Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-07-10

Prague Diaries: Pink Tutu Adventures in a City of Charm (Post #63)

Bonjour mes amis, and welcome back to another instalment of Pink Tutu Prague! As you all know, it's Wednesday, which means it's time to share my latest sartorial escapades and ballet adventures with you lovely lot. Today, my darling dears, I'm taking you on a whirlwind tour of the magical city of Prague!

The train journey from Derbyshire, through the rolling English countryside, to the bustling heart of Prague was nothing short of divine. I practically skipped onto the carriage, my pink tulle tutu billowing around me like a whimsical cloud, and, much to the delight of my fellow passengers, settled down amongst the excited chatter, munching on a box of delicate French macarons.

Arriving in Prague felt like stepping into a fairytale. The cobbled streets, the golden spires reaching for the heavens, the romantic air that hung heavy - it was like I’d walked straight out of a classic ballet scene. The very air buzzed with an electric excitement, and I couldn't wait to lose myself in the captivating beauty of the city.

My very first mission? A proper "Emma-style" shop hop, of course! I'm absolutely mad about finding beautiful things and a bit of a vintage treasure hunter, and Prague's enchanting shops did not disappoint. Every little back alleyway and courtyard held a charming hidden gem – delicate porcelain dolls, vintage lace blouses, quirky handmade jewellery. And you won't believe this, but I found the most glorious pink feather boa - a perfect accessory to add a touch of whimsy to any outfit, wouldn't you say?

After indulging my shopping addiction, I found myself yearning for a bit of classical culture. What better place than the National Theatre? It was an architectural dream - ornate, beautiful, and bursting with history. And the performance that night? Simply divine. A stunning rendition of "Giselle", full of emotion and artistry. I absolutely adored the hauntingly beautiful choreography - such exquisite footwork and lyrical movement. The passion in the dancers' eyes and the raw emotion in their movements took me right into the heart of the story, leaving me both moved and spellbound. It truly was a night to remember.

The next morning, I treated myself to a delightful, pink-themed breakfast of strawberry pancakes, fluffy pink meringues, and a hot chocolate with a mountain of whipped cream (a bit extravagant, I know, but hey, a girl's got to treat herself sometimes!). My pink tutu was already tucked neatly away in my suitcase, waiting for me to whip it out for the ballet class later this afternoon!

And speaking of tutus, can we talk about these glorious creations for a moment? Ever since I was a little girl, the simple yet elegant design of a tutu has enchanted me. A perfect circle of tulle, swirling with every step, symbolising lightness, grace, and of course, pure feminine joy. And in Prague, I stumbled upon a vintage tutu shop! A veritable treasure trove of tulle, sparkles, and a dash of forgotten magic. It was a veritable tutu enthusiast's dream - I spent hours just trying on the most fantastical creations. It reminded me how much history goes into the making of these exquisite pieces of dancewear, with early ballerinas sporting simple white cotton dresses and modern-day designers constantly re-inventing the form to match evolving aesthetics. I truly believe everyone should have a chance to experience the joy and beauty of twirling in a pink tutu! It's more than just an outfit - it’s a symbol of pure delight, elegance, and expression.

The ballet class that afternoon was a wonderful blend of energy and grace. With a sprinkle of gentle encouragement from the friendly, experienced teacher, we moved like a flock of graceful swans. Every step, every stretch, and every leap, felt like a ballet journey in itself. Of course, I couldn't resist adding my signature pink twist by bringing along my favourite pink ballet slippers - a bit of pink sparkle for an extra touch of elegance. And to top it all off, I treated myself to a decadent pink vanilla ice cream after class! (You can never have too much pink, can you?)

