Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2022-12-17 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #1199 - Saturday 12th December 2022 - Oh la la! Exploring Paris in My Pink Tutu!

Bonjour mes amis! đŸ©°đŸ’–

Emma here, your trusty Pink Tutu Blogger, reporting live from the City of Lights - Paris! I’ve finally arrived, and trust me, it's every bit as magical as I dreamed. After weeks of ballet rehearsals, late-night tutu alterations, and a whole lot of "au revoir" to Derbyshire, I'm here, my darling tutu swirling around me, ready to dance through the Parisian streets.

I must say, even my most stylish pink tutu seemed a bit subdued compared to the sheer volume of colour, energy, and fashion I encountered as I stepped out of Gare du Nord, my journey here completed via the magnificent EuroStar. (That train is just SO glamorous! It made the whole journey feel like a part of my pink-tutu dream sequence!)

My week in Paris promises to be absolutely choc-a-bloc with exciting events and even more fabulous outfits! I can't wait to share them all with you, so hold on to your pink tutus (because you know you have at least one tucked away somewhere), because it's going to be a whirlwind!

A Peek into my Pink Parisian Adventures:

Saturday, the Day of Arrivals

This afternoon was all about unpacking my overflowing suitcase (let's just say the "ballet flats only" rule didn't apply this time), choosing my perfect outfit (a glorious pink dress with a delicate tulle overlay, just for Paris, darling!), and settling into my charming little hotel. You just wouldn’t believe how they do “French charming”. Think cobblestone streets, flower boxes, and cafes with the most divine smell of freshly brewed coffee and croissants. I’m already smitten!

Later, after a very elegant dinner at a charming little bistro – let’s just say the escargots weren’t quite what I was expecting! – I took a leisurely walk along the Seine River. The city, lit up by twinkling lights, is positively dreamy! I stopped at a charming little bridge and found myself surrounded by street performers - buskers, mime artists, even a group of musicians with accordions! It was absolutely enchanting.

I simply had to catch a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower – every first-timer’s gotta see it, right? You could say my Parisian evening concluded with the perfect Paris vista. There I was, against the backdrop of this architectural masterpiece, in my blush pink dress, swaying my tulle skirt gently as I smiled for the camera. You can check out the Instagram story, "PinkTutuParis," for that fab pic, naturally!

What’s coming up:

So, darling, here’s a glimpse of my whirlwind week in Paris:

Sunday, 13th December

Oh, I have such a ballet time planned! I am attending a magnificent performance at the Opera Garnier. (It’s got the fanciest architecture, I promise, and everyone is wearing a dazzling ensemble). Of course, I will be sporting my ultimate pink-tutu-ballet-glam outfit, complete with crystal embellished pointe shoes. You just can't go wrong with sparkle in Paris!

Monday, 14th December

This Monday, I’ll be hopping into my tutu, making my way to a dance studio, and taking a class to loosen up all those muscles (I mean, I have been on a train for almost a full day, after all). Then, in the afternoon, it's off to the iconic Galeries Lafayette, my dear Parisian shopping Mecca! This will be all about focusing on that Parisian elegance and perhaps finding some fabulously flamboyant (and pink, of course) new additions for my wardrobe.

Tuesday, 15th December

Time to soak up some artistic inspiration! This Tuesday will be spent in the Louvre, surrounded by world-famous art and perhaps the odd Napoleon exhibit (after all, no Parisian trip is complete without some historical culture!). Then, in the evening, a private tutu session at a delightful local ballet school with a trĂšs talented Parisian choreographer, Jean-Claude, to get my tutu-wearing confidence flowing for all my future Parisian adventures.

Wednesday, 16th December

Ah, the heart of Paris - Montmartre! It’s time for the picturesque cobblestone streets and artists’ quarters. (Of course, I’ll be posting oodles of those classic chic Paris photos, with me and my darling tutu – but obviously, in pink, darling!). In the afternoon, it’s time to find my inner Parisian - with a decadent picnic in the Luxembourg Gardens, complete with Parisian macarons (oh la la!) and maybe some of my mum's special sausage rolls from Derbyshire. It's the perfect dose of home comfort on my Parisian adventures!

Thursday, 17th December

Bonjour shopping day! It’s all about finding le petit dĂ©tail - little treasures to take home. This Thursday’s a perfect day for me to pick up some dainty, vintage-style jewellery pieces, that extra bit of French chic. I always get compliments when I bring back little trinkets like this.

Friday, 18th December

Tonight’s all about theatre – and for an added dose of Parisian pizzazz, it’s moulin rouge - The Red Mill - for a performance of The Moulin Rouge Spectacular - cabaret, music, dancing, glamour and sparkle – oh là là! A night in this iconic cabaret theatre, it’s an experience that's guaranteed to have me pirouetting through my dreams.

Saturday, 19th December

It’s time to bid au revoir to this dazzling city and head back to England. My journey, filled with pink tulle, vibrant colours, and the magic of Parisian style, will stay with me for a long time. But before I say “goodbye”, I will grab a few of my very best Paris outfit shots and of course, my favourite pink tutu look of the week, just for PinkTutuBlog.

*My Pink Tutu Musings: *

Paris truly is a city of enchantment! Every cobblestone street feels like a stage, every cafe is a charming vignette, and every moment holds a sprinkle of magic. It's easy to be captivated by the city’s effortless glamour and feel like you’ve stepped into a fairytale. But perhaps it’s more about how the French approach the everyday - a love of artistry and design in even the most simple details; a dedication to the joie de vivre. They’ve truly made me fall in love with the Parisian flair - that exquisite touch of effortless chic that only a Parisian can pull off.

But you know me, I love sharing everything, my Paris fashion tips are, of course, available on my blog (, just for you. (My outfit for Sunday’s Opera Garnier, featuring a bejewelled pink tutu topped with a fluffy white feather boa and diamond encrusted headband, is already causing a frenzy amongst my online ballet followers!)

Of course, darling, there’s more to it than the fancy dress. It’s the attitude, the way you carry yourself! And my tutu, with its billowing skirts and colourful pink hues, adds to that, creating my very own Parisian fairy tale.

I want to empower every one of you to embrace that playful Parisian spirit, embrace the joie de vivre – just put on a tutu! (Okay, not just a tutu, unless you want to be a one-woman pink parade. But at least try it, maybe find your inner ballerina, and enjoy every single whimsical moment).

Now, off I trot, darling, to find a new adventure in Paris and post all about it. Until next week, keep those pink tutus ready!

Paris #Travel #Fashion #PinkTutu #PinkTutuBlogParis #France #EuroStar #TutuDreams

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2022-12-17 Exploring Paris