
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-03-20

Prague: A City Steeped in Whimsy (Blog Post #47)

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday, which means a new blog post for you, fresh from the enchanting city of Prague! As you all know, Iā€™m currently on a whistle-stop tour of Europe, fueled by a potent cocktail of passion for performance, travel, and (of course) tutus!

Iā€™m currently sitting at a delightful little cafĆ© on the banks of the Vltava river, a decadent latte and a croissant for company. It's quite simply the perfect spot to contemplate the whimsical beauty of this city and the wonderous memories it's already filled me with!

Before I divulge all the exciting happenings of the last week, let me give you a glimpse into my arrival in Prague. You know how much I adore train journeys, and this one didn't disappoint. I must say, a comfortable compartment with plush seats, ample legroom, and the breathtaking landscapes whizzing past is practically the only way to travel, wouldn't you agree? My journey from Dresden was utterly charming. The sun, my pink travel tutu swishing around my ankles, a well-thumbed copy of "The Nutcracker" (one of my all-time favourite stories), and of course, a soundtrack of my favourite ballet melodies on my little record player. It was a symphony of joyful moments!

And once I reached Prague's bustling station, the beauty of the city struck me like a perfectly timed pirouette. Its ancient bridges, charming cobblestone streets, and grand churches are like something straight out of a fairytale! Honestly, the entire place feels like one of my elaborate ballet performances come to life!

A History Lesson with a Twirl

This city is brimming with history! One of the most remarkable spots we explored was Prague Castle, with its stunning St. Vitus Cathedral. My dear friend, Fiona (a fellow ballerina who knows the value of a perfect dƩgagƩ!) and I, found ourselves enchanted by the beautiful stained glass windows and the echoing stories of past rulers within its grand walls. Imagine the majestic waltzes that would have filled those halls throughout history! I was practically in a trance with visions of flowing tutus and gracefully twirling ballerinas from the ages!

Now, I have to confess, my dear readers, I love a good history lesson with a bit of whimsy mixed in. And nothing makes me more excited than exploring the origins of ballet and tutu styles. Prague has a vibrant dance scene with a history going back centuries. I couldnā€™t wait to immerse myself in the beautiful ballet heritage here, tracing its development and discovering all the different tutu styles worn throughout history. From the majestic tutus of the Russian ballets to the light and airy tutus of French classical ballet, it was truly fascinating to trace these influences on today's choreography and fashion!

Ballet Dreams & A Tutu Tale

This past week, I had the pleasure of witnessing the National Theatre's stunning production of Swan Lake. The performance was nothing short of breathtaking! Imagine the emotion, the incredible dancers gliding through the air, and the delicate yet powerful beauty of the choreography. It really made my heart soar, particularly when I realised they incorporated a number of classic tutu styles that I recognised from my extensive research!

Did you know, the story of the tutu, my dearest darlings, goes back to the 19th century? You may remember our earlier blog posts where I talked about the development of ballet tutus! In the early 19th century, Marie Taglioni, considered the "Queen of Ballet," donned a tutu designed specifically for her by her father, who also happens to have been the master of choreography!

This ā€œRomanticā€ tutu was much shorter than those of the past. This dramatic new silhouette gave ballerinas a greater freedom of movement and revealed their elegant legs in a completely new way. They were suddenly able to showcase not just grace but a lightness and athleticism that was totally unique. Talk about fashion evolving and ballet evolving alongside!

Here in Prague, the romantic tutu remains as popular as ever, seen in the stunning Swan Lake performance at the National Theatre. However, this city is also home to various forms of modern dance, too. And I simply have to mention a captivating performance by a young Prague ballet troupe - they performed with a combination of modern tutu styles, contemporary movement, and absolutely amazing costumes that took my breath away!

Speaking of breathtaking, letā€™s talk about shopping. And for my fellow lovers of exquisite garments, let me tell you - Prague is a true haven! I have a habit of looking for hidden boutiques brimming with unique and interesting clothing and fashion. Luckily, the city didnā€™t disappoint, and I've unearthed some absolute gems.

I'm sure you can guess how much I love seeking out vintage clothing and accessories in my travels. And in Prague, you can practically smell the vintage threads hanging from a hundred charming shops! I just adore those unique patterns and the undeniable glamour that vintage clothes often bring to the table. I actually bought myself a stunning vintage lace shawl with exquisite detail that would look perfect under one of my tutus, just waiting for a grand ball!

I have, of course, found a couple of new favourite places to buy tutus, each with their own signature style! One shop in particular, nestled away in the cobbled alleyways, had a selection of beautifully handcrafted, delicately-made tutus. The owner was such a lovely woman with a passion for tutus as strong as mine! You see, there's nothing I love more than a great chat about tutu history and finding beautiful new pieces. Honestly, I could chat tutus for hours!

Speaking of exquisite style, I even discovered an amazing atelier where they hand-make custom tutus - one could say, this is practically a dream come true for any tutu aficionado! The attention to detail, the impeccable craftsmanship, and the unique design possibilities are beyond anything I've ever seen before! It's as though they put a little bit of magic into every stitch. My new mission: To find the perfect pink tutu that would turn heads in the most delightful way. Just picture this, dear readers - the perfect tulle, a subtle shimmer in the sunlight, a graceful flow in every turn... Ah, I just know it will be magnificent!

Where the City Meets Fairy Tales

But Prague is more than just ballet and shopping, of course! Its charm is truly contagious, whether youā€™re wandering through the Old Town Square, taking a picturesque boat ride on the Vltava, or simply savouring the flavours of a traditional Czech pastry!

My time here has been so much fun, I'm practically twirling through life in this captivating city. If you ever have the chance to visit, dear readers, I implore you to experience this charming gem for yourselves. And let's not forget the enchanting castles, winding alleys, and secret gardens, just begging to be explored! Every corner holds a new discovery, and the magic is simply tangible.

And as you know, one of the most captivating ways to explore any city is by finding those magical hidden places, the little gems that only those who look a little closer can see! The best way to find these treasures? Why, pony riding, of course! A ride through the Old Town Square on a beautiful white pony, a pink tutu twirling gracefully, feels like being in a fairytale. And while the horses here are known for their stately character, I find they respond wonderfully to a touch of pink. I practically have them dancing with me, following my graceful steps around the cobblestone paths!

Donā€™t be surprised if you spot me in Prague, perhaps with my head slightly tilted and my eyes gazing at the city with a twinkle of awe. After all, that's the essence of the pink tutu way: embracing whimsy, celebrating life's moments, and adding a splash of colour to every corner of the world! And of course, inspiring the world to embrace tutus and dance to their own rhythm!

But alas, my friends, my next adventure calls. My ballerina shoes are already packing their bags, eager to travel to the next wondrous destination. I must leave you with the promise of more colourful adventures, magical moments, and hopefully some enchanting inspiration for you to add a touch of pink to your life. Until then, twirl on!

Yours in pink tulle,


P.S. If you happen to visit Prague on 20th March 1996, you'll catch a fantastic ballet show. And let me know what adventures you have planned - I would love to hear about your own journey!


#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-03-20