Ballet Pink Tutu Prague PinkTutu.Com

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1997-12-17

Prague in Pink: Tutu Tales from the City of a Hundred Spires

Post #138

Hello my darling tutus! It's Wednesday, and that means another week, another blog post from yours truly, Emma, in the whimsical world of pink and twirls! Today, we're whisked away to the enchanting city of Prague, a city that feels like a fairytale come to life. This week's adventure, however, involves no mythical creatures or dragons (unless you count the magical, tutu-clad beings in the audience, ha!), just a whole lot of enchanting ballet.

Now, I don't want to start this blog post without a proper outfit reveal, darling! You know me, always a fan of striking a sartorial chord, and today's look is pure Prague fairytale. A flowing pink tulle skirt with shimmering sequin accents - I'm practically channeling a bohemian ballerina, darling! It paired beautifully with a cream-coloured silk blouse and my trusty pink satin ballet flats (of course, in case a impromptu twirl presents itself!). I finished the look with a delicate gold necklace, a reminder of the dazzling spires that crown this magnificent city.

But let's dive into the magic, shall we? Prague, oh Prague, your beauty is beyond compare. Each cobblestone street, each ancient bridge, whispers stories of a rich past. Today, however, I'm here to delve into another kind of magic – the magic of ballet, of course! You see, I found myself in a beautifully decorated theatre with a grand chandelier twinkling overhead, a symphony of notes filling the air. The stage, a canvas waiting to be filled with dreams, held the promise of an unforgettable evening.

Speaking of promises, did you know that Prague boasts a fascinating ballet history? It stretches back centuries, its roots intertwined with the stories of the Habsburgs and the Czech National Theatre. They say ballet arrived here during the Baroque period – just picture it, swirling gowns and graceful leaps amidst the splendour of that era! Now, imagine my excitement at getting to experience that very same energy, a tiny slice of history in the heart of Prague.

My journey started early today, boarding a train from Derbyshire, my hometown. You know, nothing beats a good train journey – the gentle clickety-clack of the wheels, the sweeping landscapes unfolding outside the window. I was nestled comfortably in a corner seat, my pink tutu practically floating alongside me, imagining the choreography of the night to come. It was on the train, surrounded by the charm of a typical English countryside passing by, that the initial seed for this post began to sprout. I started noting down all my musings on Prague, the ballet, and everything in between. I even jotted down ideas for my next ballet piece, inspired by the beauty of the rolling green hills I saw passing by. (Of course, in my rendition, the ballerinas would be wearing the most exquisite pink tutus – just you wait!)

Once in Prague, my senses were on overdrive! The city buzzed with activity, but also felt serene in a way, an intoxicating mix of historical grandeur and bustling modern life. After exploring some charming cafes and, naturally, grabbing a fabulous afternoon tea with scones and jam (just picture a scene from a vintage movie with me in a pink tutu sipping my Earl Grey!) I made my way to the theatre.

Tonight's show was a feast for the eyes and ears! A mix of classical ballet and modern interpretation, it had a beautiful, ethereal quality, telling a story of love, loss, and hope. The dancers, oh my, were divine! Their movements were so precise and captivating. And did I mention the costumes? They were magnificent! Imagine a tapestry of pinks and golds, a swirling dance of colour on the stage. It's a little like what I aspire to achieve with my own style. (Don't worry, I won't spoil the performance details. Just remember to head to your local ballet theatre – trust me, it'll inspire a fabulous outfit change and maybe even a twirl or two!)

The evening wasn’t just about the ballet, my dears. Afterwards, I found myself wandering the cobblestone streets, lost in the romance of this historic city. I sipped a glass of Czech wine (the ruby colour looked so fabulous next to my pink tutu!) in a small courtyard café, admiring the enchanting skyline bathed in a soft golden glow. I’ll admit, it was pretty dreamy, perfect for sparking inspiration and allowing my inner ballerina to flit freely!

This trip wasn’t only about ballet, darling, I’m a fan of the performing arts, and Prague certainly delivered! We found an extraordinary cabaret theatre tucked away on a street lined with shops showcasing everything from bohemian accessories to exquisite crystalware. We were enchanted by a captivating mix of music, drama, and burlesque. Imagine a whimsical blend of vintage fashion, jazzy tunes and witty storytelling. Let’s just say I definitely added a feather boa and a glitzy top hat to my wardrobe wish list – perfect for future performance looks, don’t you think?

And what is a trip to Prague without a delightful shopping experience? We spent a whole afternoon in the heart of the Old Town, admiring the architecture and indulging in the thrill of discovery. Oh my, the stalls and boutiques were filled with enchanting treasures – hand-painted ceramics, delicate lace shawls, beautifully bound books. It was hard not to buy it all! And I can’t forget the local boutiques bursting with colour and whimsical clothing, the kind that calls out to my inner ballerina and inspires the ultimate tutu pairing!

Every corner in Prague held something magical - charming cafes with hidden gardens, antique shops overflowing with vintage treasures, street artists breathing life into the cobblestone streets. My pink tutu flowed in the breeze as I explored this enchanting city. In fact, I must admit that it felt as if the city itself was wearing a pink tutu – a dreamy cloud of delicate fabric fluttering amidst the ancient buildings, bringing a playful touch of colour to its fairytale beauty.

Now, if there's one thing that embodies the magic of Prague, it’s the magnificent Charles Bridge, its silhouette dominating the skyline like a vision out of time. Imagine, darling, a romantic stroll across this iconic landmark. The ancient statues, the views of the enchanting Old Town, the sounds of the city mingling with the whispers of history. It’s an unforgettable experience! And naturally, the bridge felt like the perfect backdrop for my "pink tutu moment" – I stood there for a while, just soaking it all in, feeling the city’s spirit swirl around me, with my pink tutu floating in the breeze. The image is now forever etched in my memory – the perfect image of "Prague in Pink".

And what would a blog post be without some reflections on the future, wouldn’t you agree? Well, darling, I am truly excited about what the coming weeks hold – it’s not all tutus and travel, my darling, sometimes, even the most whimsical ballerina has to get back to her day job! But the truth is, the memory of Prague will stay with me, an inspiration for my upcoming performances and the ever-growing collection of tutus that adorn my wardrobe. I already have visions dancing in my head, new moves, new choreographies, new ideas! My muse seems to have found a new home amongst the spires of Prague, and that feels simply enchanting!

My dearest tutus, until next week, I bid you adieu! Remember, every day can be a new adventure, even if you are simply standing in your dressing room twirling. Just sprinkle on a generous dose of pink, add a splash of confidence and don’t be afraid to follow your dreams - even if it means twirling your way around the world! I’m certainly going to keep twirling and embracing all the whimsy that life throws my way – because in the end, isn’t it all about finding a little bit of magic in every moment?

Until next Wednesday, keep those pink tutus swirling!

With love and a twirl, Emma

P.S. You can keep up with all my adventures at, where I’ll be sharing all my exciting travels and, of course, showcasing my favourite outfits – pink tutu inspired, of course! Don’t forget to join the conversation on social media using #pinktutu!

#PinkTutuPrague Ballet in Prague 1997-12-17