Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-08-26 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post 1235: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Saturday 2023-08-26)

Oh, mon chéri, how I've missed you, Paris! The city that never sleeps, that bursts with energy and joie de vivre, that is a fashionista's dream, a ballerina's haven. It feels like forever since my last visit, and as the sleek silver Eurostar pulled into Gare du Nord, I knew this would be a weekend to remember. And remember it I will, you can bet your ballet shoes on that!

This trip's funded by my latest performance with the Derbyshire Dance Theatre, a lovely little production of "The Nutcracker" that always makes my heart twirl. The applause after the finale, the audience's cheers, the feeling of bringing joy and magic to life, it's simply magical! That's the beauty of ballet, isn't it? The power to captivate, to transport, to ignite the imagination?

As the Eurostar glided smoothly through the English countryside, I knew it was time for another "Pink Tutu Paris" post. Every week on Saturday, this little corner of the internet transforms into my personal travel diary. This week's theme? Paris in August.

The Chic of Parisian Chic

It's always a thrill to be back in Paris, especially in the late summer. The sun is still high in the sky, casting that warm, golden glow on the cobbled streets. The air is filled with laughter, chatter, the clinking of cafe glasses and, of course, the gentle strumming of a guitar as street musicians weave magic with their melodies.

I started my adventure by settling into my usual Parisian hideaway – a quaint little boutique hotel in the Marais. The perfect spot, I must say. Tucked away from the bustling avenues, it offers a quiet sanctuary to unpack my tulle suitcase (you never leave home without a good supply of tutus, darlings!). And let me tell you, this time, my collection was spectacular – an ombre pink number, a blush pink dream, a pale pink Parisian princess. They just scream “Paris!”

Shopping Spree Galore

The moment I felt settled, my heels hit the pavement. It’s a clichĂ©, but Paris really does bring out the fashionista in me. The boutiques and galleries along the Rue de Rivoli beckoned me with their luxurious displays. My credit card might be begging for mercy, but the allure of those exquisite Parisian designs, the whisper of silk and leather, the glimmer of gold
it’s simply irresistible. I swear, darling, the sales assistants must think I'm some kind of crazy pink-clad princess.

My first stop, of course, had to be at ChloĂ©. Every season their clothes are just exquisite. This season’s collection features airy blouses, structured pants, and oh, the handbags! Oh my! They all spoke of timeless elegance, infused with that touch of whimsical romance that I adore.

And of course, no Paris shopping spree is complete without a trip to the Chanel flagship store. The iconic Chanel suit. The famous tweed. The elegant chain belts. It’s like walking through a fashion magazine! But let’s be honest, even a pauper like me has a moment of pure happiness when surrounded by such opulent designs.

Ballet Dreams in the City of Lights

Paris, of course, is more than just shopping and cafes. The real heart of the city lies in its culture, its artistic soul, and its passionate embrace of ballet. It's a city where you can stumble upon a street performance one minute, be enchanted by a classical ballet show at the Palais Garnier the next, and even take a class in a studio on a whim.

Tonight, I have tickets to the OpĂ©ra National de Paris for a breathtaking performance of “Swan Lake”. The music, the story, the elegance of the dancers, it truly takes me away. The sheer perfection of their movements, the stories told through gestures, the emotion poured onto the stage, it is nothing short of mesmerizing.

I will confess, darling, I might have had a moment or two where my eyes teared up. Especially when the lead ballerina swirled across the stage in that magnificent white tutu. It’s a feeling, a shared experience that connects me to dancers around the world, no matter the language or cultural difference, we understand each other. We are all united in our love for this beautiful art form.

Exploring Beyond the Seine

But Paris isn't all about shopping and ballet (although let’s be honest, they do come pretty close). There's so much more to explore. Today, after a lazy, leisurely lunch of pain au chocolat and cafĂ© au lait (no judgement here), I wandered down to the Latin Quarter, It was like stepping back in time, with its winding cobbled streets, the historic buildings, the smell of books in the air.

This quarter oozes history. The Sorbonne University, where the likes of Descartes and Rousseau have studied, it makes my heart pound. And to think that those students sat in the same classrooms, walked the same hallways! The power of education, the beauty of knowledge, Paris breathes it all in. I spent the afternoon delving into the backstreets, discovering hidden cafes, antique shops, and booksellers. I discovered a cute little cafe where I could enjoy a glass of wine while indulging in some good gossip in the warm summer air, with a Parisian view, oh la la!

Dinner & Dancing at The Eiffel Tower

You know, one of my absolute favourite Parisian experiences? Dinner at the Eiffel Tower. Every single time, I'm blown away by the grandeur of it. You feel small and insignificant, yet simultaneously completely alive. Imagine a magical mix of romance, exquisite French cuisine, and the twinkling city lights, a memory to cherish.

Later on, as I made my way towards the Seine, I discovered a small street performance. An acoustic guitar player was serenading a small crowd, and there was a captivating rhythm to his music. Suddenly, my feet just started moving. Before I knew it, I was swirling in the moonlight, a ballerina in the middle of a busy Paris street. I’ll admit it was spontaneous, and definitely out of my comfort zone (the last time I danced on a Paris street, I nearly tripped over a baguette!). But, it was exhilarating!

And that’s how my first full day in Paris came to an end. I sat in my hotel room, bathed in moonlight, surrounded by a mountain of tulle and my Parisian treasures. A new pink tutu for the weekend? I may have added just a touch more pink to my wardrobe, but hey, there’s no such thing as too much pink, right?

Pink Tutu Travels

So, Paris is truly a paradise for the pink tutu-wearing ballerina, I swear! You can practically wear a pink tutu with anything and everything in Paris, and everyone just accepts it. It’s fantastic! You can wear one while sipping on a cafĂ© au lait in a cosy cafĂ©. Wear it shopping in the designer stores. Wear it while strolling by the Seine. And absolutely wear one while dancing on the streets!

Darling, that’s it for this week’s Paris adventure. You can catch up with my Parisian journey at Remember to join me next Saturday for more fun, laughter, and Parisian moments!

As they say in French, “à bientît”, see you soon! And remember, never stop wearing your pink tutu!

Bisous, Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-08-26 Exploring Paris