Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-05-11 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post #1011

Bonjour, mes chéries!

The Eiffel Tower glitters in the Parisian sunshine, and my heart is practically doing pirouettes! I’ve finally made it to Paris! This week has been all about that pink-tutu-loving, Parisian-dream-chasing girl, because darling, I’m in Paris!*

My trusty Eurostar whisked me away from the Peak District this week. Honestly, the Derbyshire countryside is lovely, but this girl's got her heart set on a croissant-and-champagne kinda life. Luckily, the train ride is as glamorous as it gets. (I did manage to slip a pink tutu under my coat – the conductor didn't say anything!) My eyes were glued to the scenery flashing by: charming English villages turning into the stunning countryside of northern France – such a beautiful change. I could just picture a grand Parisian ball as we zoomed toward my destination. Aaaaahhhhhhh.

As I touched down at Gare du Nord (don’t you love the way the station sounds so sophisticated?) – I was surrounded by charming Parisian locals and those unmistakable vintage cars, so French! It all felt very magical. You know how it is, darling, it’s that Parisian air – it makes you want to do pirouettes in the street! I was ready to dive into everything fabulous Paris has to offer!

Speaking of fabulousness, darling, I must tell you all about my new Pink Tutu Parisian-chic outfit! It was just the thing to break into the Parisian scene with style. A fluffy tutu, naturally, in the most exquisite shade of millennial pink, paired with a crisp white blouse, my most adored pearl necklace and, quelle surprise, a cherry-red beret. I am the epitome of “Pink Tutu Chic”, if you will. If there’s one thing I hope my blog encourages, it's a healthy dose of embracing your own unique style, no matter how sparkly or flamboyant! I think pink tutus should be a staple for every girl! Imagine it: a pink tutu day in London! The world could be so much more glamorous!

Now, my adventures began the very minute I landed. Firstly, a trip to a beautiful French boulangerie (oh, the pastries!). The smells alone are enough to make your head spin. A little tip: order yourself a "pain au chocolat". The flaky pastry and the divine dark chocolate, truly heavenly! Trust me on this, my darling!

Speaking of things that are heavenly, let’s talk about today – a whirlwind day of French fun!

Today’s Parisian Adventures – 11th May 2019:

First on the agenda was a delightful French café lunch with some fellow ballet-loving souls – and an amazing fashion blogger I'd been following online, Chloe. She was fabulous darling. You know, these are the kind of moments that make my Parisian dreams come true. Imagine a cafe, sunshine flooding the cobbled streets, charming laughter and stories shared between fellow fashion-loving gals. We all agreed, “There's something about Paris!”

Chloe told me about the most stunning fashion show coming up next week – you know I had to get my tutu-wearing self a ticket!

After lunch, Chloe and I visited some absolutely incredible Parisian boutiques. They were a wonderland of all things stylish! From vintage hats to statement necklaces – every corner felt like a mini fashion show. I just HAD to grab a new pair of red shoes (with glitter!) and a few delicate floral headbands to complete my new “Pink Tutu in Paris” look. Of course, all in pink hues, of course.

But the best was yet to come… tonight we saw an unbelievable ballet performance. Let me tell you, darling, the Parisian ballet dancers were on a completely different level. You'll never believe the costumes: a flurry of beautiful tulle and feathers. And those pirouettes, darling – you could have heard a pin drop! My inner ballerina nearly burst out of her seat, and my own tutu felt quite small by comparison! Oh, the envy, but such incredible inspiration! The performance left me inspired and longing for a good ballet lesson myself! You’ll see more pics on Instagram, my darling.

After the show, I felt that familiar Parisian buzz… You know that feeling where your senses are buzzing, every bit of your being soaking in the experience. I walked along the Seine, the city lit up in beautiful hues – pure magic! We ate the best crepe I've ever had, sitting on a bench under the Parisian night sky. I savored each mouthful as the Parisian nightlife buzzed around me. Ahhh, life is so good!

Paris is a city that never sleeps! Honestly, even a Pink Tutu girl has to sleep eventually, so I retreated back to my quaint little Parisian hotel. (The owner even had a little pink tutu in the foyer, imagine that!) I am already planning my next Pink Tutu adventures for tomorrow, a trip to the Musée Rodin to admire all that beautiful sculpture… It’s all about indulging in the artistry and charm of this incredible city. And, of course, another delicious café brunch. It’s all about Parisian dreams, darling, all about them.

Don't forget to check back in next week, my darlings, because this Parisian Pink Tutu Blog adventure is just getting started. More fashion, more ballet, more croissants and champagne… and most importantly, more fun!

À bientôt, mes amies!

Emma ❤️

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-05-11 Exploring Paris