Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-09-18 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Travels: Bonjour, Paris! (Blog Post #1134)

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, your favourite pink-loving ballerina, and I'm absolutely bursting with excitement to tell you all about my whirlwind trip to Paris! I've been dreaming of visiting the City of Lights for as long as I can remember, and thanks to my latest ballet gig (more on that later!), I finally made it a reality!

Eurostar Adventures

The journey began at the station in Derby – the Derbyshire air felt crisp and autumnal, hinting at the beautiful Parisian weather that awaited me. My trusty suitcase, overflowing with twirling-ready tulle and elegant Parisian-inspired outfits (and, of course, my signature pink tutu!), was carefully packed and ready for the adventure ahead. I adore train journeys – there's something so magical about watching the world go by as you hurtle towards a new destination. This Eurostar trip was no exception! The plush seats, the elegant carriage interiors, and the anticipation buzzing through the air – it felt like a fairy tale come to life. I even spotted a fellow traveller with a vintage ballerina book, which definitely set the scene for my Parisian escapades!

Parisian Fashion First Impressions

And what a welcome I received! The moment we arrived at Gare du Nord, I was smitten with the energy and vibrancy of Paris. Everyone was so stylish! From chic Parisian ladies with perfectly sculpted hair and sleek jackets to dapper gentlemen in their finest suits, Paris exuded a refined sense of fashion that I simply adored. It's truly inspiring and I felt like my own sense of style was suddenly heightened! The moment I stepped onto the street, I felt a surge of confidence, my tutu swirling around me in perfect harmony with the chic Parisian energy. Of course, I knew that I wouldn't be a true Parisian tourist until I had at least one pink tutu sighting in the wild, but to my utter dismay, it's been sadly absent in the Parisian landscape so far. A little project for my visit, perhaps?!

Exploring the Eiffel Tower: A Breathtaking Ballet

After settling into my lovely hotel – a charming boutique hotel with the most exquisite floral wallpaper (fitting, wouldn't you say?) – I wasted no time in exploring the city's iconic landmarks. And what better way to experience Paris than from the top of the Eiffel Tower? As the lift carried me higher and higher, I felt a thrill course through me – the city below seemed to stretch out endlessly, bathed in the golden light of the setting sun. The view was simply breathtaking, a majestic tapestry of Parisian architecture and life. For a moment, I closed my eyes, feeling a magical connection to the city and imagining all the stories it had witnessed over the years. Standing up there, I couldn't help but think that the Eiffel Tower felt a bit like a giant ballerina, its graceful metal curves and intricate designs creating a beautiful silhouette against the sky. It even swayed gently in the wind, a graceful dance to the rhythm of Paris!

The Seine and its Secrets: A Dreamy Stroll

The Seine, a captivating river snaking through the city's heart, captivated me as I strolled along its banks. Charming cafes with red-checkered tablecloths lined the path, offering the perfect vantage point for people watching. The gentle sound of water lapping against the riverbank and the chatter of Parisian voices made me feel truly connected to the heart of the city. I took a whimsical boat ride along the Seine, where I marveled at the city’s architectural wonders and soaked in the romance of the atmosphere. It was as if the river itself had a story to tell, a tapestry woven with Parisian love stories and secrets whispering through the years.

The Palais Garnier: A Ballerina’s Paradise

On Saturday night, I indulged in my true passion, taking a trip to the world-renowned Palais Garnier, Paris' grand opera house. It felt like I had stepped into a fairy tale, every corner decorated with opulence and extravagance. Every detail was crafted with such artistry and elegance – ornate chandeliers dripping with sparkling crystal, painted ceilings swirling with mythological tales, and velvet seats that invited you to sink into their luxurious embrace. It was like a living embodiment of the grand ballet productions I had only dreamed of. I spent hours simply exploring the space, absorbing the rich history and theatrical aura that clung to every surface. I even snagged a programme from the latest ballet performance (Giselle!) and, just for fun, did a little impromptu pirouette under the grand staircase – it was as if the Palais Garnier was built for dancers like me!

Food and Fashion: Parisian Delights

No trip to Paris would be complete without indulging in the delectable French cuisine and, of course, soaking up the stylish atmosphere! From the moment I stepped into the charming little bakery near my hotel, I knew I was in for a treat. The smell of fresh bread, the vibrant colours of the macarons, and the creamy perfection of the croissants – my taste buds were in a state of bliss!

Shopping is another favourite activity of mine, especially in Paris. Every corner holds a new treasure – from vintage boutiques to elegant department stores. The window displays were an absolute feast for the eyes, a vibrant tapestry of colors, textures, and design trends that set my fashion heart aflutter. I treated myself to a gorgeous pair of velvet shoes in a rich burgundy shade (a subtle nod to the elegance of Paris, wouldn't you say?) and a delicate floral scarf that would look perfect with a classic little black dress, or perhaps even with my favourite pink tutu (yes, you read that right, darlings – pink can always find a way into even the most classic ensembles!)

Ballet Performance at The Châtelet

It's all been wonderful so far, but of course, my Paris trip wouldn't be complete without a spectacular ballet performance. My latest ballet gig - a whirlwind of waltzes and pas de bourrees at the magnificent Châtelet Theatre - was nothing short of sensational! The energy of the audience, the vibrant lights illuminating the stage, the orchestra’s crescendo, and the passion pouring out of every dancer – it was a ballet performance that left me absolutely breathless! And as I stood there backstage, listening to the thunderous applause echoing through the theatre, I couldn't help but feel immensely grateful for this magical journey that dance had taken me on. From Derbyshire to Paris, a tutu-clad ballerina with a heart full of dreams and a passion for performing – my life feels like a ballet itself, twirling with grace and leaving a trail of shimmering memories wherever I go!

Sharing the Magic: Pink Tutu Bloggers

Paris, with its history, its beauty, its energy, and its style, has truly captured my heart! This city has ignited a renewed sense of creativity and inspiration, and I can't wait to share more of my Parisian adventures with you in my upcoming blog posts. And for all of you who dream of exploring the world with a tutu on your shoulder (or even a pink tutu on your head, as my dreams suggest!), know that you can too! Every day is a chance to embrace your own dreams and embrace a world filled with color, creativity, and boundless possibilities. So, keep your tutus at the ready, darlings, because the world awaits! Until next Saturday!

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2021-09-18 Exploring Paris