Pink Tutu Prague Post #19 - 06 September 1995
Hello lovelies! I'm back with you again this Wednesday, ready to share my adventures from beautiful Prague! Just as a reminder, this is a weekly update from my fabulous European tour where I’m trying to get everyone wearing a pink tutu, one city at a time!
So, how was my week, you ask? It’s been a whirlwind of colour, culture, and of course, pink tutus! This week's adventure involved a journey by train through the Czech countryside.
Do you know, my dear readers, the countryside around Prague is just as delightful as the city itself! We whizzed past rolling green hills and little thatched-roof villages. There were little thatched roof villages – absolutely charming, like stepping into a fairy tale! I just knew there must be a shop around one corner, selling little tutus in shades of pink… wouldn't that have been amazing! If only I’d had time to stop and have a proper look around… perhaps a return visit is in order?
The train journey itself was a dream. I was nestled in a comfy carriage with huge, panoramic windows that felt like a stage – it was absolutely perfect!
Fashionably Chic: A Tutu Look to Suit All Occasions
Let's chat about my outfit – wouldn't you love to know! For this journey, I felt an extra twirl-tastic mood so I opted for a hot pink tutu with a fluffy layer of feathers that just about touched the train floor when I swished it around (sorry to anyone sitting in front of me!). It was all a little ‘larger than life’ as usual, paired with a stunningly chic pale pink, pearl-studded beret (because even a ballerina needs head protection in this day and age!). I kept my outfit practical for the trip too! I popped on my favourite knee-high black leather boots with their sturdy zips so that I was ready to get out and about, explore this wondrous city in style, and just get the photo opportunities right from the carriage!
You see, I always like to make an entrance wherever I go! And besides, I’ve learned a few little things about wearing a tutu. Number one - a big, frilly skirt always attracts smiles. Number two - I am sure a pink tutu will make anyone’s day!
Ballet Inspiration and My Personal Adventures in Prague
But my trip to Prague wasn't just about fashion, darling. It was about diving headfirst into the heart of the city, and experiencing its cultural wonders, in a tutu of course!
You see, I was absolutely desperate to see the Czech National Theatre - It’s one of the most magnificent structures I've ever seen, I felt my heart actually beating faster just looking at it! I couldn’t wait to get inside. It's so impressive, full of so much rich history - this building is simply breathtaking! I’ve seen a few theatres in my time - there are some lovely ones in Derbyshire too - but nothing like this one! It's simply stunning!
My heart truly beats for ballet - there’s something so magnificent about a perfect, intricate ballet performance. It's elegance in motion, you see, the perfect combination of beauty and discipline – an absolute symphony in pink, of course! The Prague National Ballet are internationally known - renowned for their technical mastery, and expressive talent! It is no surprise to hear they were booked up on all their showings this week, so sadly I couldn't actually go and see a performance, although I hear the "Swan Lake" production is quite spectacular - just like me of course, darling!
But even without a ballet, my experience in Prague was fantastic!
I wandered the historic centre, soaking up the architecture and cobblestone streets. It felt like stepping back in time, although I just knew if I’d been wearing my tutu there’d have been more photos taken with the cobblestones – don't you just want to twirl across them!
I’m not a complete girly-girl though - you know, even ballerinas need to be a little adventurous and spontaneous, I'm a big fan of getting lost in new cities, experiencing the local culture!
I’m already plotting a return trip - and perhaps next time I'll stay in a fairytale castle in the mountains? You never know darling – and of course there are a few more shops to explore!
Pink Tutu Thoughts - Shopping Spree in Prague
Now you wouldn't want me to miss out on some fabulous shopping, would you?! What would a fashionista be without a day of shopping!
I found a tiny, little shop - nestled in the middle of an almost hidden alley, crammed full of adorable vintage clothes and jewellery. I think I must have been there for hours – lost in all the glittery trinkets, sequins and gorgeous pastel colours! I managed to snag the cutest pale pink scarf with fluffy satin bows for next to nothing - I think I paid 10 koruna! You have to try haggling at the market in Prague – everyone just loved my big, pink tutu! And it's always an adventure, isn’t it?
I found my very own Pink Tutu Czech Fairy. She has a stunning crown with sparkly, purple gems on it! Now this, dear readers, is going to be perfect to add some extra pizzazz to my next photo-shoot!
And now a very exciting new discovery!
Tutus to the Max: Prague has been full of surprises and discoveries. I stumbled upon this absolutely charming shop hidden down a little, cobbled street just off the square. It’s called "Boutique Chic" - now if that name isn’t just perfectly me! But let me tell you, I swear this shop could just be designed for a pink tutu wearer, as it was full of glorious pink silk, sequins and more glitter than I could ever dream of! They sell vintage clothes and I spotted this absolute dream tutu… it was bright, vivid pink and all ruffles! I even tried it on - and even with my normal wardrobe in place (think sparkly tutu, lots of glittery dresses and of course sparkly shoes!) this new creation really set it off - this one really took the spotlight! It will be absolutely perfect for my next show!
I bought a little gift for my cousin – she lives in Leeds and a really loves vintage clothing and just knows she'll look sensational in a big, pink, ruffle tutu!
My dear readers, I think I may just have fallen for Prague a little, you know – maybe it’s all that pink or perhaps the sweet memories! Perhaps I’ll even try and get everyone to join me, on my little adventure in Prague… I do so love getting everyone to put on their pink tutus. After all, the world needs a bit more of that dazzling, joyful energy!
So, darling readers - what do you think? Would you love a Prague trip with me? Tell me all about it - comment below or email me your thoughts, I can't wait to hear from you all!
See you next week with another pink-tastic update!
Lots of love,
P.S. I promise to show off all my beautiful new finds in my next post!