Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-09-09 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: #1237 - A Parisian Waltz (and Shopping Spree!)

Bonjour mes chéries! 🩰✨

It’s Emma here, and this Saturday I’m writing to you from the magical City of Lights itself: Paris! Oui oui, that’s right, my pink tutu and I are swirling through the streets of Paris, and I am SO excited to share my adventures with you all. It feels so utterly fitting that I get to experience Paris, the ultimate city of romance and elegance, during Paris Fashion Week – can you even believe it?!

Now, you all know I’m a bit of a creature of habit, and my Paris adventure began the same way any truly magical trip does: with a EuroStar journey. Oh, the joy of stepping onto a train in London, gazing out at the emerald English countryside, and then arriving just hours later in the heart of Paris! I find something so romantic and timeless about train travel, and it sets the tone for the adventure ahead.

A Pink Tutu in the City of Love

Landing in Paris, I was immediately swept away by the city's enchanting energy. Cobblestone streets, charming cafes brimming with life, and of course, the magnificent Eiffel Tower. Everywhere I looked, Paris felt like a fairytale, and as usual, I felt right at home. It wasn't long until my pink tutu was swirling around the Tuileries Gardens, a perfect backdrop for a photoshoot, followed by an afternoon of browsing in the most charming little boutiques. (Because, darling, when in Paris, one must indulge in a little retail therapy! And Paris is absolutely heaven for that.) Paris is bursting with unique fashion finds, from delicate lace blouses and elegant Parisian hats to statement jewellery pieces - everything just screams 'style'! I'm already dreaming of what I'm going to pick up for my new ballet costumes back home.

A Ballet Debut in the City of Lights

But it wouldn't be a Parisian escapade for this tutu-clad ballerina without a trip to the ballet, right? Today's excitement? An incredible performance by the world-renowned Paris Opera Ballet! The Palais Garnier is breathtakingly grand, an opera house straight out of a storybook, and the entire performance was simply magical. From the delicate, intricate movements to the hauntingly beautiful music, it was everything I dreamed it would be and more. I'm still completely mesmerized!

Food, Fashion and French Fun

Now, what's a trip to Paris without indulging in the incredible culinary delights? Today, my day was full of delicious Parisian treats! Starting with a classic French breakfast of flaky croissants and strong coffee – the perfect fuel for a day of exploring. Lunch was a feast of fresh baguette with brie, grapes and crusty bread - and oh, my darling, I just cannot tell you how decadent the cheese and bread was! We even strolled along the Seine, enjoying the most glorious picnic of charcuterie, cheese and wine. This afternoon, I indulged in a truly authentic French macaron experience – a delicious and visually captivating treat! They tasted even better than they looked – you’ll have to take my word for it. And the whole day was a true delight to the senses, a mix of fashion, art, and incredible food, all culminating in the amazing ballet performance. I am just so incredibly lucky to have had this Parisian experience.

Travel Tips for Pink Tutu Travellers

I know a lot of you are dying to travel the world in your pink tutus. Here are some top tips from a seasoned pink tutu traveller:

  • Confidence is key: Remember, confidence is your best accessory! When you wear a pink tutu, you're making a statement. Embrace the boldness, be unafraid of making a splash.

  • Pack strategically: Make sure you bring a travel tutu that's compact and easy to pack. And don't forget to include some stylish Parisian accessories that will give your outfits that extra 'je ne sais quoi'.

  • Be open to adventures: The beauty of travelling is experiencing the unexpected. Embrace the unexpected moments, and don't be afraid to explore new avenues – you might stumble upon hidden treasures.

  • Enjoy the little things: Sometimes the most wonderful moments in travel are found in the smallest details: the aroma of a street vendor's food, the melody of a Parisian street musician, the beauty of the sunset on the Seine. Take time to savour the small moments!

*And lastly...don't forget the pink tutu! It's the perfect way to spread a little sparkle and joy wherever you go. Let your pink tutu be a reminder to embrace life, love, and adventure. *

Stay tuned, darlings. I have more Parisian escapades to share with you, full of breathtaking sights, yummy French cuisine, and of course, the most gorgeous fashions Paris has to offer. Until then, let’s spread a little pink tutu magic to the world! 🩰❤️

Lots of love,

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2023-09-09 Exploring Paris