
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1997-04-16

Prague Dreams: Pink Tutu Takes the Czech Capital (Blog Post #103)

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for a brand new Pink Tutu blog post! Today, I'm whisking you all away to the charming cobbled streets and breathtaking architecture of Prague!

Oh, how I love Prague! I arrived on Monday morning after a most delightful train journey from Vienna. You know me - I couldn't resist the opportunity to catch the train, instead of taking a direct flight! A train journey gives me a chance to sit back, sip my chamomile tea, and people watch. And let me tell you, the people on this train were so chic! I even spied a couple in matching pink tweed suits. Sadly, not quite as fab as my own pink tweed, of course.

Anyway, I've had a whirlwind couple of days in Prague and my heart is already brimming with the city's magic! I mean, just look at the sights! Prague Castle with its stunning spires, the enchanting Charles Bridge, and the bustling Old Town Square. Prague's a city that truly takes your breath away.

But before I launch into all the Prague delights, I must share a little confession - my heart's been dancing a little faster ever since I landed. You see, I've got a date! Well, not a romantic date, mind you (although, wouldn't it be a fairytale if my Prince Charming popped up while I'm waltzing across the Charles Bridge?). I mean a ballet date, with the Prague National Theatre. Oh, I've been itching to see this famed theatre for ages!

And speaking of theatres, have I told you about the amazing history of the ballet world? Just like Prague, its story is interwoven with stories of royalty, rebellion, and romanticism.

Did you know that one of the earliest forms of ballet was born in the Italian Renaissance courts? Iā€™ve got the most divine photo of my recent performance with the London Philharmonic Orchestra (oh, how grand they were) which really captures that renaissance feel with the delicate fabric, a flowing skirt, and my oh-so-delicate pink shoes. I might just have to do a separate post dedicated to my favourite outfits. (Let me know if you'd love that in the comments!)

Back to Prague! I absolutely adore their historical connections with dance. Did you know that one of the earliest ballet academies was established in Prague in 1690? That's more than three hundred years ago! It was founded by the noble family of Waldstein. They held balls for the royalty, complete with ballet and the finest French food (and let's not forget the gorgeous costumes!). Just like our society loves the dancefloor, imagine their excitement when new dancing styles emerged from the courts in Italy and France!

I'm actually rather pleased to share with you that the Czech Ballet school - with its long history and strong focus on technique - just received international recognition a few months back for the high standard of the performances! How brilliant is that?! Imagine, generations upon generations have continued to study, rehearse and refine these delicate dance techniques right here in Prague. I'm a little bit overwhelmed with the history, but definitely looking forward to sharing more with you in upcoming posts.

Dress rehearsal

And now for the fashion talk, you know how much I love clothes!

Today, I thought Iā€™d start the day off by visiting one of Prague's chic boutiques (you just can't have a travel post without some fabulous fashion inspiration, right?). The boutique is named "La Parisienne," which I just love. This adorable shop is packed full of lovely little feminine designs, including a glorious array of silks. My senses were dancing - literally! It was love at first sight with the delicate French silk blouse and the stunning ivory lace. You bet I've already got my eyes set on making an ivory lace tutu in my new workshop next week - what do you think?! I already have ideas for the ivory embroidery designā€¦ But, that's for another blog post, perhaps. Let's focus on Prague!

I had the most wonderful time strolling along the streets, enjoying a coffee and enjoying all the stunning buildings (can you even imagine a pink tutu photo shoot with Prague Castle in the background?! Oh, the photos!). Then it was time to return to the hotel for a bit of pampering. A luxurious bath and a touch-up on my ballerina bun, oh how glamorous.

For my performance this evening at the National Theatre, I decided to choose one of my favourite tutus: the Blush Petal tutu. A true fairytale tutu! ( I have quite a few different colours and styles, you know - I think it's time to have a tutu photoshoot and show you my fabulous collection!). Anyway, the blush pink petals cascade in a waterfall of silk. And, oh my, how the lights from the stage lights danced upon the fabric, making it seem like a kaleidoscope of beautiful hues!

