Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-09-04 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #1132 - Parisian Whirlwind! 🩰💖

Hello my lovely Tutu Twirlers! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, travel-loving ballerina, Emma, and I'm buzzing to share my latest Parisian adventures with you all!

This week's escapade took me, quite literally, straight to the heart of Paris via the glamorous Eurostar. There's nothing quite like that feeling of excitement as the train speeds across the Channel, the anticipation building for a city steeped in romance, art, and of course, fashion!

Pink Power in the City of Lights

I packed my suitcase with a whirlwind of pink - it's practically a crime to be in Paris without at least one shade of rose, don't you think? This trip's wardrobe staple is a delicate blush pink tutu - I just couldn't resist! The subtle blush tone perfectly complemented the charming Parisian streets, making me feel like a graceful ballet dancer twirling through a storybook.

From Derbyshire to the Palais Garnier

For a girl who grew up in the rolling hills of Derbyshire, Paris has always held a special kind of magic. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, Notre Dame - just hearing those names is enough to get my heart beating a little faster. But for me, there was no greater draw than the iconic Palais Garnier, the grand opera house that has been captivating the world for centuries.

And guess what?! I've booked tickets for a breathtaking performance of 'Swan Lake', starring the Paris Opera Ballet. It's almost too exciting to think about - the exquisite music, the intricate choreography, the dramatic story unfolding under the ornate chandeliers - this is going to be a ballet experience I will never forget!

The City's Charm

Today was a day for soaking up Parisian charm. My morning began with a wander around the Tuileries Garden, where I found myself amidst beautiful topiary trees, cascading fountains, and vibrant flowerbeds. Of course, my little pink tutu caught a few curious glances and, of course, prompted a couple of friendly “Bonjour Madame!” The sheer delight on the faces of those passersby who stopped to chat reminded me just how universal a pink tutu really is!

A trip to the Palais Garnier isn't complete without exploring the Opéra Shop. It's a treasure trove of ballet-themed souvenirs, beautiful ballet books, and, my absolute weakness, designer ballet flats!

And finally, a delicious lunch in a quaint Parisian cafe was just what I needed to fuel my shopping plans! I'm on the hunt for a unique vintage piece for my Paris wardrobe, maybe something lace, something silky...

Stay tuned for more adventures...

I’m really looking forward to exploring the Champs-Élysées, the Louvre Museum, and maybe even a trip to Montmartre for some inspiring street art! I’ll be sure to share my adventures with you next week, including a recap of my ‘Swan Lake’ experience!

Remember, darling Tutu Twirlers, embrace your inner ballerina, spread the love, and never be afraid to wear a pink tutu. Until next time, bon voyage!



P.S. Be sure to visit the website each Saturday for more pink tutu adventures!

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#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-09-04 Exploring Paris