Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-05-04 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Week 1010 - "Ooh La La! Paris, I'm Home!"

Bonjour, my lovely Tutu Tribe! It's Emma here, and I'm finally back in Paris! I've been dying to get back to the City of Lights since my last visit in 2017 and after an exhausting but utterly delightful journey by EuroStar, here I am, ready to sprinkle some pink tulle magic all over the cobblestones! This time, I'm not just here for a weekend, I'm going to be here for a full month! I'm practically bursting with excitement, but don’t you worry - I’ll be posting weekly on my #PinkTutuBlogParis right here on every Saturday, just like usual, to tell you all about my adventures!

This week, in post 1010 of my #PinkTutuBlogParis I’ll be sharing everything, from my EuroStar adventure to the magical Parisian streets I've been exploring and the wonderful performances I've seen already, as well as, of course, the shops, oh the shops!!

The Journey: EuroStar All the Way!

Okay, I’ve got to be honest - travelling by train isn't for everyone. But there’s nothing I love more than settling down in my seat with a good book (I was finally able to finish "Pride and Prejudice"!) and watching the countryside drift by as the hours fly by. And, let's face it, it's hard to beat the style and comfort of the Eurostar. Imagine: plush velvet seats, plenty of legroom, yummy snacks, and a view that goes on forever.

Plus, let’s not forget that the EuroStar runs directly to the centre of Paris, leaving me a stone’s throw from my favourite spots in the city. Just thinking about it already makes me feel so much better than enduring the chaos of flying - that's not exactly the way to get my Paris adventure off to a good start!

Arriving in Style: Bonjour, Paris!

As my train pulled into Gare du Nord, the magic of Paris began to take over. The smell of fresh croissants baking, the beautiful architecture that seemed to shimmer in the early morning sunlight, the stylish Parisians rushing by in chic outfits that could easily put a simple Derby girl like me to shame, it was almost as though the entire city had sprung into life especially for me!

It wasn't even lunchtime and I had already fallen in love with the place! After getting my bearings, I jumped into the nearest bakery (they call them ‘boulangeries' here, darling) and had myself a well-deserved pain au chocolat. Oh my goodness, I swear the Parisian bakeries are full of secret magical ingredients. It tasted so incredibly divine - so fresh, buttery, and perfectly flaky. It was enough to make you go ‘ooh la la’ all on your own!

A Week of Pink Tulle Wonder:

Paris has already treated me to such a whirlwind of delightful experiences. From exploring the charming and colourful streets of Montmartre, which I can't seem to stop thinking about, to having lunch at the Eiffel Tower – which, if you’re anything like me, will leave you completely in awe - I have loved every minute of it! And let’s not forget about those boutiques, all with beautiful display windows full of dreamy outfits - there's just so much to explore. You'll just have to check back in on my next blog post, where I'll be showcasing the ultimate Parisienne outfit. I found some new ballet shoes and I'm determined to break them in properly by doing the grand jeté at every landmark.

But for me, a trip to Paris is never complete without a trip to the theatre! Of course, Paris is known for its breathtakingly beautiful opera houses - and while I did consider attending an opera, it’s the ballet I was truly longing for. The Palais Garnier is just around the corner, and they have been staging ‘Le Corsaire’ by Marius Petipa – just the kind of magical, sweeping performance to have me completely lost in its magic for a few hours.

A Week Full of Pink Tutu Inspiration

If you think I left my tutu behind, you would be very, very wrong! How could I possibly travel anywhere in the world without my signature style? Paris, darling, is just crying out to be seen in my pink tutu - from Montmartre to the Louvre, I’ve twirled, twirled, twirled, leaving my signature tulle trail wherever I went! Let’s just say, I've been getting a lot of approving glances – people seem to be really appreciating the bit of sparkle I bring to the City of Lights.

Let's face it: even when you’re on a strict budget, the temptation of beautiful boutiques is irresistible - I know I don't need another tutu but what better place is there to find a new one than here? I am happy to say that I just couldn't resist. A gorgeous new pink and gold tutu with delicate embellishments and a beautiful shimmering sparkle? My eyes were watering with joy as I walked out of the shop. Let’s just say I had to buy a whole new suitcase for all my finds before the week was out!

Life is all about Finding Joy: Let’s spread it!

I’ve had a busy week. You wouldn’t believe all the magical moments I've been living, my friends! Every Parisian afternoon has been filled with something special. And I truly believe that when you travel, you come back with a bit more joy to share with the world. So, if I can do one thing for my dear Tutu Tribe - if I can spread just a little bit of joy and inspiration along my journey - well, that’s what this little dancer will be trying to do, until my heart is content!

A Little Pink Tutu for Everyone

Of course, this journey has me thinking about the #PinkTutuChallenge. Remember, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I'm determined to spread the love of pink tutus around the globe, so every single one of you will wear one eventually! Just imagine: a whole world, covered in pink, glittery tulle… wouldn't that be amazing? Now wouldn't that be something?

Next Week's Pink Tutu Paris Adventures: Oh my!

So there you have it, darling - week one in Paris, and oh my, have we had fun! There’s so much more to share from the city of lights – think art galleries, fabulous street performances, oh, and did I mention the FOOD??

*Be sure to tune in next Saturday at for my #PinkTutuBlogParis - week 1011 – with even more exciting adventures coming your way. You can find me on all the socials too: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter – just search “Pink Tutu.” *

Stay fabulous, and stay sparkling!

Emma, x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-05-04 Exploring Paris