
Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1997-05-21

Prague, Prague, I'm in Love: Pink Tutu Prague Post #108

Wednesday 21st May, 1997

Hello darlings! It's me, Emma, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed, travel-mad blogger, bringing you the latest instalment from the cobbled streets of Prague, a city bursting with history, charm, and, believe it or not, some absolutely fabulous ballet!

Remember, darlings, itā€™s Wednesday, so a new blog post just for you has been delivered straight to your inbox ā€“ just like a beautifully-wrapped gift, bursting with fun facts, exciting experiences, and ā€“ of course ā€“ the ultimate tutu-inspired travel inspiration.

Now, you lovely lot know Iā€™m all about ballet, and I donā€™t mean just watching it (although, trust me, I do love that). No, I'm talking about the whole shebang - the tutus, the costumes, the history, and the passion that flows through every twirl, every leap, and every beautifully articulated step.

So naturally, Prague has been an absolute dream come true! This city breathes romance, oozing history from every charming corner. Itā€™s the kind of place you wander around hand-in-hand with someone special (even if you're enjoying some glorious solo time, like me), and imagine dancing the night away under the moonlight, swirling your tutu with abandon in a grand, gothic square, the laughter of the townspeople ringing in your earsā€¦ (Don't tell anyone, but Iā€™ve even taken to twirling around Pragueā€™s Old Town Square a few times ā€“ discretion being the better part of valour, I make sure to do it only when nobodyā€™s around, though).

Anyway, enough about the whimsical dreams ā€“ letā€™s get down to brass tacks, shall we? Today is a big day for me - it's the night Iā€™m heading to the NĆ”rodnĆ­ divadlo (the National Theatre) to see the legendary Tchaikovsky Swan Lake, a ballet masterpiece thatā€™s a must-see on any ballet lover's bucket list.

Before I delve into the swan-filled extravaganza, allow me to whisk you through my exciting adventures this week. Oh, what a week itā€™s been, and a true whirlwind of a Prague-style fairytale itā€™s been too!

My Week in Prague: A Pink Tutu Perspective

Sunday: Arrival and First Impressions

I arrived in Prague via train, of course! I have such a fondness for train journeys; thereā€™s something so charming about watching the countryside flash by as you sink into a book and listen to the rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels.

Prague greeted me with open arms ā€“ and what a city! It was instantly evident why it is known as the "City of a Hundred Spires". Every cobbled street leads to a majestic church or grand square, each corner teeming with fascinating history and stories waiting to be discovered.

My first afternoon was spent meandering through the streets of the Old Town, soaking in the atmosphere, the architectural brilliance, and the delightful sounds of the Czech language - all this while searching for a charming pink teacup for my collection. I finally found it in a tiny little shop tucked away on a cobbled alleyway, nestled amongst hand-painted ceramics, antiques and a plethora of whimsical treasures. I felt like I had just stepped into a picture book.

Monday: Ballet Bliss: A Tutu Lesson

The next day, it was all about ballet! I woke up with an extra spring in my step (if youā€™ll forgive the pun!) as I prepared for a ballet class, which I'd signed up for in advance, at a small, local studio called ā€œBallet Bohemiaā€

I absolutely adore finding small studios like this ā€“ they ooze a passion and dedication to the art of ballet thatā€™s infectious. This place had the classic ballet feel - wooden floors, grand mirrors, and an air of elegance.

The class itself was a real treat. I found myself surrounded by passionate dancers ā€“ professionals and students ā€“ all united by their shared love for the dance. My tutor, a charming ballerina with eyes full of the wisdom of years of dedicated dancing, pushed me to improve and work on my posture, which, if Iā€™m being honest, is in desperate need of some love!

After class, I took the opportunity to do some serious tutu research at a delightful little boutique shop, tucked away near the dancing studio. Let's just say my pink tutu collection is now one piece richer ā€“ a stunning ballet pink, tulle and silk, and the perfect colour for Prague!

Tuesday: Shopping Extravaganza

My quest for Pragueā€™s hidden treasures continued! With a newfound energy fuelled by a good day's worth of twirls, it was time for a spot of shopping in the heart of Prague! I couldn't resist a stop at the iconic department store, Kotva, for a browse. Honestly, this building is a dream! Imagine a cathedral dedicated to beautiful fabrics, perfumes, shoes, and accessories! It's heaven for a fashion-conscious girl like me.

A vintage tutu caught my eye in a little antique store on a backstreet. A bit battered, certainly, but the silk is as soft as a cloud and the blush pink is truly captivating. This piece is begging for a complete revamp, and I'm planning on dedicating a whole blog post to its re-birthing in my future "Tutu Transformation" section.

In the afternoon, a glass of Prague's local, honey-sweet beer on a bustling cobbled street seemed like the perfect way to end the day ā€“ well, that is, until a sudden burst of accordion music began to play nearby, inviting me and other passers-by to spontaneously twirl into a charming, makeshift dance party! Who could resist the urge to pirouette to a lively tune in the golden sunshine?

Wednesday: The Grand Premiere of "Swan Lake" at the National Theatre

And now, for the big event ā€“ tonight, I will be seeing the masterpiece of ballets, the Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky at Pragueā€™s beautiful, opulent National Theatre!

As a ballet fanatic, Iā€™m already brimming with excitement. And to make it even more special, tonight, I will be donning my most flamboyant, tutu ensemble, sparkling with the energy of a thousand swan wings, and dancing through the grand halls of the theatre.

You can follow me on social media tonight at @pinktutu, if you dare. Maybe youā€™ll catch me twirling, maybe you wonā€™tā€¦ but one thingā€™s for sure, my pink tutu and I are ready to dance with the swans of Prague.

But alas, darlings, this is just a little taste of what awaits you in this truly magnificent city. More tales of ballet, history, pink tutus, and adventures are just around the corner ā€“ check back here next week!

Until then, letā€™s dance,

Emma www.pink-tutu.com

Donā€™t forget, you can also follow me on:

Instagram: @pinktutu Twitter: @pinktutu Facebook: www.facebook.com/pink-tutu-123456

P.S. Don't forget to wear your tutu at your next ballet show. Or on the streets! A bit of twirling and pink always brightens up the day, right?

P.P.S. I'd love to hear your experiences, so donā€™t forget to share them in the comments! What was your first ballet show like? Whereā€™s your favourite place to shop for a special occasion outfit? What is your favourite dance style?

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1997-05-21