
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-06-26

Prague Dreams in Pink: Tutu Adventures in the City of a Hundred Spires (Blog Post #61)

Hello, darlings! It's Emma, your pink tutu-clad guide to all things pretty and twirling. I'm writing to you from the heart of Prague, a city so enchanting, it practically begs you to wear a tutu as you explore its cobblestone streets. And who am I to refuse a request from such a magical place?

This week, my little ballet shoes have taken me on a journey through the Czech Republic, and let me tell you, the magic just keeps pouring out. I arrived last Tuesday, riding the overnight train, which I always find wonderfully romantic. I slept in my pretty new pink travel-tutu (with a subtle touch of gold sparkles, naturally) and woke up with the first rays of sunlight hitting Prague. It was like stepping out of a fairytale - or maybe one of my ballet story books. Speaking of fairytales, did you know the original inspiration for Sleeping Beauty came from a story about the castle at Prague? I could barely contain myself from spinning around, a true fairy tale in a pink tutu.

My journey so far has been a delightful mix of history, beauty, and of course, dancing. This week, I have been enjoying a fascinating lecture at Prague's National Theatre, and a glorious ballet performance. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pride seeing the lovely tutus swirling on stage. Of course, my personal pink tutu had to make an appearance too. Who better to bring a touch of romance and flair to this already stunning city? I had the privilege of catching a sneak peek of the ballet company's costume rehearsal, and believe me, their tutus are to die for!

Speaking of tutuland, Prague seems to have a long and rich connection to this wonderful world of fashion. There's a shop on each corner overflowing with lace, tulle, satin, and even more sequins than you can imagine! The locals seem to share my obsession for exquisite fabrics, which makes me very happy. The other day I walked into the most adorable little boutique and found myself surrounded by lace and ribbons that could make any tutu look positively extravagant.

Shopping for fabric wasn't all my adventure had in store, though! This week I discovered a real gem โ€“ an old book of tutu sketches from the Czech Ballet of the early 20th century. The costumes were utterly stunning - bold and imaginative, filled with flowing silk and velvet. It reminded me that there's so much history within the world of ballet and tutu designs, and it was fantastic to feel that connection in this charming city.

And now, let me tell you about todayโ€™s highlight. I have just returned from the magical Prague Horse Tram, a truly unique and charming ride through the city's enchanting historic district. I felt like I was being whisked away into a storybook as the horses clopped gently down the streets, taking us past centuries-old architecture and hidden courtyards. And of course, I made sure to add my own pink twist by rocking my most fluffy pink tulle skirt - the kind with all the layers. People couldn't help but smile. It made my day.

Prague, with its romantic charm, medieval castles, and delectable cuisine, has captured my heart. If you ever get the chance to visit, please do. I can practically guarantee you'll find yourself dreaming in pink like I do.

But now, I'm off to indulge in delicious Czech cake, and of course, plan my next pink-tutu-clad adventure in Prague!

Until next week, stay twirly!


P.S. Have you heard? A new pink tutu boutique just opened up near Charles Bridge. They're having a grand opening next week, with free refreshments, and, if you're lucky, maybe even a tiny pink-tutu-clad fashion show. I'll keep you posted.

P.P.S. Keep those pink-tutu ideas flowing in the comments! We're still looking for more pink tutus around the world!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-06-26