The next day was all about indulging in Prague's stunning beauty. I strolled along the iconic Charles Bridge, marveling at the architectural masterpieces on either side. It was like a scene out of a fairy tale book. A breathtaking view, punctuated by the occasional sound of a street musician's melody and the chatter of excited tourists. And then, just as I was about to sit down for a cup of steaming Czech coffee, the most wonderful thing happened - I stumbled upon a charming open-air market, buzzing with local crafts, traditional foods, guessed it…gorgeous hand-knitted tutus! The vibrant hues, the intricate details, and the soft textures - I just had to add another dazzling piece to my tutu collection! My shopping bag was now bursting with delicate laces, handcrafted beadwork, and all sorts of tutu-inspired treasures. The market felt like the heart of the city - filled with vibrant colours, delicious aromas, and warm, friendly smiles.

Now, I wouldn't be a true ballerina if I didn't embrace the opportunity to experience the beauty of Prague on the back of a magnificent white pony. Imagine me - hair flowing, pink tutu twirling, riding across the stunning "Prague Castle," a gentle breeze caressing my cheeks. It was a moment of sheer elegance and freedom, just like those enchanting fairytales I loved as a child! It was truly a tutu-tiful adventure - I think even my pony got a bit of the “Pink Tutu Fever!”

Evening descended, casting an enchanting spell over the city. I strolled along the cobbled streets, stopping at every corner to marvel at the medieval architecture, the twinkling lights, and the captivating street performances that popped up everywhere I turned. The energy of the city was magical - full of joy, vibrancy, and laughter. The sound of a violin melody floating on the cool evening air just added to the enchanting ambiance, reminding me why Prague is one of the most charming cities I've ever visited.

After a delightful dinner, filled with hearty traditional Czech dishes and even more Czech beer (so refreshing!), I sat on the steps leading down to the river, watching the cityscape light up. There I sat, with my little notebook and a cup of steaming chai, thinking about all the wonderful memories I was creating and the people I was meeting. There's something so enchanting about travelling, especially with a pink tutu on your back! It allows you to connect with the heart of every place you visit, immerse yourself in new cultures, and feel the excitement of the unknown.

Now, as I write this blog, the aroma of delicious freshly baked croissants wafts through the open window. Oh, Prague, you certainly know how to pamper your pink-loving traveller! But it's time to bid you farewell, for now. I can't wait to come back, explore even more of your hidden treasures, and experience all the magic you have to offer. As always, I hope this journey has filled your day with a dash of tutu-tiful inspiration and a healthy dose of feminine whimsy.

Remember, my loves, a little pink can go a long way, so go ahead and spread some joy and glitter wherever you go. The world is waiting to be brightened, one pink tutu at a time!

Until next Wednesday, stay radiant and fabulous,

Emma xoxoxo


Pink Tutu Tips

For those of you looking to make your own little "Pink Tutu Adventure" , here are a few of my favorite travel tips:

  • Embrace the pink! I can't say it enough, but the more pink the better! Don't be afraid to go full-on Emma and incorporate your love for the colour pink into every aspect of your journey. It's a fun way to stand out and create unique memories.
  • Carry a good book! A travel journal is an excellent way to capture your journey. You can record all those funny moments, exciting discoveries, and memories. It's a fantastic keepsake that allows you to relive the tutu-tiful adventure years later!
  • Take lots of pictures! Whether it's of stunning architecture, charming locals, or simply you in your pink tutu twirling under the sky, capture it all. Images bring your adventures to life and offer a lovely window into your personal style.
  • Connect with other travellers. Travel opens up so many opportunities to meet amazing people. Chat with your fellow travellers, exchange stories, and discover hidden gems! You might even find someone who shares your passion for tutus and adventure!
  • Travel in style! Embrace every opportunity to dress up, add a dash of whimsy, and make a bold, stylish statement. A tutu and a few beautiful accessories are all you need to feel feminine, glamorous, and confident!
  • Be kind. Treat every encounter as a chance to bring a smile to someone's face. Kindness goes a long way in travelling! And don’t forget a big pink smile!

And always remember: Life is a dance, so go ahead, take your twirling tutu and spin with confidence and joy! xo

Please visit my website for all things Pink Tutu!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1996-07-10