazing if we could all create our own personal versions of Parisian magic in our own everyday lives? Now, go out there, find your pink tulle, and spread the joy of dance wherever you go!

Stay tuned for more Parisian pink tutu magic, my darling readers! Until then, remember, the world is your stage.

**With love,


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2018-06-16 Exploring Paris