Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-04-10 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: #1111 - Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Hello, darling readers! It's Emma, your resident Pink Tutu aficionado, and I'm absolutely thrilled to be whisking you away with me to the most romantic city in the world - Paris! This Saturday's adventure is a special one, not just because of the stunning city we're exploring, but because I'm about to tell you all about a life-changing ballet experience that will leave you twirling in delight. But first, let's talk about the journey itself, shall we?

EuroStar Romance:

It’s Friday night, and I'm on board the EuroStar, speeding through the French countryside like a ballerina on pointe. Oh, the sheer delight of travelling by train! There’s something truly magical about the scenery whizzing past, accompanied by the gentle rocking of the carriage, which allows for the perfect “Pink Tutu Paris” mood.

Today’s outfit is all about that chic Parisian elegance, with a delicate lace top and a pale pink tutu, finished off with my favourite, sparkly ballerina flats. Because, you know, pink tutus just make train journeys infinitely more glamorous! A girl has to bring a touch of ballet to every journey, right? And believe me, when I arrived in Paris, there was a real air of excited anticipation – like the stage curtains about to open for the greatest performance of my life!

Parisian Dreams:

From the moment we stepped off the train, Paris was a whirl of beautiful sights and intoxicating scents! The air hummed with energy - a symphony of car horns, Parisian chatter, and street musicians – creating the perfect soundtrack for our Parisian escapade.

I immediately headed to the apartment I booked. Oh darling, let me tell you, it's heaven! I mean, this Parisian flat is a vision – imagine the prettiest pastel pink walls, Parisian-style furniture, and even a small, sun-drenched balcony where I can do my daily warm-up before venturing out for a spot of exploration. It's perfect for a ballerina, with its mirrors, wooden floors and enough space to really perfect my pirouettes, just in case those cheeky squirrels make an appearance in my Parisian garden.

Pink Tutu Power:

We made our way into the city, the pink tutu swirling as I walked along, a little slice of Derbyshire pride in the heart of Paris! I really believe there’s something truly magical about pink tutus; it makes people smile and sparks a bit of joy wherever I go. A young couple even stopped to compliment my tutu, telling me how it brightened their day. It just proves, the power of pink, the joy of twirling, and the undeniable allure of a Pink Tutu Paris adventure is contagious!

The Pink Tutu Parisian Stroll:

With the iconic Eiffel Tower as our backdrop, we enjoyed the vibrant atmosphere of the Parisian streets, and I found myself feeling completely absorbed in this new world! Everywhere I looked was breathtaking! We visited Notre Dame, strolled along the Seine River, marveled at the Louvre, and took countless Instagrammable pictures - pink tutu included, of course.

Let’s be honest, even a Parisian adventure is just incomplete without a spot of pink shopping! And I couldn't resist popping into a delightful little boutique filled with adorable Parisian fashion gems. My pink tutu collection has been significantly upgraded with a beautiful new tulle piece, so delicate and sparkly that I could barely keep my eyes off of it. Oh, how my tutu dreams were coming true, darling!

Dinner Dreams & Parisian Delight:

Later, we savored a delicious, and decidedly romantic, dinner. We sat by the Seine, a string of twinkling lights above, as we enjoyed a meal filled with rich, savory flavors. But I admit, my tastebuds weren’t quite as charmed as my tutu-adorned heart - I still think my favourite French dish will always be a lovely little éclair. It's the perfect treat after a long day of exploring Paris in style.

"Pink Tutu Parisian Adventures" in the Making:

Of course, you’re probably wondering why this Parisian trip is so special. Well, let me tell you, darlings – this journey is more than just pretty pictures and lovely pastries. Tonight, I have the privilege of seeing one of the most esteemed ballet companies in the world! The Parisian Opera Ballet has an incredible reputation for grace, elegance, and storytelling. The performance is expected to be breathtaking, a veritable spectacle that will stay with me forever. I'm truly honoured to be experiencing this ballet masterpiece in such an iconic city, and, well, how exciting is it to wear my pink tutu in a place where the love for ballet is truly palpable?

I know you'll love my adventures with the Paris Opera Ballet and hearing all about the show and how the pink tutu twirled its way into this magical ballet world. Come back next Saturday for another blog post filled with my Parisian delights. You know what they say - Keep Calm, and Carry on Twerking. (Just kidding - it's all about the ballet!) Don't forget to check back here for next week's blog post! I’ve got plenty of Parisian pink-tutu filled fun lined up for you!

Don't forget to visit the website for more ballerina adventures and a dose of pink inspiration.

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-04-10 Exploring Paris