Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-01-12 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: A Whirlwind of Parisian Pink (#PinkTutuBlogParis) 🩰

Post #994 - Saturday, 12th January 2019

Bonjour from the City of Lights, darlings! It's Emma here, and guess what? I've made it to Paris! The moment I stepped off the Eurostar and into the bustling Gare du Nord, my heart started to do a little pirouette. Paris - the city of fashion, romance, and yes, ballet! I mean, it's practically impossible to not be inspired here! I already feel like I'm living in one of my favourite ballet scenes! ✨

This week, I'm embracing all things Parisian: From exploring hidden alleyways in my pink tutu (and trust me, the locals couldn't help but smile) to indulging in all things delicious (that cheese board!), to being mesmerised by the ballet shows - my ballet-loving heart is overflowing. This trip is pure magic!

From Derbyshire to Paris by Eurostar: A Dreamy Train Ride

So, where was I? Oh right, I just finished a magical three-week run in 'Swan Lake' at the Derby Theatre. Performing alongside the talented dancers of the Derby Dance Company has always been a dream! (You can see why I need a break, right?!) After the final curtain call, I hopped onto the Eurostar (I love a good train journey) with my trusty suitcase, ready for an adventure in the most magical city in the world!

Travelling on the Eurostar is like taking a private ballet performance! It's all sleek, elegant and stylish, with comfy seats perfect for daydreaming about Paris and my plans to visit the Palais Garnier! My new pink sequined tutu made its grand debut on the train. You can never be too glamorous! 💖

Paris, Je t’aime! First Impressions, Fabulous Shopping and a Romantic Dinner

The first thing that struck me about Paris was the architecture. I'm sure everyone says this, but those iconic buildings with their pointed roofs and stunning windows? Breathtaking! It feels like I’m walking through a painting. It just made my Instagram story with the Eiffel Tower in the background a lot prettier! (Please go follow if you're reading this, you know you want to!)

I wasted no time in finding the most perfect boutique for a little pre-ballet-show shopping. Imagine rows upon rows of pretty fabrics and dresses that are almost begging me to be twirled in! A little bit of "Moulin Rouge" inspiration - and my new Parisian look is ready! (You'll see it in my next post, so watch this space!). And of course, what would Paris be without some of that infamous street food? Oh, my! My tastebuds are still doing cartwheels from those macarons and crepes.

This evening, I had the most romantic dinner with the Eiffel Tower glistening in the night sky as my backdrop. I know, how perfectly Parisian, right? But I’m saving the rest of my Paris story for you, darling. I’m going to tell you about the best bakery in Paris (and I’m going to show you why!), and all about the stunning ballet I saw yesterday.

But for now, Au revoir and Happy Weekending!

Remember: You can check out all my posts and photos at and don't forget to tag me on social media It's going to be a tutu-tastic week in Paris! Until next Saturday, keep twirling! 💖🩰

[And if you are in need of a bit more 'Emma' inspiration - feel free to add to the above:

  • More details on the 'Swan Lake' performance
    • Emma’s favourite 'Pink Tutu' looks in pictures (imagine something quite glamorous for her journey and Paris outing).
    • Images from her Parisian shopping spree - could be pictures from vintage boutiques or some lovely independent boutiques!
    • Detailed account of a 'ballet show' or class - what is she attending and her feelings about the class / show
  • Ideas on why Paris is ‘The Ballet Capital’
    • Add a fun ‘Paris fact’ (there are lots of pink facts related to the Eiffel Tower and other architecture and Paris Fashion houses )

You can always add to this post by expanding on these topics.

Happy writing, Emma! 😊

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-01-12 Exploring Paris