Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-03-28 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post #1057 - Saturday 2020-03-28 - Exploring Paris!

Bonjour mes amies!

It's Emma here, reporting live from the City of Lights, Paris! As you all know, I simply adore a good train journey and this time it was a EuroStar to take me to my French paradise. With a fluffy pink tutu twirling around my ankles, of course! I felt like a proper Parisian ballerina on my way, looking out of the window at the lush countryside blurring into a series of shimmering colours as the train sped towards my destination.

This week’s post is extra special. It's all about the enchanting city of Paris and how this incredible destination has truly captured my heart. For those who don’t know me, I’m Emma from Derbyshire, a self-proclaimed pink-loving ballerina, fashionista, and of course, a HUGE fan of all things tutu! I use the funds from my ballet performances to fuel my travel adventures. My mission is simple: To make the world a pinker, twirlier, more glamorous place! And where better to do that than in the dazzling, stylish, and utterly charming capital of France?

Oh la la! Let's get into the highlights of my Parisian adventures, shall we?

Day One - Shopping on the Champs-Élysées

Arriving in Paris was pure magic. Stepping out of the Gare du Nord and being greeted by the Eiffel Tower towering above, I knew I was in for an absolutely dreamy experience. I had to get straight to the shopping, and what better place to start than the world-famous Champs-Élysées?

Wearing a beautiful, flowing pastel pink tutu with an oversized black beret and pink heels, I felt perfectly in my element amidst the luxury boutiques, buzzing with the sound of chic Parisian conversation and a symphony of honking taxis. Oh, the sights and the smells! Paris has such a distinctive aroma of fresh croissants, strong coffee, and a hint of something undeniably elegant.

My first purchase was a stunning, cream coloured vintage hat adorned with a feather – it perfectly matched my tutu, wouldn't you agree? I even managed to snag a pair of exquisite black patent leather ballet shoes. You can imagine the delight of finally finding those perfect pair after scouring several shops for days! Oh, the joy!

Day Two – Dance, Dance, Dance!

You can’t visit Paris and not indulge in the city’s unparalleled dance culture. My darling friends, I simply had to experience a ballet show. Now, I’m a seasoned ballet enthusiast but this was truly special. Seeing a performance at the Palais Garnier, with its gilded opulence and grand décor was an experience to behold! The dance itself was graceful, delicate, and filled with such captivating emotions – my tutu was spinning like a whirlwind! I was completely lost in the story unfolding on stage, my heart brimming with admiration for the talented dancers. After the performance, I walked with a skip in my step and a glow of inspiration, eager to continue my Parisian escapade.

I know a lot of my fellow dancers have said, "Emma, it's a classic! We've all seen it!". I know it's Swan Lake. I wanted to see the Garnier for its history. As for my feelings about Swan Lake, we can debate another day.

Day Three - Wandering the City of Love

You can’t truly understand Paris without taking a stroll down the cobblestone streets and getting lost in its vibrant atmosphere. It’s something you have to feel. I found myself mesmerized by the charm of the Montmartre district, where artists have inspired generations. The bohemian vibe of this district is palpable and irresistible. I tried my hand at painting with a friendly street artist – I know, it was absolutely atrocious! My artistic abilities need a LOT of practice! I’ll just stick to wearing the art and not trying to make it myself, I think!

Day Four - A Visit to the Louvre Museum

No trip to Paris would be complete without a visit to the Louvre! A timeless marvel, it houses some of the world’s most famous art, from the Mona Lisa to the Venus de Milo. Standing before these masterpieces felt almost spiritual. I found myself contemplating their stories and the enduring legacy of their creators, Lost in a whirl of inspiration and appreciation, I even managed to sneak in a pirouette for the Instagram picture – a little pink tutu ballet magic amidst the classical art! The best part of my visit, you ask? No other tutu-wearing visitors. What's better for the photos?

Day Five – Seine River Cruise with Style

It’s not a Paris experience without a cruise down the beautiful River Seine! With the sunshine gilding the water, I cruised past iconic landmarks, my tutu billowing in the gentle breeze. The Parisian cityscape was magnificent, and my heart was overflowing with delight. As the sunset cast a magical glow across the Seine, I imagined myself a Parisian ballerina, gracefully gliding across the river in my pink tutu. Ah, the dream!

Day Six - More Shopping and the Eiffel Tower

Yes, more shopping! It's what Paris is all about! This time I was in search of a stunning evening dress. After many hours of trying on different styles, I found a glorious dress, deep crimson in color, and embellished with sparkles that mirrored the city lights of Paris! The dress made me feel elegant and sophisticated, a little bit like a princess at a ball.

The evening was dedicated to experiencing one of the most iconic landmarks in the world - the Eiffel Tower. The feeling of being transported high above Paris was breathtaking. A dazzling kaleidoscope of glittering lights transformed the city into a scene out of a fairy tale!

As I gazed across the cityscape, the sky turning into a canvas of violet and indigo hues, I had to share this breathtaking view with my wonderful Instagram followers. With a flick of my wrist, I captured the moment perfectly. You know, it took a few shots to make sure my tutu looked its best! I captioned the photo "Parisian sunsets are like pink tutu dreams – magical!"

Day Seven - The Theatre!

The final day of my Paris escapade called for one final cultural indulgence - a dazzling musical in the famous Theatre de Paris. What else could a ballet-loving girl do but see Cats? From the moment the curtain went up, I was swept away by the dazzling costumes, the incredible choreography, and the emotional power of the performances. Oh, what a feeling! It's something I'll never forget!

And you know what? The crowd was really into it. Lots of ladies had their own little bits of pink, which made my heart very happy indeed. I mean, I still feel a twinge of regret that I didn't bring a sparkly, slightly revealing pink tutu to make Cats extra-fabulous! The outfit was planned with shopping and performance, but not with the whims of a Cats performance. My mistake. A learning curve, you might say.

My Parisian Pink Tutu Tips!

For anyone who’s thinking about taking a trip to this enchanting city, here’s a little pink tutu wisdom from me:

  • Pack pink! Pink is truly the color of Paris! From the charming Parisian cafes to the delicate cherry blossoms, you'll find shades of pink everywhere you look. Make sure you have plenty of pink clothing options – tutus are definitely a must, of course!
  • Get lost in the charming boutiques and galleries. You'll find all kinds of treasures to enhance your pink tutu wardrobe!
  • Dance like nobody's watching. The city has an incredible energy, embrace it! Dance in the streets, spin in the squares, feel the magic! Just be mindful of the art installations, yeah?
  • Indulge in the delicious pastries and food. Don't be afraid to try something new. Be sure to grab a traditional macaron and pair it with a lovely cup of coffee – it's absolutely heavenly!
  • Take your time to relax and soak it all in. Enjoy the charming ambiance of Paris' many parks and gardens. Let your thoughts drift to a world of fashion, dance, and Parisian enchantment.

As I board the EuroStar back home, my heart is filled with fond memories. This pink tutu journey was an absolute dream come true. And guess what? Paris has officially become my favorite city!

That's all from Paris this week, folks!

Au revoir, mes amis, and stay pink, stay fabulous!

Coming next week, a trip to the National Gallery with my new Parisian beret and my favorite pink tutu.

P.S. Be sure to subscribe to my blog at and follow my adventures on Instagram at @PinkTutuAdventures!


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-03-28 Exploring Paris