
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-03-06

Pink Tutu Prague: Post #45 – Where Dreams of Ballerinas Dance

"Bonjour mes amies! It's Emma here, your resident pink tutu-wearing blogger, and I'm absolutely bursting with excitement to share my latest adventures from the stunning city of Prague! This week marks the 45th installment of my blog, so grab your favourite cuppa, put on your most fabulous pink tutu, and join me for a whirl through the cobblestone streets, the historic squares, and, of course, the breathtaking ballet scene here.

Reaching Prague: A Magical Train Journey

Let's rewind to my journey, shall we? As always, I prefer the leisurely pace of train travel, it's like a moving fairytale. I left the charming countryside of Derbyshire and, as the train sped towards Prague, the world transformed. The rolling hills gave way to quaint villages with brightly coloured houses, their windows shimmering in the late afternoon sun. It truly felt as though I was entering a painting! Of course, I was decked out in my signature pink tutu - the ultimate travel outfit. You never know who you might bump into on a train, and a little bit of sparkle never goes amiss!

Prague – The City of a Thousand Spires

After a smooth arrival, Prague embraced me with open arms. The city, known as the 'City of a Thousand Spires', truly lives up to its name! Everywhere you look, delicate, towering spires reach for the sky, against a backdrop of pastel-coloured buildings, all framed by the graceful curves of the Vltava river. A symphony of architecture!

My hotel, a charming boutique place tucked away in a cobbled courtyard, was adorned with vibrant pink flowers, and I could tell I was going to be surrounded by elegance and charm during my stay.

Shopping Therapy for the Soul

First things first – no trip is complete without a spot of retail therapy! I'm not sure what it is about the shops in Europe that have such a magical draw, but I fell instantly in love with the quaint little boutiques nestled amongst the historic buildings. I indulged in a fabulous floral embroidered blouse and, naturally, a new pink tutu! The fabric was so exquisite, a blend of silk and feathers, that it felt like it was made just for me! I have already been spotted twirling through the streets, catching a few admiring glances from the locals. It's amazing how even a simple act of dancing, especially in pink, can lift someone's spirits.

Tutu History Unraveled in Prague's Past

No ballet-loving traveler would ever be complete without a dose of historical immersion. So, after a lovely dinner (which involved plenty of Czech dumplings and an outrageous pink strawberry dessert – what's a girl to do!), I found myself strolling along the Charles Bridge. It was a cool evening, and the ancient stones, under a clear sky studded with stars, were simply enchanting. As I walked, I was lost in thought about all the ballets and ballerinas who may have passed over these same stones, dreaming big dreams, practicing steps, and maybe even twirling in their own pink tutus!

My mind was awhirl with historical images! Did you know that Prague was the birthplace of ballet theatre in the Czech Republic? And that it boasted some of the oldest and grandest ballet companies in the region, some even stretching back centuries?! Prague is truly steeped in ballet tradition.

The Prague Ballet: An Evening of Grace

Tonight was the big night! I was lucky enough to secure tickets to a performance by the renowned Prague Ballet Company. As I walked through the grand doors of the Estates Theatre, which boasts a majestic architecture that will transport you to another era, my heart skipped a beat. It was like a page out of a fairytale – a place where the whispers of forgotten ballets danced in the air!

Tonight, they were performing the timeless classic β€œGiselle.” Oh, the beauty, the grace, the powerful stories conveyed through the dance. My heart melted watching the performers, their bodies fluid and expressive, swirling in the moonlight of the stage, while the music carried us on a journey of emotions. I’m not ashamed to admit a tear or two rolled down my cheek!

As the curtain fell and the audience erupted in applause, I found myself surrounded by the chatter of fellow enthusiasts. They were all just as enthralled as I was! I could have spent hours talking with them about the intricacies of the performance, the history of the piece, and how it transported us all into another realm for the evening.

The Pink Tutu Ballet of Prague

The ballet has truly inspired me, and as I write this blog, a new vision for a pink tutu performance takes shape in my head. I envision a vibrant and dazzling performance on Prague's Old Town Square – imagine hundreds of dancers, all clad in shimmering pink tutus, twirling and swirling through the cobbled square beneath the glow of the setting sun, their pink ballet shoes making gentle clicks against the stone as the city lights twinkle around them.

Could this become a reality? Only time will tell. But with a little bit of pink and a whole lot of dreams, anything is possible!

A Toast to Pink, and Prague!

*To the magic of pink, the joy of dancing, and the vibrant energy of this incredible city. Cheers to Prague, the city of a thousand spires and a million stories waiting to be discovered! *

Don't forget to join me next Wednesday for another post about my Prague adventures!

Your Pink Tutu Ballerina, Emma

P.S. Stay tuned to my website www.pink-tutu.com for photos of my latest ballet finds, my pink-tutu-themed outfits, and snippets of my Prague adventures.

P.P.S My heart is bursting with inspiration. Perhaps the next stop for my Pink Tutu World Tour should be...Paris?! Maybe, maybe!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-03-06