Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-07-01 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post 1227: Oh La La, Paris!

Bonjour mes chéries! It's Emma here, writing to you from the City of Lights itself! Paris! 🗼 My dreams have finally come true, I'm finally in the fashion capital of the world! It's just so chic, so beautiful and filled with so much style, even the pigeons have impeccable taste (they could give some of my neighbours in Derbyshire a lesson or two!)

After a whirlwind journey aboard the Eurostar, my sparkly pink tutu twirled with excitement all the way to Paris. It truly is a joy to travel by train, something about the rhythm of the tracks, the quiet chuffing of the engine, and the anticipation of reaching my destination - it's just so dreamy!

As soon as I arrived at Gare du Nord, my feet took me straight to the Tuileries Gardens, right outside the Louvre, a place that seemed straight out of a fairy tale. The air was alive with laughter, children playing, couples picnicking and tourists capturing every moment on their phones. It was pure magic!

Ballet Inspiration:

My Paris adventures, as always, have been inspired by the ballet. In fact, I have a couple of special performances lined up! This weekend, I'm going to see a magical production of 'Swan Lake' at the Palais Garnier. You've just got to see the theatre; it's all marble, grand staircases and shimmering chandeliers! Can't wait to see if they manage to out-dazzle my own sparkly tutu, I don't think they can, but I’m sure they'll try! 🩰

I also have a special ballet class booked in a charming studio in the Marais. I adore finding small, tucked away corners of the city, like secret gems. It's a little bohemian haven, where the sound of tapping shoes, flowing movements and the scent of leotards fill the air!

Shopping Paradise

Of course, no Parisian trip is complete without some shopping therapy, darling! And you won’t believe the wonders I've found! The Rue Saint-Honoré was like stepping into a whimsical fairytale! You can't swing a cat without bumping into a stunning couture boutique filled with outfits fit for a queen.

I confess, I indulged in a beautiful blush pink lace dress, perfect for an afternoon stroll along the Seine, perhaps followed by a glass of vin rouge in a charming café! And I managed to nab some chic headbands in a little boutique, adorned with tiny delicate bows - they are positively adorable. I'll definitely be taking my pink tutu for a whirl, as I stroll through the beautiful gardens and admire the iconic architecture! 💖

A French Twist on Fashion

But don't think I've completely lost my British charm. My Parisian wardrobe is still peppered with a dash of Derby countryside whimsy, as well as a splash of playful British humour, naturally! Think ballet flats paired with vintage florals and bold pink sunglasses, maybe even a twinkle of glitter in my hair for a touch of "ooh la la!".

One of my absolute favourite finds was a delightful little bakery hidden away on a quiet street. I just had to try their signature pink macaron - it was the most heavenly, sugary, Parisian delight imaginable! Now that's how to end a day of shopping in the most stylish way. 🧁

Travel Notes: The Eurostar & The "Pink Tutu Crew"

Speaking of travel, the Eurostar was truly fabulous. The journey whizzed by in a flash - I managed to fit in a few ballet warm-up stretches in my seat, a good read of my trusty French travel book and even a spot of sketching to capture the gorgeous landscapes passing by. 🚄

I met the most delightful group of women, "The Pink Tutu Crew", who just loved my style and attitude towards embracing the power of pink and tutu! I felt a genuine connection with these fellow stylish souls - they are all passionate about travel, ballet and fashion just like me. We bonded over shared experiences and chatted non-stop, swapping fashion tips, and exchanging stories about our most memorable pink tutu adventures! ✨

Day 2 in Paris - Let's Keep Exploring

That’s it for today, my sweethearts, it's getting late and I need a good night's sleep! After all, tomorrow we're embarking on another day of exploring all the Parisian delights.

Follow along with me on my adventures!

Stay fabulous, Emma xx

## Post 1228: A Touch of Paris Chic - (Sunday 2023-07-02)

Bonjour my darlings! The city is truly buzzing today!

Today was all about indulging in the quintessential Paris experience, from enjoying the magic of the city’s parks to the delightful treat of an elegant afternoon tea. Let’s go explore.

A Stroll through History

My morning was all about soaking up the history of this beautiful city, starting with the charming Jardin des Plantes. You just need to see the lush gardens and impressive botanical displays, oh so grand and peaceful. This park even boasts a menagerie, full of diverse creatures from across the globe. Just picture my ballerina tutu twirling among all the birds and peacocks, it's a scene straight out of a fairytale! Birds singing, sunlight dappling the lush greenery and even a bit of romantic whispering among the lovers - truly Parisian magic! 🌸

Later in the day, I wandered through the heart of Paris - Montmartre, a bohemian haven. I strolled up to the Sacré-Cœur Basilica, and oh my! What a spectacular view of the city. The white, majestic Basilica itself was like a fairytale, standing majestically upon a hill. Its soaring towers, glittering spires and delicate stone carvings gave the impression that angels themselves built it - truly stunning.

After my climb up the hill and a short respite, I found a cafe just off Place Dalida, a charming spot dedicated to the famous singer Dalida, right under a canopy of gorgeous greenery and sunshine! What’s better than an afternoon espresso, with some croissant and of course my sketchbook! I tried to capture the captivating, artistic atmosphere of Montmartre in a sketch. It wasn't perfect, but I managed to capture the essence of its charm.

A Pink Tutu Dream in Paris

Let's not forget the shopping! After my historical afternoon, it was back to indulging in some French chic - a treat to brighten the end of a long day. The chic and trendy Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré is the perfect place to get my fill of elegant, luxurious shopping and people watching. You'll find couture, high fashion and designer boutiques right next to the iconic Champs-Elysees, with elegant and exquisite displays. As I was looking at some window displays in pink hues, the gorgeous pastel color and elegance almost brought me to tears, it truly is so beautiful!

Parisian Afternoon Tea:

Of course, my visit to Paris wasn’t complete without experiencing a sophisticated Parisian afternoon tea. This truly is my kind of place: exquisite pastries and delicious finger sandwiches in an atmosphere brimming with elegance, soft music and beautiful floral arrangements, it is pure magic. My tutu had to join in the excitement!

Planning My Next Ballet Performance

One of the most delightful parts of this Parisian adventure is finding little secrets, just like a tiny hidden ballet studio nestled away in a charming neighbourhood. A charming woman with a twinkle in her eye greeted me warmly as I arrived. She's been a ballet teacher for many years, and she was delighted by my stories of my pink tutu and ballet performances back home in Derbyshire. As I watched the students gracefully leap across the dance floor in elegant arabesques, I got swept up in the captivating magic. After the class, I was so inspired that I couldn't wait to plan my next performance – after all, the true purpose of a tutu is to share the magic of dance!

Back to Derbyshire with a French Twist

That's a wrap for today, darlings. It's been a magical, stylish, whirlwind. But remember, I’m back next Saturday with more Parisian adventures! So check back to for the latest update on my travels in the City of Lights.

Au revoir mes chéries!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-07-01 Exploring Paris