Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-01-07 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post Number 1202 - Saturday 7th January 2023: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Oh là là, mes amies! The air is crisp, the street performers are out in force, and I'm feeling as if I've stepped into a Parisian fairytale! It's a glorious Saturday morning here in Paris and I'm already smitten with the city's charm.

This week's adventure took me all the way from my cosy Derbyshire cottage, via the fabulous Eurostar, to the heart of this enchanting city. I have to say, there's nothing quite like the anticipation as you whizz through the French countryside, with the promise of Paris sparkling at the end of the journey. I packed my trusty pink tutu (because let's be honest, it's never out of place in this city!) and my very best smile, and I'm ready to soak up all that Paris has to offer.

For this week's trip, I'm fuelled by the success of my latest ballet performance at the Derbyshire Arts Centre - what a phenomenal audience they were! It's so rewarding to share my love of dance with others, and it makes funding my Parisian adventures all the more special.

As you know, this blog is all about bringing a bit of sparkle to your life, and I couldn't imagine a better place than Paris to do it. After all, this city breathes elegance and art, it’s a city where dreams truly come to life!

Today's Agenda:

So what's on the itinerary for today? Well, firstly, a coffee and croissant at a quaint café, preferably with views of the Eiffel Tower, naturally. I'm already picturing myself sipping on a latte while planning out the week's blog posts!

After my caffeine fix, I'm headed to the Palais Garnier, the opulent opera house that has inspired generations of ballet dancers (and myself, of course!). I simply can't resist a trip to the place that sparked so many of my childhood ballet dreams. They have a magnificent collection of costumes and artwork to explore, which I'm sure will ignite my imagination and my inner ballerina.

This afternoon, I'm aiming to embrace the vibrant atmosphere of the Latin Quarter. I'm eager to discover the charming bookshops and artistic cafes nestled among the narrow streets. Who knows what creative inspiration awaits?

And of course, no Parisian adventure would be complete without indulging in some truly delicious food. Tonight, I'm treating myself to a French classic: escargots and a glass of something bubbly. The perfect way to end a fabulous day!

Pink-Tutu Inspiration:

Today, I'm channeling my Parisian muse with a simple yet chic ensemble. My pink tutu, of course! But this time I'm pairing it with a cream-colored silk blouse with delicate lace details and a beret for a touch of French sophistication. My classic ballet flats complete the look with a sprinkle of graceful femininity.

If you want to channel your inner Parisian fashionista this weekend, I urge you to try something similar. Whether it's a simple scarf, a pair of heels or even just a touch of bold lipstick, embrace a touch of French flair and let your inner confidence bloom.

My Mission: Pink Tutus for Everyone!

As I wander through the beautiful city streets, my mission is clear: to share my love for Paris, for ballet and for a touch of playful pink with everyone!

Do you know why? Because pink tutus are not just for dancers; they're for everyone who believes in dreaming big, spreading joy and making the world a more beautiful place. Whether it’s a pink accessory, a little tutu-inspired fashion choice, or simply a sprinkle of pink in your everyday life, I encourage you to embrace your own personal touch of "pink-tutu" magic.

Stay tuned, darlings! There are so many more exciting Parisian adventures in store. From a Parisian ballet performance on a historic stage, to trying on the most decadent Parisian fashion, my Paris diary is brimming with colourful anecdotes and exciting experiences!

Until next Saturday, remember to embrace the beauty of life, channel your inner ballerina, and let your pink tutu spirit shine through.


Pink Tutu Paris - The Details:

Accommodation: For my Parisian sojourn, I've booked myself a charming little room at Hotel La Marais, which is known for its cozy ambiance and its convenient location right in the heart of the Marais District. It’s the perfect spot to explore this historically beautiful neighborhood!

Dining: Paris is a gourmand's paradise and my Parisian palette is already dancing with delight! Today's food diary looks like this:

  • Morning Coffee and Croissant: I'm off to Les Deux Magots for a coffee, a classic Parisian croissant and a touch of literary charm, this is a cafe famous for attracting the likes of Ernest Hemingway and Jean-Paul Sartre.
  • Dinnertime Delights: Le Chateaubriand for their iconic French dishes (think buttery steak and truffle fries) and delicious wine selection. I’m going to experience a piece of Parisian haute cuisine - at its best.
  • Sweets to Satisfy: If the Parisian afternoon beckons, then I’m likely to stop for macarons from Ladurée. They're exquisite and a must-try treat.

Cultural Escapades: Today’s schedule of cultural experiences:

  • Palais Garnier: Today’s big trip. This architectural marvel offers a peek into the opulent world of ballet. I can’t wait to be captivated by the grand staircase, gilded interiors, and the stunning artistry that awaits me inside. A real must for every ballet fan and design lover!
    • Parisian Ballet: To catch a spectacular ballet performance, you have the chance to enjoy a variety of classical ballet companies, including the Paris Opera Ballet. Be sure to book in advance to grab a prime spot in the house!

Tips for Pink Tutu Travellers:

  • Packing: Remember, when you're wearing pink, you are already making a statement. So keep your clothing light, comfortable and choose colours that work well with pink. Don’t over-pack, embrace simplicity.
    • Pink-Tutu Style: I always try to look and feel confident in my outfits, and for Paris that translates to embracing the French fashion spirit with some fun personal touches. For this trip, I’ve brought some classic pink accessories to give an added pop to my ensembles. I've found that a pink bag or scarf adds a splash of playful color without being overwhelming.
  • Exploring Paris: To really absorb the Parisian essence, you’ve got to be a true flâneur. This French word encapsulates the act of leisurely strolling and people-watching, so make time for this on your trip!
    • Embrace the Unexpected: Sometimes the best Parisian discoveries happen when you get a little lost! I'm a big fan of taking a walk on the fly, just to see where the streets lead. And the most beautiful sights often come out of taking an unexpected route.
  • Language of Love: While Parisian fashion can be bold, remember to approach the people with gentleness, politeness and courtesy, this is an essential aspect of Parisian charm and culture. And, remember "Bonjour," "Merci" and "Au Revoir" always go down a treat.

Next week, more Paris awaits! Next Saturday I'm off to discover more of the Parisian delights, I'll be blogging all about my experiences at the Museé du Louvre (which, I believe, contains the most beautiful pieces of art!), a spot of shopping at Les Marais for chic accessories and then for the ultimate indulgence: a traditional French pâtisserie.

Stay tuned for more pink-tutu fun from the City of Lights!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-01-07 Exploring Paris