
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2024-07-13 Exploring Paris

Bonjour from the City of Lights! πŸŒΈπŸ’– #PinkTutuBlogParis - Post #1281

Oh, my darlings! It's Saturday morning, and I'm sitting in a little Parisian cafe, sipping on a cappuccino, watching the world go by. And let me tell you, this world is looking extra charming this morning! It's another beautiful day here in Paris, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and even the pigeons look extra stylish, donning their best plumage in honour of the French capital!

Last week, you lovely lot saw my adventures in London, full of theatre shows and fabulous shopping - and believe me, London's never short on either! But today, my lovelies, we're going all Parisian! I journeyed here by EuroStar on Wednesday - which, if you haven't travelled by train yet, you absolutely must! The train is so comfortable, and you get the most incredible views of the countryside on the way!

I've been feeling positively whimsical here in Paris - what a perfect backdrop for my latest pink tutu adventure! Just picturing the Eiffel Tower glistening at night with my bright pink tulle swishing around me... sigh!

This week, Paris has been extra exciting. Friday evening saw me at the Theatre Mogador, enjoying a wonderful performance of "The Phantom of the Opera" (and yes, I did wear a pink tutu - a little shimmery one with lace, naturally). I mean, who doesn't want to see the Phantom's lair under the Eiffel Tower in all its Gothic glory? Just beautiful!

And what's a Parisian escapade without some delicious French cuisine? Last night I savoured the most amazing French onion soup in a cozy bistro, tucked away down a cobbled street. They have the most beautiful food in Paris, and it all seems to taste extra-good after a day of wandering through the charming streets.

Oh, the shopping! sighs dreamily You know how much I adore browsing shops and boutiques, and Paris simply does not disappoint. Yesterday I spent hours flitting between the stunning Parisian designers - all that intricate embroidery and lace! It truly is an inspiration for all my pink tutu dreams!

Speaking of which, did you catch my new pink tutu collection I unveiled in my Derbyshire boutique? I had the most fun designing this one, a vibrant and delicate blend of pinks, shimmering satin, and a touch of sparkle, of course! You wouldn't believe the lengths I go to for my lovelies - I even had my designs embroidered with exquisite butterflies!

Anyway, back to Paris! Today, my plans involve another Parisian adventure! I'm planning on exploring the Marais district. They say it's a hotbed for unique fashion boutiques and artists' ateliers - just the kind of treasure hunt I live for! I might even grab a little piece of Parisian charm from the beautiful boutiques.

After all that shopping, my darlings, I'll be treating myself to an evening ballet class! There's a lovely little studio near the Seine that promises to offer a class with a view! I just love a good ballet session – nothing helps me channel my inner grace quite like a little pirouette in the French capital.

Oh, and today being Saturday, the 13th, we simply HAVE to take advantage of the amazing flea market that is happening in the Jardin des Plantes. I just love wandering the stalls filled with antique finds and vintage gems!

So, there you have it, my darlings! Another week in the pink tutu wonderland that is my life. If you haven't yet subscribed to my website - www.pink-tutu.com - do it today! New posts every Saturday morning with my Paris adventures and my latest pink tutu musings.

Remember, life is about embracing the colour and magic of a pink tutu! You can look fab in it anywhere - whether you're having Parisian picnic by the Seine, waltzing through a London street, or pirouetting in the Derby hills. So don't be afraid to twirl!

And until next Saturday, darlings, a bientot!

πŸ’– Emma

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2024-07-13 Exploring Paris