Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-09-16 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: Post 1238 - Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Saturday, 16th September 2023

Hello my darling tutu-loving friends! It's Emma here, back with another post from the magical City of Lights, Paris! As you all know, I'm a sucker for a good train journey, and this week, the EuroStar whisked me away to this romantic wonderland for a week of exploring, ballet, and, of course, a lot of pink. 😉

I have to confess, I was so excited to hop aboard the EuroStar. I'd been planning this trip for months, meticulously researching the best Parisian ballet classes and the most charming cafes (think dreamy balconies and swirling coffee steam). I even had a special pink tulle scarf wrapped around my travel bag just to add a touch of that Pink Tutu magic!

My Paris Pink Parade Begins

After a smooth journey, I arrived in Gare du Nord and let me tell you, Paris was as beautiful as ever. It's simply impossible not to feel a surge of excitement stepping onto those cobbled streets, breathing in that fresh, French air. My trusty little pink suitcase (it always matches my outfits!) rolled right into the HÎtel Saint-André des Arts. It's a charming boutique hotel tucked away in the Latin Quarter. Think romantic wrought iron balconies, chic Parisian design, and enough croissants to make even the strictest diet waver!

* Ballet Classes Under the Eiffel Tower *

For my first afternoon, I headed straight to L’École de Danse de Paris, which just happened to be mere minutes from the Eiffel Tower! You could almost say that my very first Parisian view was the magnificent iron lady herself, gracefully stretching across the sky. The school itself was charming, with elegant chandeliers and mirrors galore – perfect for practicing those arabesques.

The class was wonderful! I had such a lovely time, even learning some new steps, like the "sissone jump" (sounds like something straight out of a fairytale, right?!). We danced amidst the Eiffel Tower’s gentle sway, and the entire experience felt so Parisian, so dreamy, and SO inspiring.

Discovering Parisian Chic

Speaking of Parisian dreams, no trip to Paris would be complete without a good dose of shopping! I simply cannot resist browsing the streets for those perfect, one-of-a-kind finds. My mission: to unearth a few Parisian-chic pieces to add to my wardrobe – think flowing skirts, delicate lace, and yes, you guessed it
 more pink!

I wandered around the Marais, a district that’s filled with designer boutiques and vintage treasures. One shop, "Les Fleurs Roses" (Flowers of Roses!), captured my heart. It’s a tiny haven bursting with vintage clothing and quirky Parisian charm. I couldn't leave without a gorgeous pink beret and a stunning silk scarf – perfect for accessorising my tutu ensembles!

Parisian Evening Magic: A Touch of Theatre

For my first night in the city of lights, I indulged in one of my absolute favourite Parisian pleasures - a magical theatre experience! It's just magical!

Tonight, I caught the beautiful, "La Belle et la BĂȘte," a show full of whimsy and elegant costuming. I absolutely adored the costumes, which were a masterpiece of delicate embroidery, vibrant colours, and
 you guessed it!
 hints of pink. The story itself was a beautiful retelling of the classic, and I can still hear the sweet strains of the orchestra and see the stunning, light-filled stage.

A Pink Tutu Moment with the Parisian Locals

To celebrate a fantastic first day, I ventured out for a stroll by the Seine River, basking in the golden Parisian glow of the evening. It’s a spot known for its artists and street performers, and let me tell you, I wasn't disappointed! One particularly charismatic street performer – a man with a handlebar moustache and a twinkling eye – stopped me as I admired a stunning cityscape panorama. "Mademoiselle," he said, with a slight wink, "I see you have an exceptional sense of style!". He was referring to my signature pink tulle scarf (naturally!), which had found its way onto my shoulders!

“Have you considered a pink tutu?" he asked with a mischievous smile. “For a true Parisian adventure?"

Well, he had me at “Pink Tutu Adventure"! My love of the pink tutu knows no bounds, and there’s something so empowering about flaunting your style, no matter what anyone says. I spent the evening with my new Parisian friend, discussing the transformative power of a tutu (he seemed equally smitten with the idea!), and I even spotted another tutu enthusiast strolling through the gardens!

A Night of Stars at The Moulin Rouge

No Paris trip is complete without an evening at the infamous Moulin Rouge. You see, this is more than just a nightclub. It’s a stage that bursts with vibrant costumes, glitz, and glamour. You can practically feel the excitement and the energy in the air. They say that it’s the heartbeat of Paris, and this place absolutely oozes energy. And believe me, those can-can costumes are more fabulous than you can possibly imagine!

And what better place for a tutu-loving blogger like me than a stage brimming with glitter and glamorous showmanship! I almost went into a frenzy trying to take the perfect photo with that iconic red windmill looming behind me, while all around me, the performers dazzled and mesmerised the crowds. It was a pure visual feast, and it's hard not to feel the electric energy radiating through the space.

I felt that infectious energy wash over me, and as I gazed at those swirling costumes and shimmering lights, I knew this was the place to embrace my own personal “Pink Tutu Revolution”! And just wait until you see my post next week
 pink promises!

Keep On Tutu-ing

Well, my darling friends, that wraps up my first day in Paris. I have to say, it's been a whirlwind of excitement, Parisian charm, and a whole lot of pink. It's only the beginning, so be sure to check in next Saturday for my Parisian adventures - and, of course, the reveal of my exciting pink tutu plan!

In the meantime, make sure you keep shining bright, keep twirling, and let your pink tutu-spirit fly!

Lots of Love,

Emma (from Derbyshire, and now from Paris!)

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-09-16 Exploring Paris