Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-08-12 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Post #1233 - Whirlwind in the City of Lights!

Bonjour, my lovely tutu-ettes!

Emma here, reporting live from the dazzling City of Lights! The Eiffel Tower glitters above me, the Seine shimmers below, and Paris smells divine – a heady mix of freshly baked bread and Parisian perfume. I’m practically levitating with excitement, and not just because of the amazing views! This week, I embarked on a whirlwind adventure, travelling by Eurostar, the most fabulous way to reach this iconic city. You just can't beat that feeling of excitement as the train glides through the countryside and then arrives into the heart of Paris, like stepping onto the stage for a grand finale!

But before I tell you all about my Parisian escapades, let’s get the main question out of the way – did I wear a pink tutu on the journey? Absolutely! What else? The journey from Derbyshire felt a lot like a ballet performance itself, full of grace and elegance (and maybe a few wobbles!). The Eurostar was a sea of smiling faces, all excited to reach their destination. There was even a group of children who, when they saw me, all started twirling and swirling with their parents, completely captivated by my pink tutu!

This week, Paris has treated me to a kaleidoscope of wonderful things:

A Parisian Waltz through History and Style:

My journey started with a visit to the Louvre, a majestic palace filled with masterpieces that seemed to whisper stories of the past. I wandered through rooms adorned with intricate tapestries, marvelled at sculptures that held timeless elegance, and gazed at paintings that spoke volumes. Seeing Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” in person was breathtaking, as if the painting itself was radiating its own inner light! It was impossible not to be inspired by such a treasure trove of artistic beauty, each piece an intricate dance of creativity. I felt like I was experiencing history firsthand!

Bonjour, Shopping Spree!:

Now, every true Parisian adventure has to include a healthy dose of shopping. My mission? To find the most exquisite pink clothing to match my tutu! Let me tell you, the streets of Paris are like an open stage, bursting with colour and glamour. The boutiques brimmed with fashion inspiration, from chic Parisian chic to bohemian flair. And I wasn’t shy about indulging my tutu-inspired fashion tastes!

Tutu & Treasures at the Palais Garnier:

No trip to Paris would be complete without a visit to the Palais Garnier, home to the majestic Opéra de Paris. The opulent architecture is truly awe-inspiring, with its golden-gilded halls and soaring ceilings adorned with exquisite chandeliers. Stepping inside, I felt like I had stepped onto a stage – ready to take a grand bow. I even had the incredible opportunity to see a ballet performance, a graceful spectacle that brought together talent, passion, and a symphony of movement. Every twirl, every leap was a visual delight, and it truly inspired my own tutu twirling.

The Charm of Montmartre:

Another day took me to the vibrant, bohemian atmosphere of Montmartre. Walking along the cobbled streets lined with quirky art shops and enchanting cafes, I felt as if I’d stepped onto a set for a charming French film. I even got a street art portrait of myself – with my tutu of course – by a talented artist in a quaint, pink-hued square.

Pink Tutu by the Seine:

In the evening, I found myself picnicking by the Seine. As the city glittered around me, I nibbled on crusty baguettes and creamy French cheeses, all the while marvelling at the beauty of the City of Lights. And of course, my pink tutu made the perfect picnic companion, its vibrant colour catching the twilight light, making me feel like the centre of a magical performance!

Every Day is a New Act!

Paris, oh Paris, how you’ve stolen my heart with your endless charm and inspiration! I am filled with so many stories to tell about my whirlwind adventures here, and I hope they've inspired you to twirl, explore, and discover the beauty that surrounds us. After all, the world is our stage, and I hope you'll all join me in finding the most captivating role for ourselves – in this exciting world!

As I continue to explore the enchanting streets of Paris, I'll keep you all updated with my next adventures! Until next Saturday, remember: the world is your stage, and wear your pink tutus with pride!

Love, Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-08-12 Exploring Paris