The Prague National Theatre

Now, darlings, about the Prague National Theatre - an absolute must for anyone visiting Prague. The entire theatre complex, with its beautiful neo-renaissance architecture, is stunning. But stepping into the opera hall? Simply divine. And what an honour it was to perform on this incredible stage!

The Prague National Theatre has a long and captivating history - thereā€™s always some beautiful historic drama unfolding! You can even walk across the elegant bridge that connects the main theatre with the new one. They have a stunning ballet company - full of talented dancers! I truly feel inspired by the passion and beauty that emanates from them. And the entire building with the Czech Art Deco interior (the most lovely mosaics, painted panels and chandeliers!). You can tell the attention to detail is divine! The atmosphere was truly captivating and inspiring.

The performance itself, "La BayadĆØre," was just extraordinary. I couldnā€™t help but lose myself in the story and in the passion and grace of the dancers. Every movement, every glance - pure enchantment! I've been thinking about it ever since. There was something really special about it and maybe it was the romantic aura that surrounds Pragueā€¦

As I made my way to my final dance - my signature swan lake with an oh-so-stunning spin ā€“ I caught sight of an elderly couple watching in the audience. They both held each other close and seemed to lose themselves in the story and the music. It's moments like this that remind me how the magic of dance can transcend time and touch every heart.

Fashion-filled fun

I canā€™t say enough about the sheer elegance of Prague - its architectural splendour, and itā€™s artistic flair. I spent the afternoon discovering the cobblestone alleys of Old Town, full of amazing shops and artisan studios. It was the perfect spot for a delicious, sweet Czech treat called a ā€œtrdelnĆ­k.ā€

And then, of course, no trip to Prague would be complete without a shopping spree at the Parizska Street - just the street to shop at for exquisite clothing and glamorous fashion accessories! The designers here have a beautiful touch. You know I love to indulge in new fabrics for my tutus!

You know my rule: Pink goes with everything - a delicate shade of pink, in particular, adds that bit of glam to any ensemble! (I donā€™t believe that you need to wear an entire pink outfit - just a dash of pink can give a new feel to a look - it is such a universal color - you know what I mean?). I think that's what makes it so enchanting!

I found this divine pair of pearl-encrusted heels with a touch of delicate blush pink, a pair of silk gloves that were almost iridescent (think pale peach!) and oh, a hatā€¦ It had a big silk flower that cascaded over the rim - so pink, yet so feminine. It felt almost like wearing a flower. Now I have ideas to create some tutu pieces with an extra bit of tulle ā€“ I'll just need to source some pale peach, pale pink tulleā€¦

By the way, if you are going to Prague, I absolutely recommend taking a walk through the Old Jewish Cemetery. The whole place had an otherworldly ambiance and even the graveyards themselves have a distinct feel with the architecture - there's something mystical about Prague and you know how much I love a mystery.

As my day drew to a close, I treated myself to a romantic evening stroll by the Vltava river with the gorgeous reflections of the bridges illuminating the water. How lovely! And even found the time to find that magical cafe ā€“ a tiny cafĆ© hidden away in a beautiful historic building that is rumoured to have been a secret hideout for Prague's elite in times past. (I have to admit, the cake looked delectable... and it's an absolute must on the must-do Prague to-do list!)

Tomorrow, I will spend a day getting lost in Prague Castle, and will share my journey and the sights - perhaps I'll even have a pink tutu photo session with Prague Castle's imposing architecture. Iā€™m already dreaming up how stunning a photo shoot in the grounds of the castle would be, don't you think? It's going to be pure magic.

But for now, darlings, it's time for me to take a little siesta! Until next time, and until next week's blog post. And remember, even in Prague, there's always room for a touch of pink in your life.

Sending love, sparkle and all the good wishes!

Until next week,

Emma xxx

P.S. Do you have a favourite destination in Europe or worldwide? Iā€™d love to know where youā€™re going or where you want to go next! Let me know in the comments below. Donā€™t forget, you can also find me at www.pink-tutu.com - the pink-tutu community is waiting for you! And Iā€™d love to see all of your pink-tutu travel pictures. Be sure to use #PinkTutuTravel in your post on Instagram - see you there!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1997-04-16